Scott makes call: Frank will be fine - 布魯克林籃網 Brooklyn Nets

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2004-01-29T16:41

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Nets: Scott makes call: Frank will be fine
PHILADELPHIA -- One of Byron Scott's first actions as the Nets' former coach
was to phone the Nets' new coach. Scott placed his call to interim coach
Lawrence Frank not long after learning Frank had replaced him Monday.

"I called him just to wish him good luck," Scott said yesterday.
"I'm behind him 110 percent. He's a terrific person.
He's honest, straightforward, a hard worker. I hope he does real well there."

What's more, Scott has no doubt he will.

"I wouldn't have brought him aboard on my staff in the first place
if I didn't think he could be a head coach someday," Scott said.
"Being able to get your assistants head-coaching jobs is a sign of success
in this league."

Scott had taken the Nets to two NBA Finals, coached them through the most
successful days in their history, won a franchise-best 149 games,
and it still wasn't enough.

"I understand why Rod did what he did," Scott said.
"He felt the team needed to hear a new voice, and I respect that."

Still, Scott admitted it came as "something of a surprise"
when Thorn fired him over a breakfast meeting at the Rutherford Renaissance.

"When Rod said he had a few things he'd like to discuss with me,
that was the last thing on my mind," Thorn said.(這裡有誤,應該是scott說的)
"But when I was in the car driving there, it certainly crossed my mind."

Then, when Scott saw the troubled look on Thorn's face,
he knew what was coming.
"I could tell it was hard for him," Scott said.
Scott went home after getting the news,
and soon began receiving calls from friends and family members who were hearing
reports of his dismissal.

Scott did not have a chance to address the team he had coached for 3 1/2 seasons.
He said he did not receive phone calls from any of his former players,
nor did he expect to. Scott said he still wasn't sure if he had been
undermined by guard Jason Kidd.

"If I could be a fly on the wall for some of the meetings that supposedly
happened, I could give you a much better answer," Scott said.
"But for now, I just don't know."

Every player got a one-on-one meeting with Frank late Monday night
after the team arrived in Philadelphia. Frank wanted to define each player's
role and talk with each player about individual improvements.

"It's nice that, after just one day on the job,
Coach Frank already had a talk with me about what my role is,"
Brian Scalabrine said. "It's just communication, that's it.
I'm not saying that's right or wrong. It's just nice to know what to expect."

One player who will benefit from a new regime? Rookie Zoran Planinic.
Robert Pack has been cut, and Frank says he's going to give Planinic
a shot at more playing time.

"This my new beginning," Planinic said.
"I was in the doghouse and now hopefully I'll be able to get out."

It didn't take long for Jim O'Brien, who resigned from the Celtics' head
coaching job yesterday because of differences with GM Danny Ainge,
to get his first job offer:

"If Jim O'Brien wants to come down here,
Jim O'Brien is a heck of a coach," Frank said.
"He'd be a great addition anywhere."

Tags: NBA

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至於 John Carroll

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2004-01-29T03:28
馬的,波士頓歷任教頭有哪個這麼乏善可陳到完全不值得一寫的地步? 真是世風日下........... 我不想管了,Carroll 帶隊打得出來的話,就真的是奇蹟,綠色小精 靈的奇蹟。 - ...

Re: 籃網代理教頭真可愛

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2004-01-29T03:05
籃網球迷希望他是下一個范甘地,雖然走掉的那個教練顯然與 Riley 有段差距。我不知道。 看了這些報導故事後,我祝福 Frank 能獲得 成功,但心下更希望他後來終究會被什麼知名教練給擠了出去,然後 把他找來波士頓當教練兼任吉祥物。 籃網這支球隊在教頭的位置上有一個困難,抱歉我又要拿朱教授的論 文來對照一下 ...

Re: 籃網代理教頭真可愛

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2004-01-29T02:02
※ 引述《Lyotard (非人)》之銘言: : 高中畢業後,他選擇就讀當年仍由火爆教頭 Knight 執掌男籃隊的印 : 大,就是為了去印大擔任四年的球隊經理。Frank 跟著這位恩師學了 : 不少東西,也讓心思敏捷的他成為一個在工作上積極幹練、守紀務實 : 的助教幼苗。 ESPN 報導這段過程,其實蠻令 ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2004-01-29T01:04
呃,我沒有戀童癖,只是覺得這位五呎八吋、年僅33歲的代理教練: Lawrence Frank,頗能讓我產生認同感的。 看看他的成長過程:小時候就把 Rick Pitino 當偶像, 立志想要成 為教練。(大概是在看球的時候)喜歡坐在那邊研究每個戰術,嘮嘮 叨叨地說個不休,弄得他的兄弟都很抓狂。不過他雖然熱愛 ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2004-01-28T13:07
交易薪資對等的限制內容是否為: 交易的各方收進球員的薪資總合不得超過送出球員薪資總合的115% 而且未簽約的選秀權以及現金不得計入交易球員薪資總合的計算? 也就是說,應該不至於發生球隊送出球員只收進現金或是選秀權才對 然而Orl季中與Phi的交 ...