倫敦大戰:意料之中的失望 - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

By Iris
at 2010-10-05T20:19
at 2010-10-05T20:19
Table of Contents
Chelsea thoughts: Disappointed but not surprised
by GilbertoSilver
Guunerblog http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2576
*****這篇心得是 GilbertoSilver 撰寫的*****
A couple of seasons back, I characterised Arsenal - Chelsea games of recent
years as being comparable to this video clip:
連續兩個賽季以來, 我想 Arsenal vs Chelsea 的賽事可以比做以下的影片節錄:
Capoeira vs Boxing (巴西武術 vs 拳擊)
(有暗諷 槍手 缺少關鍵一擊,卻總是在華麗球風大作文章( ̄□ ̄|||)a)
What’s disappointing, I suppose, is how little that has changed. There was
even a predictability about the identity of the man delivering the knockout
blow: one Didier Drogba.
我想,最失望的是,連扳回劣勢的機會都沒有。大家都有預感,認為會揮出 KO 重擊的人
就是 Didier Drogba。
Arsene Wenger, among other pundits, has suggested that Arsenal had an “
outstanding game”. And yet there’s nothing unfortunate about our defeat.
This has happened too many times to be merely ‘unlucky’. Yes, we had
plenty of possession, but Chelsea probably knew it would be that way. They
knew if they sat deep, defended tight and narrow, that they could win the
match by being better in both penalty areas. Their centre-backs just about
had the measure of Marouane Chamakh, whilst we have never been, and probably
will never be, able to cope with the threat of Drogba, who now has 13 in 13
against us.
Arsene Wenger 仍在許多的評論家之中,仍指出 Arsenal 踢了一場“傑出的比賽”。我
較高的控球權,Chelsea 也認定我們會如此。他們只要深撤後防,緊盯球員並侷限傳球路
搞定 Chamakh 即可,而我們未曾,或者該說根本就不能搞定 Drogba 的威脅,一個至今
和我們對上 13 次的前鋒。
There is a lot of talk about us needing to take our chances. The finger of
blame is pointed at Laurent Koscielny, who failed to head home our most
presentable chance in the game’s opening moments. It was a poor miss, but
in isolation it didn’t represent the difference between the two teams. It’
s not as if taking the lead in the game would somehow have prevented the
defensive sloppiness that allowed Chelsea not only to score twice but miss
more enticing opportunities. The gap could have been wider: Nicolas Anelka
slotted wide when scoring seemed simpler, and Fabianski twice saved from
one-on-one situations.
接著,我們來談談所需要的是把握機會。最令人髮指的便是:Laurent Koscielny,居然
異。就算領先一顆進球,也改變不了後防的凌亂讓 Chelsea 不只進了兩球,還送我們好
幾次的放槍大禮。漸漸地差異愈來愈大:Nicolas Anelka 在第一記進球時由邊路插上助
攻,即使這進球看起來很普通;接著 Fabianski 還救了兩次單刀的情形。
Yes, Koscielny should have scored, but I’m not going to blame a centre-back
for the ‘nil’ next to our name. What Arsenal need to do is make their
keep-ball strategy more efficient. Arsene is reportedly obsessed by stats,
and has sat in press conferences before defending defeats on the grounds of
our possession percentage. It means nothing, however, if it’s not converted
in to goals. A better team - a team like Chelsea - can let the other side
have the ball in the knowledge that they can go from winning it back to
scoring a goal in a matter of seconds. You don’t need a twenty pass move
when you can score with three.
沒錯,Koscielny 應該進球的,但我接下來不會批評一個中後衛只因為"零"在隊名裡面
(Arsenal 意即兵工廠、軍火庫,理應名符其實地進球,但作者故意調侃,把"nil"原意為
零放在隊名裡,即 Arsenil ,酸球隊不會把握進球)。Arsenal 所需要的是,讓控球策略
更有效率一點。Arsene 似乎為數據給著魔了,於是在記者會以控球比率來掩飾輸球的事
實。但,控球再好,不能促成進球得分就是沒有意義的。好的球隊,就像 Chelsea,可以
The same applies to set pieces too. If you’re a team with a lot of approach
play down the flanks, it is inevitable you will win a lot of corners. So
work on them. Create varied and dangerous routines. Yesterday, Arsenal had
ten corners. Only one provided any serious threat.
好好地加強兩翼進攻,創造多樣且具威脅的路徑吧。昨天 Arsenal 就有十次的角球機會
This general inefficiency is why I’m a declared fan of Andrey Arshavin.
Yes, he gives the ball away more than any other player in our side, but he’
s also, in the absence of the much-missed Cesc Fabregas, the most productive
in the final third. Yesterday, he produced two stinging efforts which
brought the best out of Petr Cech, from nothing.
因著球隊欠缺效率的通病之故,使得我成為 Andrey Arshavin 的頭號粉絲。沒錯,槍手
中他常常掉球,但卻也是,在我們最想念的 Cesc Fabregas 缺席之下,最有效率的第三
名球員。昨天,他製造兩次進球的威脅讓無所事事的 Petr Cech 不得不認真起來。
Of course you can only use those kind of rapier counter-attacks if you can
defend. The Arsenal of 97/98 had the likes of Adams and Keown to hold the
fort whilst Nicolas Anelka sprung the offside trap to clinical effect. The
Invincibles had a back four including Sol Campbell in his prime and protected
by Vieira and Gilberto, two masters of their trade. This side does not have
a good enough defence to play in that way. We have to control the game using
keep-ball and create chances against tight, packed defences. Against almost
every side in the Premier League, that’s good enough. But not Chelsea.
當然,你可以使用更快速的防守反擊,只要你有足夠的防守能力。97/98 的 Arsenal 有
Adams 和 Keown 把守著最後防線,即使 Nicolas Anelka 穿越了越位陷阱也未必有機會
得分。當時的“無敵後防”由四名後衛組成,其中有一位是年輕的 Sol Campbell,而且
還有著大師級的後腰:Vieira 和 Gilberto。現在的陣容防禦能力不足以像當年那樣可以
英超大部分的球隊是可行的,但 Chelsea 例外。
There’s no shame in losing this game. When you go away to the Champions,
there’s a significant chance you will get beat. This result is only a
problem in the context of others. Had we beaten West Brom, we’d be just
four points off the top as opposed to seven, and table would make much
prettier reading.
一種情境的困擾。當我們敗給 West Brom 時,距榜首僅是 4分之差,現在卻變成 7分之差
Already, just seven games in to the season, there’s little margin for error.
Crucially, we need to start beating the bigger teams. If we are to provide
a serious threat in the league this season, I’d suggest we will have to beat
both United and Chelsea - and possibly City - at the Emirates.
擊敗更強的球隊。若我們還想奪冠的話,我認為我們必須在主場擊敗 ManUtd 和 Chelsea
,甚至 ManCity。
International breaks always get me down. Going in to one on the back of two
defeats is particularly depressing. Happy Monday this ain’t.
才深覺得 Arsenal 尚有很大的進步空間。
傷病問題、(光是休養球員就能組成明星槍手隊 XD)
(我太喜歡這句話啦 ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏)
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !
by GilbertoSilver
Guunerblog http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2576
*****這篇心得是 GilbertoSilver 撰寫的*****
A couple of seasons back, I characterised Arsenal - Chelsea games of recent
years as being comparable to this video clip:
連續兩個賽季以來, 我想 Arsenal vs Chelsea 的賽事可以比做以下的影片節錄:
Capoeira vs Boxing (巴西武術 vs 拳擊)
What’s disappointing, I suppose, is how little that has changed. There was
even a predictability about the identity of the man delivering the knockout
blow: one Didier Drogba.
我想,最失望的是,連扳回劣勢的機會都沒有。大家都有預感,認為會揮出 KO 重擊的人
就是 Didier Drogba。
Arsene Wenger, among other pundits, has suggested that Arsenal had an “
outstanding game”. And yet there’s nothing unfortunate about our defeat.
This has happened too many times to be merely ‘unlucky’. Yes, we had
plenty of possession, but Chelsea probably knew it would be that way. They
knew if they sat deep, defended tight and narrow, that they could win the
match by being better in both penalty areas. Their centre-backs just about
had the measure of Marouane Chamakh, whilst we have never been, and probably
will never be, able to cope with the threat of Drogba, who now has 13 in 13
against us.
Arsene Wenger 仍在許多的評論家之中,仍指出 Arsenal 踢了一場“傑出的比賽”。我
較高的控球權,Chelsea 也認定我們會如此。他們只要深撤後防,緊盯球員並侷限傳球路
搞定 Chamakh 即可,而我們未曾,或者該說根本就不能搞定 Drogba 的威脅,一個至今
和我們對上 13 次的前鋒。
There is a lot of talk about us needing to take our chances. The finger of
blame is pointed at Laurent Koscielny, who failed to head home our most
presentable chance in the game’s opening moments. It was a poor miss, but
in isolation it didn’t represent the difference between the two teams. It’
s not as if taking the lead in the game would somehow have prevented the
defensive sloppiness that allowed Chelsea not only to score twice but miss
more enticing opportunities. The gap could have been wider: Nicolas Anelka
slotted wide when scoring seemed simpler, and Fabianski twice saved from
one-on-one situations.
接著,我們來談談所需要的是把握機會。最令人髮指的便是:Laurent Koscielny,居然
異。就算領先一顆進球,也改變不了後防的凌亂讓 Chelsea 不只進了兩球,還送我們好
幾次的放槍大禮。漸漸地差異愈來愈大:Nicolas Anelka 在第一記進球時由邊路插上助
攻,即使這進球看起來很普通;接著 Fabianski 還救了兩次單刀的情形。
Yes, Koscielny should have scored, but I’m not going to blame a centre-back
for the ‘nil’ next to our name. What Arsenal need to do is make their
keep-ball strategy more efficient. Arsene is reportedly obsessed by stats,
and has sat in press conferences before defending defeats on the grounds of
our possession percentage. It means nothing, however, if it’s not converted
in to goals. A better team - a team like Chelsea - can let the other side
have the ball in the knowledge that they can go from winning it back to
scoring a goal in a matter of seconds. You don’t need a twenty pass move
when you can score with three.
沒錯,Koscielny 應該進球的,但我接下來不會批評一個中後衛只因為"零"在隊名裡面
(Arsenal 意即兵工廠、軍火庫,理應名符其實地進球,但作者故意調侃,把"nil"原意為
零放在隊名裡,即 Arsenil ,酸球隊不會把握進球)。Arsenal 所需要的是,讓控球策略
更有效率一點。Arsene 似乎為數據給著魔了,於是在記者會以控球比率來掩飾輸球的事
實。但,控球再好,不能促成進球得分就是沒有意義的。好的球隊,就像 Chelsea,可以
The same applies to set pieces too. If you’re a team with a lot of approach
play down the flanks, it is inevitable you will win a lot of corners. So
work on them. Create varied and dangerous routines. Yesterday, Arsenal had
ten corners. Only one provided any serious threat.
好好地加強兩翼進攻,創造多樣且具威脅的路徑吧。昨天 Arsenal 就有十次的角球機會
This general inefficiency is why I’m a declared fan of Andrey Arshavin.
Yes, he gives the ball away more than any other player in our side, but he’
s also, in the absence of the much-missed Cesc Fabregas, the most productive
in the final third. Yesterday, he produced two stinging efforts which
brought the best out of Petr Cech, from nothing.
因著球隊欠缺效率的通病之故,使得我成為 Andrey Arshavin 的頭號粉絲。沒錯,槍手
中他常常掉球,但卻也是,在我們最想念的 Cesc Fabregas 缺席之下,最有效率的第三
名球員。昨天,他製造兩次進球的威脅讓無所事事的 Petr Cech 不得不認真起來。
Of course you can only use those kind of rapier counter-attacks if you can
defend. The Arsenal of 97/98 had the likes of Adams and Keown to hold the
fort whilst Nicolas Anelka sprung the offside trap to clinical effect. The
Invincibles had a back four including Sol Campbell in his prime and protected
by Vieira and Gilberto, two masters of their trade. This side does not have
a good enough defence to play in that way. We have to control the game using
keep-ball and create chances against tight, packed defences. Against almost
every side in the Premier League, that’s good enough. But not Chelsea.
當然,你可以使用更快速的防守反擊,只要你有足夠的防守能力。97/98 的 Arsenal 有
Adams 和 Keown 把守著最後防線,即使 Nicolas Anelka 穿越了越位陷阱也未必有機會
得分。當時的“無敵後防”由四名後衛組成,其中有一位是年輕的 Sol Campbell,而且
還有著大師級的後腰:Vieira 和 Gilberto。現在的陣容防禦能力不足以像當年那樣可以
英超大部分的球隊是可行的,但 Chelsea 例外。
There’s no shame in losing this game. When you go away to the Champions,
there’s a significant chance you will get beat. This result is only a
problem in the context of others. Had we beaten West Brom, we’d be just
four points off the top as opposed to seven, and table would make much
prettier reading.
一種情境的困擾。當我們敗給 West Brom 時,距榜首僅是 4分之差,現在卻變成 7分之差
Already, just seven games in to the season, there’s little margin for error.
Crucially, we need to start beating the bigger teams. If we are to provide
a serious threat in the league this season, I’d suggest we will have to beat
both United and Chelsea - and possibly City - at the Emirates.
擊敗更強的球隊。若我們還想奪冠的話,我認為我們必須在主場擊敗 ManUtd 和 Chelsea
,甚至 ManCity。
International breaks always get me down. Going in to one on the back of two
defeats is particularly depressing. Happy Monday this ain’t.
才深覺得 Arsenal 尚有很大的進步空間。
傷病問題、(光是休養球員就能組成明星槍手隊 XD)
(我太喜歡這句話啦 ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏)
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !
All Comments

By Christine
at 2010-10-09T18:57
at 2010-10-09T18:57

By Edwina
at 2010-10-13T17:36
at 2010-10-13T17:36

By Edwina
at 2010-10-17T16:14
at 2010-10-17T16:14

By Oliver
at 2010-10-21T14:53
at 2010-10-21T14:53

By Heather
at 2010-10-25T13:31
at 2010-10-25T13:31

By Oliver
at 2010-10-29T12:10
at 2010-10-29T12:10

By Charlie
at 2010-11-02T10:48
at 2010-11-02T10:48

By Anonymous
at 2010-11-06T09:27
at 2010-11-06T09:27

By Isabella
at 2010-11-10T08:05
at 2010-11-10T08:05

By Ivy
at 2010-11-14T06:44
at 2010-11-14T06:44

By Aaliyah
at 2010-11-18T05:22
at 2010-11-18T05:22

By Caroline
at 2010-11-22T04:01
at 2010-11-22T04:01

By Lydia
at 2010-11-26T02:39
at 2010-11-26T02:39

By Elizabeth
at 2010-11-30T01:18
at 2010-11-30T01:18

By Rae
at 2010-12-03T23:56
at 2010-12-03T23:56
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