誰會是2011澳網女單冠軍? - 澳網 Tennis

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2010-12-23T19:22

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澳洲的Channel Seven請各路人馬預測誰會是澳網女單冠軍

Johanna Griggs: When it comes to 2011 winners, on the women’s side of the
draw, Johanna sees the usual suspects going deep into the second week,
including Venus Williams, Kim Clisters, Dinara Safina, Svetlana Kuznetsova,
Caroline Wozniacki and Sam Stosur. “In fact I’d love to see Sam Stosur
break through for her first Australian Open win as she is just such a lovely
lady and it would be fabulous for her to win at home.”

這位Johanna Griggs是澳洲前游泳選手 現在是電視台的記者 她的預測是大威 Kim
莎妹(Are you SURE?) 庫娃跟Sam 不過她希望Sam可以贏

Matt White: Matthew usually finds it impossible to look past the Williams
sisters, but with Serena out with injury the draw may open up a little. “
Being the first Grand Slam of the year, it's always wise to look at the top
of the rankings. Caroline Wozniaki and Kim Clijsters will go deep into the
second week, but I have a feeling 2011 may be Sam Stosur's year. Sam is due
to win a major soon - and the Australian Open is the perfect fit.”

Wiki上面有好幾個澳洲名人叫Matt White我不知道這是哪一個orz (我猜是體育記者)
他的預測是Wozniaki跟Kim 不過他覺得2011年將會是屬於Sam的一年 他覺得Sam很快就可以
拿到一座大滿貫冠軍 而且希望是在澳洲

Sandy Roberts: “... in the women’s tournament, Kim Clijsters will beat Sam
Stosur in three, now there’s a ratings winner.”

這位也是澳洲電視台的體育記者 她預測Kim會以三盤打敗Sam 因為這會帶來高收視率XD

Henri Leconte: “Everybody has a chance to win the open at the moment. Kim
Clijsters really has the potential and the power to win. What she did winning
back to back US Opens is a great effort (like Pat Rafter my friend) and the
Masters in Doha. We have also Wozniacki who has a great potential to do it
there too. “I am also a great fan of Samantha Stosur I really love the way
she is playing. If she can go one more step to win Grand Chelem. She made a
finale already in Paris, why not in Melbourne at home. Come on Australia”

這位大家或許有聽過 前法國網球選手 他跟Sam有一樣的痛苦經驗...在法網決賽輸球
他的預測是Kim跟Wozniack 不過他個人相當喜歡Sam所以希望她能贏

Todd Woodbridge: On the women’s side, Todd says Kim Clijsters is far and
away the best women's player in the world, with her power and movement always
being her strength. “Since returning to the game after motherhood and the
loss of her father to cancer, she has matured and the confidence in her own
ability is unstoppable. It is the first time at the AO that we can really say
that Sam Stosur is a contender, when she is on she can beat anyone in the
world and what a party if she could make the breakthrough at home.”

澳洲傳奇雙打選手 他的預測也是Kim 不過他覺得Sam有奪冠的能力

Roger Rasheed: “The women’s is interesting because normally I would say
Serena because she’s been so dominant. Now I’d have to go with Kim
Clijsters as my number one choice, but if Sam Stosur can get herself into the
second weekend and get the Aussie crowd behind her on Rod Laver Arena she’d
be my second pick.”

澳洲前網球選手 現在是網球評論員 他的首選是Kim 第二人選是Sam

Nicole Bradtke: “I can see Kim Clijsters meeting our own Sam Stosur in the
women’s final. Sam will be well prepared, having played lead-up tournaments
in Brisbane and Sydney, while many of the other women will be playing in Hong
Kong and may be under prepared and find it difficult to adjust to our weather.

Nicole Bradtke是已退休的澳洲前職業網球選手 她覺得最後進決賽的會是Kim跟Sam 因為
她覺得Sam可以比其他人有更好的準備 並且更適應當地的氣候

Kerryn Pratt: “I’m going with Kim Clijsters, who has the experience and the
confidence to win, with Stosur my other favourite, as she’s ready to take
the next step in her journey to the top of the game. The conditions should
suit her perfectly, but the main danger is the weight of expectation at her
home slam. I also like Henin, Ivanovic and Azarenka to be around at finals

運動賽事播報員 他預測Kim Sam是他的第二選擇 他覺得Sam的狀況很好 不過她的最大問題
是她有沒有辦法應付來自國人強大的壓力 另外他還預測海寧 Ana跟Azarenka

Allan Stone: Looking at the women’s side of the draw, Allan is hoping the
home-grown girl can put on a top performance for the Australian crowd. “
Clijsters, Stosur and Wozniacki will all be in the mix to win the women’s
title, but it will be Stosur to win. She’s still improving and much more
consistent, she’ll benefit from better preparation here in Australia leading
up to the Open and will get huge crowd support.”

澳洲前網球選手 他的預測是Kim Sam跟Wozniacki 不過他覺得Sam會贏 因為Sam可以比別
人更早適應氣候 場地 而且她還有來自家鄉同胞的大力支持

Alicia Molik: “I think The Fed will win the mens’. Sam Stosur is capable
and has the game to hold the womens’ trophy. Only fit players win the
Australian Open particularly during our testing summer, and there are no two
better examples.”

這位不用介紹 她預測男子冠軍是費德勒 女子她挺自家同胞Sam 原因是氣候適應上的優勢

Sam Smith: Sam backs fellow Brit Andy Murray, believing that if he can play
as well as last year, he's ready to win a Slam. While on the women’s side
Sam says Stosur, Wozniacki and Zvonareva will all be in the mix, but picks
Clijsters as the winner if she’s fit and healthy.

跟Sam同名的前英國女網選手 現在是網球評論員 她預測男子冠軍是同胞小Andy 女子她預
測Sam Wozniacki跟Z娃是可能的人選 不過她覺得Kim會拿冠軍

Rennae Stubbs: “I have to put Kim Clijsters at the top of the list. With no
Serena in the draw, Kim is the favorite. She will have crowd support and
after last year, she will be looking to redeem herself. As for fan support,
Sam Stosur is very dangerous too and I believe if the court is a little
slower, Sam is a true chance. Look for Wozniaki too. She will be hungry after
2010 for her first slam and the Australian Open might be the one.”

這位也不用介紹了:P 她的第一人選也是Kim 她覺得Sam也有機會 不過她認為Sam在快速球
場的表現可能還不行 她的另外一個人選是Wozniaki

好像大多數都覺得Sam有機會 但最後還是Kim會贏...orz

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2010-12-25T16:36
我喜歡喬安娜記者倒數那兩句 >////<

克媽說:我仍是 " Aussie Kim "

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2010-12-21T21:05
Iand#39;m still Aussie Kim, says Clijsters EXCLUSIVE by Tyson Otto From: The Daily Telegraph / December 21, 2010 12:00AM KIM Clijsters answers the phon ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2010-12-21T20:09
這則新聞的原文應是摘譯此篇 http://tinyurl.com/3359tou 有一段沒翻出來 補充一下~ and#39;and#39;Iand#39;ve really tried to be, I guess, more aware of whatand#39;s going on and ho ...

專家:托米奇 哈里森有望成為新一代費納

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2010-12-21T17:53
專家:托米奇哈里森或綻放澳網 有望成為新一代費納 2010年12月21日15:55 新浪體育訊  文/Brett Thompson   北京時間12月21日消息,隨著新賽季的臨近,澳大利亞網球公開賽也即將拉開大幕。 納達爾已經擺正姿態,為創造年度全滿貫而努力;想要東山再起的費德勒也做足了準備, 對納達爾構 ...

精英獎最佳團隊》中華男子網球隊 拍下亞運史上首金

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2010-12-21T15:47
http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/101219/13/2j9rt.html 亞洲球王盧彥勳領軍,帶領陳迪、楊宗樺、易楚寰組成的中華男子網球隊,在廣州亞運拍 下團體金牌,入圍精英獎最佳團隊獎。  因為盧彥勳,今年廣州亞運我國男子網球隊一開始就備受注目,被列為男子 ...


David avatar
By David
at 2010-12-21T10:24
英文BBC板 Andy Murray confirms Alex Corretja as coach until June http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/tennis/9305308.stm British number one Andy Murray has confir ...