Wang Presents Risks Beyond Injury - 棒球

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2010-03-26T17:11

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Chien-Ming Wang Presents Risks Beyond Injury

by Joe Pawlikowski - February 16, 2010

For two years, Chien-Ming Wang looked like a top of the rotation starter.
He didn’t blow away hitters, but instead fed them sinker after sinker,
forcing them to hit the ball on the ground. Keeping the ball out of the air
meant keeping the ball in the park, leaving Wang with the best HR/9 rate in
the AL for both 2006 and 2007. This, combined with a low walk rate, kept his
FIP under 4.00, despite the poor strikeout rate.

Wang then opened the 2008 season in grand fashion, allowing just 19 runs,
including one home run, and walking 19 in 59 innings. Making matters worse
for opposing batters, he also started striking out more hitters, 38 in those
59 innings. It appeared he was taking another step forward. But then
something changed.

On May 18 Wang gave up seven runs in seven innings to the Mets. He followed
that by allowing five or more runs in his next three appearances. Those
unconvinced that Wang’s true ability matched his early season performance
might have called it a statistical correction, but there seemed to be more
at play. In 2006 and 2007, and even earlier in 2008, Wang released his
pitches from a three-quarters arm slot. Beginning with his May 18 start,
that release point move upward, as shown in the following three graphs.

Those graphs, as you can see, also contain 2009 data, which we’ll get to
in a moment. The higher arm angle didn’t seem to work for Wang, though we
didn’t get a large enough sample to make any real determination. On June 15,
during an interleague game in Houston, Wang fractured his lisfranc, ending
his season.

Wang appeared ready to return in 2009, and looked fine in spring training.
His first three starts, however, went as poorly as possible, as he allowed
23 runs over just 6 IP. The Yankees placed him on the disabled list with
what they termed “hip weakness,” but the move was really to buy them time
to figure out what was wrong. He returned on May 22, but continued to
struggle. His season eventually ended on the Fourth of July, as he dueled
with Roy Halladay in the Bronx. Later that month we learned he would need
surgery to repair a torn ligament in his shoulder capsule.

Back to the above graphs, it’s clear that Wang released his sinker from an
even further over the top arm slot in 2009. This caused many of his pitches
to fall flat. So flat, in fact, that PitchFx categorized many of them as
two-seam fastballs. Wang had thrown just under 5 percent two-seamers in
2008 — which could also have really been flat sinkers — and that number
jumped to 22.9 percent in 2009. His fastball took a somewhat corresponding
hit, as he threw it 73.6 percent of the time in 2008 and only 56.8 percent
in 2009.

We learned earlier today that the Nationals will announce that they’ve
signed Wang at a press conference on Friday. While his recovery from shoulder
surgery remains the foremost concern, the Nationals also have to work to get
his release point back to where it was in 2006, 2007, and early 2008. It
seems that’s a big part of his sinker’s success. Without that bread and
butter pitch Wang has a much lesser chance of recovery to his previous form.

A big thanks to my buddy Jay Gargiulo and my friend and colleague Mike Axisa
for putting together much of this data. The three of us are going to miss
having Wang in the Yankees’ rotation.

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2010-03-29T14:54
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-03-29T23:02
這篇可以轉baseball 嗎?

手痠無礙 王建民照常投入訓練

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2010-03-26T13:11
有影片,一樣只有念稿加訓練畫面 手痠無礙 王建民照常投入訓練 25日手臂有點痠的王建民,26日不舒服的情況已經大幅改善,他照常進行傳接球, 也參加各種例行性的訓練,王建民表示,27日傳接球結束後,如果手臂感覺一切正常, 就會進牛棚練投,為免操之過急,投球數將維持在45球。 前一天手臂有點痠,王建民用實際 ...

手痠拉警報 建仔強調︰我真的沒事

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2010-03-26T08:11
〔特派記者鄭又嘉/美國佛州墨爾本市報導〕 2010.03.26自由時報 以前遇到手痠,建仔會想著「撐下去」,但現在的建仔已經懂得保護自己,昨天練球時遇 到手痠的狀況立即反映,防護員與投手教練商議後決定取消牛棚練投一次,但下次會恢復 正常。 肌力不足造成 防護員說正常 建仔 ...

建仔手痠 中職經驗談╱肌肉疲勞 急不得

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2010-03-26T08:10
(熊隊投手教練廖剛池口述,記者徐正揚整理) 他一定要按部就班來,急不得! 經過3到4次牛棚,球數、力道可以逐漸增加,對一個肩膀開過刀的投手,當然是好消息, 之前沒聽他說手不舒服,我就有點擔心,以他的個性,只會愈練愈勤,算算時間,肌肉差 不多該「撞牆」了。 球迷不要誤會,以我的經驗,這並不意外,只是肌肉疲 ...

痠痛危機 肩肘無礙 王郭虛驚

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2010-03-26T07:24
【俞聖律╱綜合報導】 王建民、郭泓志,一右一左的「台灣之光」巨投,不約而同出現「傷痛危機」,幸好都無 大礙。建仔原本昨天進行例行牛棚練投,傳接球熱身後肩膀有些痠痛,主動向防護員提出 暫停1次牛棚練投。日前手肘痠痛的郭泓志, 2天前經核磁共振檢查,再休息2天,昨天簡 單傳接球,手肘都無異狀。 昨天是建仔原 ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2010-03-26T00:00