保齡球問答(三) - 保齡球

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2009-07-30T22:00

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Q. I have been working on my game and have my average up to 190 but I can't
seem to get a mark in the 10th frame when my team is in a tight game. I am a
bit of a perfectionist and this problem is making me nuts. Any suggestions
would help?


A. I believe you have answered your own question. You say you are a
perfectionist that is your biggest problem in a tight situation. When the
pressure is on you need to be loose, relaxed have a nice free swing. With a
perfectionist frame of mind you will most of the time pull or point the ball.
Your mind is telling you throw it perfect. Adjust your thinking to I will
just make the best shot I can. Instead of trying to hit an exact mark try
adding 2 couple of boards to each side of your mark. Look at that target as a
tunnel and throw the ball through the tunnel. Five boards are way easier to
hit than one. You can even do that with most spares. This just builds in a
little margin for error and takes your mind off being perfect.

我相信你自己已經回答你的問題了! 你說你是一個完美主義者,也就是說
作出自然的擺盪,心理老想著: 這一格一定要打得完美,只會常造成你手勢上
的失誤。別一直告訴自己: 我這一球一定要打得完美無缺! 而是要把它轉換成:
這一球只要盡力打好就可以了。 設定目標時以通過隧道的方式來取代精精確確
後將球送往隧道中使其通過。 瞄準5塊板比1塊板要來得容易得多,甚至在多數


Q. My game has been great all season long till now. I don't know what has
happened but all of a sudden I can't buy a strike and I can't spare either. I
feel like my timing is all right. What do you supposed has happened?

全倒來了,Spare也不會解了! 我覺得我的timing也都沒有跑掉呀! 可以告訴我

A. Sounds like a mid season slump combined with the holiday blues all mixed
in with a lack of confidence. This time of year we have many things going on
most of which are more important than bowling. It is also about halfway
through a long season. It is easy to lose focus and even though you think
your interest is there it may not be. Before you go bowling again try a
change in your mental game. Slumps are caused most of the time by a loss of
confidence not so much by a new bad habit. Use mental visualization more than
usual see yourself making the perfect approach, throwing the perfect ball and
getting the carry you deserve. Remember, you haven't forgotten how to bowl.
Relax and just let your natural game come back to you. It will and a few good
shots will turn your game around just as quick as it went away.

如此! 在你下一次打球以前,試著把心理狀態改變一下。低潮的產生,自信
力,把助走到出球的每個環節作好,使球達到應有的擊瓶效果。請記住! 你


Q. I watched a recent PBA finals on television and some of the scores these
pro's shot were not any better than I see in the scratch leagues in my home
house. It seems as though any scratch bowler could be a pro. Am I missing


A. We just had the pro tour stop at the lanes I bowl in Lava Lanes in
Medford, or. I got the opportunity to bowl with them in a special pro am
event that is held at Lava. We get the same condition to bowl on as they
shoot on all week. Let me tell you the shot that was put up on the lanes at
this tournament was extremely difficult 43 feet of oil. The outside boards
were flooded. This gave you about 2 boards of area and speed wascritical.
All of the amateurs the struggled, we were lucky to hit the pocket
twice in a row and spares weren't easy. But the pro's bowling with us made
this look like our regular league shot. Trust me the pro's on the exempt tour
are world class they do things with a bowling ball the rest of us can only
dream about. We have bowlers in our scratch league that average 220+ the
pro's were averaging 220+ on what I would call a nearly impossible shot. This
is what you can't see on TV the actual playing condition. The best league
bowler would be fortunate to average 190 they truly are the best of the best.


我們剛打完在Lava Lanes球館舉辦的 Medford分站比賽,整個禮拜我
二塊板寬的區域可以打,還有球速還要非常固定才可以! 所有的業餘球員
造平均220分以上的成績! 那種球道的困難度不是我們在電視轉播上所能看


Q. In our league last league session a member of the opposing team rolled
his first shot. The ball went into the gutter but a spectator had noticed
that there was a pin missing from the rack. The eight pin was not there. The
bowler was allowed to take another shot. The ball was thrown into the gutter
no pins were hit therefore nothing was affected buy the missing pin. That
does not seem to me to be the correct ruling. Please what is the rule?


A. Common sense would tell you that if a pin was missing from the rack
the delivery would not count. The reasoning behind this is that had the
bowler gotten a strike and the missing pin was noticed you would have
declared a dead ball and made the bowler do the frame over. The result
of the shot does not matter it is a dead ball. Just to make sure of
my reasoning I went to the USBC rules online and under Dead Ball: Rule 8
states,a ball shall be dead if any of the following occur: After a delivery,
attention is immediately called to the fact that one or more pins were
missing. That is the first listed rule there are more but this one settles
the question.

關無效球的規定找出來: 規則8提到,以下的任一情形發生時得判定該球為無
效球: 球擲出後發現置瓶區的球瓶少擺了,這只是該條規則的第一款。但我


○   ¯ ̄ ﹉﹊ 我 祈 許 著 . . .
((∕\  ¯ ̄﹉﹊ 
■Π ﹌ 能 夠 找 到 解 答...


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致鄭行超先生還有鄭爸爸 感謝文

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2009-07-29T21:57
感謝鄭行超先生以及令尊對保齡球界的貢獻;對於國外資 訊的提供不留餘力;讓後進能夠學習到國外保齡球系統的一些 資料。再一次地感謝鄭行超先生跟其他為保齡球界默默貢獻的 人,有了你們,我們的保齡球才能持續進步。 小版主小葉在此著文以示謝意。 ----------------------------- ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2009-07-29T21:51
以下文章有版權,未經同意請勿轉載。 感謝鄭爸爸翻譯,鄭行超先生給予資料 圖片密碼:bowlinglover 試閱版(請推文覺得這樣閱讀空間如何,如不適改成一段英文一段中文): For teams and individuals ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2009-07-29T21:50
買了螺旋丸後, 看著他旋轉就有莫名的快感, 可是一次一次打下來, 本來是雪白的紋路變成了淺咖啡色, 用了清潔劑還是擦不太掉。 不知道有沒有其他的方法解決? 還是不用管他? - ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-07-29T21:00
以下文章有版權,未經同意請勿轉載。 感謝鄭爸爸翻譯,鄭行超先生給予資料 How Malaysia beat the USA? Was this an upset? ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-07-29T20:46
以下文章有版權,未經同意請勿轉載。 感謝鄭爸爸翻譯,鄭行超先生給予資料 圖片密碼:bowlinglover Wood VS. Synthetics 木板道VS.纖維道 ...