Rythem & Style of Jam 39 - 有氧運動 Aerobics

By Linda
at 2006-11-04T10:47
at 2006-11-04T10:47
Table of Contents
: Heaps of choreography, funky new moves and a new style of dance are all
: packed into our latest dance-party workout.
: BODY JAM 39 is set to rock da house!
: The new class is also set to contribute to a worthwhile cause. Les Mills has
: linked the program to the global Dance4Life campaign against HIV/Aids and
: included a dedicated track from campaign embassador DJ Tiesto in the new
: release.
: Jammers hook into the new class with a disco-based Jamiroquai track, with
: easy travel patterns to get them in the groove. Check out the wrap and roll
: before getting into the isolations with The Pussycat Dolls.
第一首暖身應該是Pussycat Dolls的Buttons嗎?
: Next stop is India as BODYJAM goes back to Bollywood for a whole new style
: of dance. The pace is fast and furious but th emoves are easy to handle as
: the block builds to a super-cool performance phase.
: Music from Panjabi MC and Snap adds spice to the distinctive eastern flavour.
: Shakira and Cheyanne are back in the house for a new Latin block with heaps
: of choreography and a fast track to the first cardio peak.
1. Panjabi MC
2. Snap
3. Shakira
4. Chayanne
: Then it's time to bring the heart rate down - but not too far -
: with the super-new sound of Deja Vu from Beyonce.
舒緩歌曲: Deja Vu--Beyounce
: The Dance4Life cardio block starts with a cool arm combo that everyone can
: get, with a funky turn added on. Then we go to some hot chart toppers with
: Justin, Rhianna and Fergie to prove again that BODYJAM stays up to the minute
: with the latest sounds. Tiestos Dance for Life track brings on a huge,
: bust-out performance finale before we revisit the disco sound in the warm up
: for the grooviest of groovedowns.
1. arm combo
2. Justin:哈哈,會不會是Sexyback捏...
3. Rhihanna:看來會是SOS啦
4. Fergie:無庸置疑,應該是London Bridge啦
看樣子Jam已經跟啥米Dance4Life合流了啦... >"<
不過Jam 39的音樂精彩可期,相信過兩三週就會上的到!
All Comments

By Kelly
at 2006-11-08T13:42
at 2006-11-08T13:42
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