所有運動英文 - 運動

By Yuri
at 2013-05-22T00:00
at 2013-05-22T00:00
Table of Contents
e.g. run, skip......
e.g. run, skip......
All Comments

By Hazel
at 2013-05-25T22:23
at 2013-05-25T22:23
Archery(射箭)Individual events 個人賽Team events 團體賽
Athletics(田徑)Track 徑賽Jumping 跳躍high jump 跳高pole vault 撐杆跳高long jump 跳遠triple jump 三級跳遠Throwing 投擲shot put 推鉛球discus 擲鐵餅hammer 擲鏈球javelin 標槍Decathlon 男子十項全能Heptathlon 女子七項全能Road events 公路賽marathon 馬拉松walk 競走
Ball Games(球類運動)Badminton 羽毛球men's singles 男子單打women's singles 女子單打men's doubles 男子雙打women's doubles 女子雙打mixed doubles 混合雙打Baseball 棒球Basketball 籃球Football 足球Handball 手球Hockey / Field Hockey 曲棍球Softball 壘球Table Tennis 乒乓球Tennis 網球Volleyball 排球Beach Volleyball 沙灘排球
Cycling(自行車)Road cycling 公路自行車賽Track cycling 場地自行車賽sprint 追逐賽time trial 計時賽points race 計分賽pursuit 爭先賽Mountain bike 山地自行車賽
Equestrian(馬術)Jumping 障礙賽Dressage 盛裝舞步Eventing 三日賽
Fencing(擊劍)Foil 花劍Epee 重劍Sabre 佩劍
Gymnastics(體操)Artistic Gymnastics 競技體操Floor Exercises 自由體操Pommel Horse 鞍馬Rings 吊環Vault 跳馬Parallel Bars 雙杠Horizontal Bar 單杠Uneven Bars 高低杠Balance Beam 平衡木Rhythmic Gymnastics 藝術體操Gymnastics Trampoline 蹦床
Modern Pentathlon(現代五項)Shooting 射擊Fencing 擊劍Swimming 游泳Riding 馬術Cross-country running 越野跑
Sailing(帆船)Windsurfer men / women - Mistral one design 男子/女子帆板米氏級Single-handed Dinghy Women - Europe 女子帆船歐洲級Single-handed Dinghy men - Finn 男子帆船芬蘭人級Single-handed Dinghy open - Laser 鐳射級Double-handed Dinghy men / women - 470 男子/女子帆船470級預賽Double-handed Dinghy open - 49er 49人級Multihull open - Tornado 龍捲風級Keelboat men - Star 男子星光級Keelboat women - Yngling 女子索林級
Shooting(射擊)Trap 多向飛碟Double trap 雙多向飛碟Skeet 雙向飛碟
Triathlon(鐵人三項)Swimming 游泳Cycling 自行車Running 跑步
Weightlifting(舉重)Snatch 抓舉Clean and jerk 挺舉
Wrestling(摔跤)greco-roman 古典式摔跤free style 自由式摔跤

By Enid
at 2013-05-23T20:14
at 2013-05-23T20:14
02. 排球 volleyball
03. 棒球 baseball
04. 足球 soccer
05. 美式足球 football
06. 羽毛球 badminton
07. 桌球 table tennis
08. 網球 tennis
09. 手球 handball
10. 壘球 softball
11. 水球 water polo
12. 曲棍球 hockey
13. 躲避球 dodgeball
14. 撞球 billiards ; snooker
15. 保齡球 bowling
16. 高爾夫球 golf
17. 馬球 polo
01. 跳遠 long jump
02. 跳高 high jump
03. 撐竿跳 pole vault
04. 擲標槍 javelin throwing
05. 接力賽 relay race
06. 馬拉松 marathon
07. 擲鐵餅 discus throwing
08. 擲鏈球 hammer throwing
09. 慢跑 jogging
10. 三級跳遠 triple jump
11. 立定跳遠 standing long jump
12. 拳擊 boxing
13. 跆拳道 taekwondo
14. 泰拳 Thai boxing
15. 角力 wrestling
16. 相撲 sumo
17. 柔道 judo
18. 瑜珈 yoga
19. 空手道 karate
20. 擊劍 fencing
21. 射箭 archery
22. 射擊 shooting
23. 馬術 horsemanship
24. 舉重 weight lifting
25. 溜冰 skating
26. 滑雪 skiing
27. 游泳 swimming
28. 跨欄 hurdle
29. 短跑 sprint
30. 障礙賽 steeplechase
31. 越野賽 cross-country race
01. 體操 gymnastics
02. 地板運動 floor exercise
03. 吊環 rings
04. 鞍馬 pommel horse
05. 單槓 horizontal bar
06. 雙槓 parallel bars
07. 平衡木 balance beam
08. 跳箱 box horse
01. 潛水 scuba diving
02. 跳繩 rope jummping

By Annie
at 2013-05-24T07:08
at 2013-05-24T07:08
2. baseball
3. basketball
4. bowling
5. boxing
6. cycling
7. dodge ball
8. fencing
9. football
10. frisbee
11. golf
12. hammer
13. high jump
14. hiking
15. horse-riding
16. hurdle
17. ice hockey
18. kayaking
19. long jump
20. mountain biking
21. mountaineering
22. rock climbing
23. roller blade
24. rugby
25. run
26. sailing
27. scooter
28. scuba diving
29. shot put
30. skate
31. skip
32. snorkelling
33. softball
34. surfing
35. swim
36. table tennis
37. tennis
38. volleyball
39. water skiing
40. windsurfing
2013-05-22 22:46:57 補充:
41. dance
42. jogging
43. skydiving
44. trekking
45. yoga
2013-05-22 22:57:41 補充:
46. cricket
47. gymnastics
48. ice-skating
49. javelin
50. marathon
51. skiing
52. sprint
53. squash rackets
2013-05-23 16:47:33 補充:
54. aerobics
2013-05-24 23:29:29 補充:
1.aerobics 增氧運動 2.archery 射箭 3.backstroke 仰泳 4.badminton 羽毛球
5.baseball 棒球 6.basketball 籃球 7.billiards 桌球 8.boating 划船 9.bowling 保齡球10.boxing 拳擊
2013-05-24 23:30:11 補充:
11.breaststroke 蛙泳 12.butterfly swim 蝶泳 13.canoeing 獨木舟
14.crawl swim 自由泳 15.cricket 板球 16.cross-country race 越野跑
17.cycling 騎單車 18.dance 舞蹈 19.discus 鐵餅 20.diving 跳水
2013-05-24 23:30:45 補充:
21.dodge ball 閃避球 22.fencing 劍擊 23.figure skating 花式溜冰 24.foot race 競走25.football 足球 26.frisbee 飛碟 27.golf 高爾夫球 28.hammer 鏈球
29.gymnastics 體操 30.high jump 跳高
2013-05-24 23:31:18 補充:
31.hiking 登高 32.horse-riding 騎馬 33.hurdle 跨欄 34.ice hockey 冰上曲棍球
35.ice-skating 溜冰 36.javelin 標槍 37.jogging 慢跑 38.jump 跳躍
39.kayaking 划小艇 40.long distance race 長跑
2013-05-24 23:31:47 補充:
41.long jump 跳遠 42.marathon 馬拉松 43.martial arts 武術
44.mountain biking 越野單車 45.mountaineering 登山46.pole vault 撐竿跳
47.rackets 網拍式牆球 48.racquetball 拍球 49.rafting 飄筏 50.relay race 接力賽
2013-05-24 23:32:29 補充:
51.rock climbing 攀石 52.rugby 橄欖球 53.run 跑步 54.sailing 遊艇 55.scooter 踏板車
56.scuba diving 潛水 57.shot 射擊 58.shot put 鉛球 59.skateboarding 踩滑板
60.skiing 滑雪
2013-05-24 23:33:20 補充:
61.skip 跳繩 62.skydiving 跳傘 63.snorkelling 潛泳 64.snowboarding 滑板滑雪 65.softball 壘球 66.sprint 短跑 67.squash 軟式牆網球 68.steeplechase 越野障礙賽跑69.surfing 衝浪 70.swim 游泳
2013-05-24 23:35:39 補充:
71.table tennis 乒乓球 72.tennis 網球 73.trekking 長途跋涉

By Enid
at 2013-05-24T14:28
at 2013-05-24T14:28
ski, swim, yoga, dance, lift dumbbells, jump rope, horse-riding, stretching, sit-ups, push-ups, hula-hooping, jog, bowl, catch( a ball), ride a bicycle, sprint, punch (boxing), serve ( a ball), dive
2013-05-22 22:34:05 補充:
The website below has a lot of vocabulary about sports. Hope this helps!! :)

By Audriana
at 2013-05-24T04:50
at 2013-05-24T04:50
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