急~英文自我介紹請大家幫幫我~ - 籃球

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2008-06-11T00:00

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我的英文名字OOO,今年24歲 .我住台北市.家中有6個成員,分別是爸爸.媽媽.3ㄍ妹妹和我. 我爸爸是個維修員我媽媽是清潔工,我有著幸福美滿的家庭!
在診所裡從醫師身上學到要聰明的工作而不是努力的工作(smart to work not to hard)告訴我們要多用腦不要蠻頭苦做
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Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2008-06-11T02:40
Good morning, everyone!
Today, I'm very glad to be here to tell you guys something about me.
Now please lend me your ears and listen to my introduction as follows.
我的英文名字OOO,今年24歲 .我住台北市.家中有6個成員,分別是爸爸.媽媽.3ㄍ妹妹和我. 我爸爸是個維修員我媽媽是清潔工,我有著幸福美滿的家庭!
My name is OOO. I'm 24 and I live in Taipei.
There are 6 people in my family, including my parents, 3 younger sisters, and I.
My father is a maintenance staff, and my mother is a janitor.
I have a happy family.
I am easygoing and like to help others.
I enjoy listening to music and playing basketball.
I 'm also interested in reading English books and surfing the net.
When I have free time, I usually watch American movies to improve my listening.
I graduated from OO Institute of Technology.
I majored in Business Administration.
Now I get a job in a dentist clinic.
The major work of my job is to answer the phone, clean the tools, and order and manage products.
I really learn a lot in my work.
I'm proud of my job because I can not only help others but it is a power of my life.
In the future, I hope I will treat everything in a positive manner rather than escaping from difficulties.
I will try my best to be responsible and independent.
I wish my life will become happy.
Finally, thank you for your patience and listening!
Have a nice day!
2008-06-11 09:42:59 補充:
在診所裡從醫師身上學到要聰明的工作而不是努力的工作(smart to work not to hard)告訴我們要多用腦不要蠻頭苦做
From the dentist in the clinic, I leran to work with intelligence, not only with labor.
That is to say, we have to do things in a smart way instead of in a industrious one only.
2008-06-11 09:43:14 補充:
The reason why sick people turn to us for help is because they feel ill and uncomfortable.
Don’t tell them to turn to other dentists’ help. They will feel that they make a vain attempt to come to you. It’s wrong.
2008-06-11 09:43:18 補充:
I hope I can soon get the certification of GEPT or TOEIC.
Una avatar
By Una
at 2008-06-15T05:12
部落格網址: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/supercanada2007/
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2008-06-15T06:20
Hello, and is blustered out, and I have the chance to be able to introduce oneself very honored in English Ladies and gentlemen,For the content that introduces of me as follows. My 24 English years old (name OOO and this year). I reside in Taipei City. There are six members in the house, and the separation is father. Mother. 3 younger sister and I. Because my of one repair member mother is a person in charge of the cleaning, in my father, I happily have the happy home. Because my interest plays basketball hearing Music because I am still of one person and it likes further help of the person with a good person association of the person, time I internet-based sees the movie in the United States where I at being improve my English hearing ability again reading an English book. I graduate from the OO technological institution, and am a management department of the enterprise. Because the content of work goes to work in OO dentist's clinic now, and ties and listens at the phone, the machine is cleaned, the reservation purchase is done, it appeals, and the product is managed. It waits. Work inside a lot of decrease learn this work person decrease help favorite work honor do in addition life mainspring. Because it faces no escape it, and there is sense of responsibility, and changing is wonderful in independence of study and of both after it lives the hope for meeting the thing as I am positive in the future. We wish to express our gratitude for everyone's hearing it very much at the end.
2008-06-11 02:11:07 補充:
Because it faces no escape it, and there is sense of responsibility, and changing is wonderful in independence of study and of both after it lives the hope for meeting the thing as I am positive in the future.
2008-06-11 02:12:29 補充:
We wish to express our gratitude for everyone's hearing it very much at the end. Our taught work (smart to work not to hard) brain of wanting doing the work effort intelligent learning requiring where Tsca exists suffers from the clinic doctor about violent requiring.
2008-06-11 02:13:00 補充:
The purpose of patient painfulness is to come to ask the treatment that we help because it is unpleasant, and the clinic doesn't look, and makes the person might run uselessly thus 1 feeling, and be of the mistake while it asks for.
2008-06-11 02:13:16 補充:
To hope to shine on, and to add for myself, it divides that it is by passing to Britain and the inspection of the proof of a lot of profits. 翻好了


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2008-06-11T00:00
左手的小妞妞 從兩個月前吃蘿波到現在 折到都超痛...
還有我右手跟別人比腕力.... ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2008-06-11T00:00
大家好!!!我的名字叫XXX,今年18歲,畢業於高雄市OO家商資訊學程,家庭經濟小�� ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2008-06-10T00:00
請問可以給我哪一些食物ㄉ熱量較高【最好是連熱量都標出】還有一些減肥時可以吃ㄉ食物和各種運動消耗的熱量 ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2008-06-10T00:00
可是聽� ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2008-06-09T00:00