收過最棒的聖誕禮物&新年新希望 - 澳網 Tennis

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-12-23T18:22

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on the 5th day of giftmas: more from santa’s helpers
December 16, 2010 by nmccarvel TENNIS SERVED FRESH

TSF: What is one of your favorite Christmas presents from the past? Or
something you look forward to during the holidays? A present you’re hoping
for perhaps?!


Sam Stosur: “I haven’t even thought about it! Actually one of the best
presents I’ve had was a few years ago when my brother brought me a ‘swim
with the seals’ ticket for SeaWorld which was really cool.”

我沒想過耶~ 不過我收過最好的禮物之一是幾年前我兄弟送我的一張海洋世界"與海豹共
游"的票 那真的很酷!


Kim Clijsters: “What I would really love is for Jada to draw or paint
something for us, now that she’s getting old enough, and we can continue to
do that every year. Maybe we could send that out as a Christmas card. What we
’ve done in previous years is have a group photo with all the family and our
5 dogs! The thing I like most at Christmas is time at home with the family.”

Francesca Schiavone: “The most important thing for me every year at
Christmas is to be there with all my family. In terms of presents, we’re not
so focused on them, because it’s more important that for this one day of the
year we can all be together. For sure I’ll be asking my parents for
something! I just don’t know yet! Usually I arrive home on the 23rd or 24th
and I think ‘what am I going to do now for presents?!’ So I go to the big
mall and at the very last moment I buy everything!”

Vera Zvonareva: “A voucher for a spa, just spend the whole day relaxing,
that would be nice! I’m not sure if it will happen this year, but I love
spending that time with my friends out in the snow with all the decorations
up and a hot chocolate in my hand.”

TSF: What are your 2011 resolutions?


SS: I was thinking about that the other night and I was considering giving up
French fries for a year…but I’m not sure I’ll be able to stick to that…
.so maybe safer not to make that my resolution! So I think mine will be to
stay healthy, fit, happy, and enjoy what I’m doing.

其實前幾個晚上我有想過這個問題 我有考慮要戒吃炸薯條一年 不過我不確定我有沒有辦
法堅持下去 所以我最好還是不要把這個當成新年願望!我的願望是保持健康 快樂 還有樂


KC: “I’m not really good with electronics, and I’ve never been great at
keeping track of my personal schedule on a computer or phone, I still use a
diary to write everything in. I always start the year so neatly and I want to
keep it like that but I usually find that by one month in I have scribbles
and crossings out everywhere and it’s all messy, so that’s going to be my
resolution – be more organized with my planning!”

FS: To be better and improve every day of my life.

VZ: To keep improving myself every day, keep fighting and keep my courage –
that’s the most important thing.


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