Re: 籃網代理教頭真可愛 - NBA

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2004-01-29T02:02

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※ 引述《Lyotard (非人)》之銘言:
: 高中畢業後,他選擇就讀當年仍由火爆教頭 Knight 執掌男籃隊的印
: 大,就是為了去印大擔任四年的球隊經理。Frank 跟著這位恩師學了
: 不少東西,也讓心思敏捷的他成為一個在工作上積極幹練、守紀務實
: 的助教幼苗。

ESPN 報導這段過程,其實蠻令人心酸的:

After four years as an Indiana University student manager, suffering
the endless indignities that must have come with those duties, Frank
made an appointment with the coach's secretary to probe him on coaching
basketball beyond his graduation in 1992. He came to the office and
waited, but Knight had no time for him. Come back tomorrow morning,
he was told. And he did. And he waited. Nothing. Same time, tomorrow.
Again. Knight had no time for him. And again. And again. For two weeks,
this happened. For two weeks, Lawrence Frank waited on Bob Knight,
the way he had done for four years by his side.

在 1992 年畢業前夕,Frank 與 Knight 的秘書敲了拜會的時間,希
望 Knight 能指點一下在畢業後如何走向教練生涯的迷津。他到了辦
公室並且耐心等候,但 Knight 始終騰不出時間見他,於是要他明早
練始終沒有見他的時間。 Knight 就這樣讓他在旁邊等了兩個星期,
就像這四年來 Frank 始終在教練身邊等候著那樣。

Finally one day, the secretary sent him into the coach's office.


What can I do for you?" Knight asked him.

「我能為你作什麼?」Knight 問他。

Frank wanted advice. What was his next step? What did he need
to do to get into coaching?

"Just slow down," Knight told him. "You have a while before you
become the next hot John Wooden."

Frank 想要一些建議,希望知道自己若要成為教練,下一步該作什麼?

「把步調放慢下來吧,」 Knight 告訴他:「距離你成為下一個伍登


這一路上,有一堆人告訴 Frank「你辦不到」,但他就是這麼一步步

Then he finished by telling the players a story. A reporter
had asked Frank how he, a guy who had never played the game
at any level, thought he would be able to connect with the
best basketball players in the world. One Nets player
remembered what Frank said from there as follows:

"I didn't give him a very good answer. But then I thought
about it after I walked away. And what I realized is:
Everyone on this team, at one point in their lives, had
someone say, 'You can't do this.'"

Frank went around the locker room and pointed out various
examples: Kenyon Martin, the stuttering kid who got teased
by his classmates; Brian Scalabrine, the guy from the sticks
of Washington state; Tamar Slay, who was ignored by all the
major basketball programs in college; Jason Kidd, who s
upposedly couldn't shoot well enough to be an NBA All-Star.

Lawrence Frank? He was just a short, nerdy kid with absolutely
no natural athletic talent who until Monday had been one of
Byron Scott's assistant coaches. But he was a lot like them,
he said, because he overcame people telling him he couldn't
coach the best players in the world. And he did it the same
way they did: with hard work, dedication and a belief that
never wavered.

It was that belief, that dedication and that kind of work
ethic the Nets have to take into every game.

Tags: NBA

All Comments

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2004-01-30T02:37
一樣借轉籃網板 <(_ _)>
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2004-02-03T23:43
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2004-02-06T01:40
請轉 :) (呃我以前說過拜文則砍唷 :) )


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2004-01-21T08:22
: 關於 Mike Fratello,是朱先生與紐約記者多心了。去年他和黃蜂的 教練合約也沒談攏,基本上,這幾年來都是這樣,他開的價碼一向偏 高,你常常聽得到他 ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2004-01-18T10:01
在看play-by-play的時候 常常看到and#34;Fade Awayand#34; 請問這是什麼意思呢? 還有怎樣的上籃才叫做and#34;Reverse layupand#34;呀? 有人可以替小弟解答一下嗎? 感恩~ - ...

Quote of Thomas

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2004-01-15T04:27
在交易之前微笑老湯對 Dice 的評論: and#34;We need him, heand#39;s a big part of what weand#39;re doing.and#34; -- 事後看來,當中的雙關實在超有一套... XD - ...

Re: Isiah Thomas 在尼克

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2004-01-11T23:34
※ 引述《stcheng (新手上路,小白退散)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Lyotard (非人)》之銘言: : 我的確沒有意思要指雙方是and#34;純粹賭一把and#34;,但為了解決薪資結構的問題,而把運作良好的 : 三馬拆掉.我認為是有其風險在.養不起來的新人.應該不少.不過Suns養似乎不錯(?有請 ...

Re: Isiah Thomas 在尼克

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2004-01-11T11:51
※ 引述《Lyotard (非人)》之銘言: : 其實 Marbury 今年在太陽的防守表現也還是相當不錯的, Penny 也 : 有認真在做各種小事。相較之下,Norris 的防守就...不過,反正控 : 球後衛防守事小。 : 擁擠的後場使得這個可憐的傢伙正在被拍賣: : 30 Frank Williams ...