馬丁是個全明星,Marbury不是 - 布魯克林籃網 Brooklyn Nets

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2004-02-05T09:46

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※ 引述《jiaherwu (smallriver)》之銘言:
: http://www.nj.com/nets/ledger/index.ssf?/base/sports-1/1075878749274710.xml
: Nets: Martin's a star; Marbury isn't
: 馬丁成為全明星,馬布理卻沒有
: After stuttering his way through grammar school,
: being ignored by college recruiters in high school and
: having the offensive side of his game continually questioned in college and
: the early parts of his pro career, Kenyon Martin made his first All-Star team
: as a reserve yesterday.
: 在歷經了初中時講話結結巴巴(馬丁曾經有過言語障礙),在高中時代又被大學球探所忽視
: ,在大學與職業生涯初期又因為攻擊籃框的能力被人所疑問,K-MART終於在昨天以替補的
: 身分入選了第一次的全明星。
: And, no, it's probably not going to remove the tree-sized chip from his
: shoulder. That's just part of what makes Martin who he is.
: But for a guy who has battled his way through all that,
: plus a couple of broken legs, being able to represent the Eastern Conference
: at the All-Star Game in Los Angeles on Feb. 15 will be sweet vindication.
: 然而,這或許仍改變不了K-MART好勇鬥狠的個性。這種個性已成了K-MART的一部份。
: 但對於過去的不受重視,再加上一雙曾摔斷的雙腿,能在2004/2/15於LA的全明星賽
: 代表東區明星隊出賽將證明了當初NETS以第1順位選擇K-MART是一個正確的選擇。
: "It's a great thing," said Martin, the Nets' leading scorer.
: "I'm excited, obviously. It's something we all wanted and
: have been waiting for."
: 目前暫居籃網得分王的馬丁說,這當然是一件很棒的事情。我當然很興奮。這是我們等待
: 已久的事情。
: Across the river, guard Stephon Marbury,
: who has led the Knicks' resurgence since his trade from the Phoenix Suns,
: shrugged off his snub.
: 在河(River Hunson)的對岸,自從被太陽交易至尼克後就帶領尼克中興的後衛Marbury則
: 對本身的被冷落不以為意。
: "Hey, that's what they felt like was supposed to be,"
: Marbury said before last night's game against the Indiana Pacers at
: Madison Square Garden. "All I can do is go out and play,
: and I've been doing that, so it wasn't meant for me.
: I felt like I was supposed to be on the team, but things you can't control,
: you can't get mad over. If it rains outside, I can't get mad over the rain.
: So I just let it be."
: 在主場迎戰溜馬隊之前,Marbury說:嘿,這只是那些東區教練所認為的事情。我所能做
: 的就是上場打球,而且我已竭盡所能的打球,所以不能入選全明星對我而言一點意義也沒
: 有。雖然我覺得我應該入選全明星隊,但有些事情是你無法控制的,你不需對那些事情抓
: 狂。如果外面下雨的話,我不會對此抓狂的。我會順其自然的。
: Marbury will attend All-Star weekend to participate in the NBA's Sports Skills
: Challenge, which was won by Nets guard Jason Kidd last year.
: Marbury將參加全明星周末的"nba運球技巧比賽",去年由kidd隊長贏得這項比賽。
: Pacers coach Rick Carlisle, who will coach the Eastern Conference All-Stars,
: thought Marbury was hurt by his move from the Western Conference to
: Eastern Conference.
: 뜊: 溜馬的教練Carlisle,做為東區全明星隊的教練,認為從西區被交易到東區在某種程度
: 上傷害了Marbury。젊: (待續)
"A guy like Marbury, because of the trade and he's only been in the conference
for two weeks, that's why he doesn't make it," Carlisle said.
"But he's an All-Star."


The Eastern Conference coaches voted Kidd to his seventh All-Star team
(third as a Net), marking the second time two Nets have been named to the NBA
All-Star team in the same year. Derrick Coleman and Kenny Anderson were honored
in 1994.

Derrick Coleman(現於七六人)與Kenny Anderson(現於溜馬)同時入選全明星隊。

No team had more than two All-Stars, making the Nets' roster as star-studded
as any in the league. And while Kidd's selection was a foregone conclusion,
the Nets were sweating out Martin's fate -- especially after last year's


In the end, Martin's averages (17.5 points and 9.7 rebounds) and his reputation
as one of the league's premier on-ball defenders were enough to put him over
the top. The recognition from coaches was nice for Martin, but what made it
most satisfying was recognizing the hard road he had taken to get there.


"Just knowing where I've come from, being injured my rookie year,
winning 26 games, and then, three years later, I'm here," Martin said.
"I didn't even dream about being in the NBA until my junior year of college,
really. But once I got here, I learned hard work pays off.
So I just kept working. A lot of guys play their whole careers without making
an All-Star team, so to do it in four years is great."


Martin, who returned to New Jersey from New Orleans in the small hours of
yesterday morning, received the news at 1 p.m. yesterday,
not long after he woke up. He called his mother and sister in Dallas,
and was planning to call his college coach, Bob Huggins.

從在昨天午夜才從紐奧蘭回到紐澤西的馬丁在昨天下午1點,醒來沒多久後,得知此消息ꄊ。他打電話給在達拉斯的母親與姐妹並且打算打電話給他的大學教練,Bob Huggins。

"I just wish my son (Kenyon Jr.) was old enough to understand," Martin said.
"But someday he'll be able to say, 'My Dad's an NBA All-Star.'"


Tags: NBA

All Comments

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2004-02-09T21:43


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2004-01-29T17:08
http://www.nj.com/nets/ledger/index.ssf?/base/sports-1/1075273124266690.xml 前面幾個段落當然免不了scott要稱讚一下frank,說自己被火了以後的心情, 不過scott提及到接受訪問之前,他都沒有接到nets球員打電話給他,當然,他 ...

Scott makes call: Frank will be fine

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2004-01-29T16:41
http://www.nj.com/nets/ledger/index.ssf?/base/sports-1/1075273124266690.xml Nets: Scott makes call: Frank will be fine PHILADELPHIA -- One of Byron Scottan ...

至於 John Carroll

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2004-01-29T03:28
馬的,波士頓歷任教頭有哪個這麼乏善可陳到完全不值得一寫的地步? 真是世風日下........... 我不想管了,Carroll 帶隊打得出來的話,就真的是奇蹟,綠色小精 靈的奇蹟。 - ...

Re: 籃網代理教頭真可愛

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2004-01-29T03:05
籃網球迷希望他是下一個范甘地,雖然走掉的那個教練顯然與 Riley 有段差距。我不知道。 看了這些報導故事後,我祝福 Frank 能獲得 成功,但心下更希望他後來終究會被什麼知名教練給擠了出去,然後 把他找來波士頓當教練兼任吉祥物。 籃網這支球隊在教頭的位置上有一個困難,抱歉我又要拿朱教授的論 文來對照一下 ...

Re: 籃網代理教頭真可愛

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2004-01-29T02:02
※ 引述《Lyotard (非人)》之銘言: : 高中畢業後,他選擇就讀當年仍由火爆教頭 Knight 執掌男籃隊的印 : 大,就是為了去印大擔任四年的球隊經理。Frank 跟著這位恩師學了 : 不少東西,也讓心思敏捷的他成為一個在工作上積極幹練、守紀務實 : 的助教幼苗。 ESPN 報導這段過程,其實蠻令 ...