木板道VS.纖維道 - 保齡球

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-07-29T20:46

Table of Contents


Wood VS. Synthetics
‘ Denny Torgerson

When bowling in tournaments, the lane surface is always important.
With all the synthetic surfaces installed over the last 10 years,
it is almost unusual to see a wood surface in a tournament.
Bowlers who are seeing wood for the first time may be surprised at
the way the ball rolls on wood versus synthetic. I want to give
these bowlers some characteristics of both surfaces to look out for
when bowling on the different lanes.


On most synthetic surfaces, the ball will skid through the front part
of the lane very easily and retain its energy for the back end of the lane.
Occasionally, the ball does not come out of this skid quick enough,
resulting in late reaction and poor carry. The solution for this problem
on synthetics is usually either a slightly dull ball surface or a
stronger cover to help the ball start a little earlier. As play continues,
the front part of the lane may become drier as the balls pick up the
oil off the lane. If several players are using a similar line, this area
may become unplayable. The ball will grab too soon and start the weight
block transition too quickly, again resulting in poor carry if the pocket
can even be hit.


The worst case is when the front part of the lane begins to wear and the
midlane becomes slicker. This often happens on synthetics and it is
difficult to get the ball to continue the ball path to the pocket.


The solution to this is to use a different ball path through the front
of the lane. In other words, when the heads dry up on synthetics, the
bowler has to move their feet to find a diff00ock is then used when
the bowler has to move from the original line, because when the bowler
moves into more head oil, the ball may not come back to the pocket.


Carrydown can also appear at the back end of the lane quickly on synthetics,
even though this carrydown is in a very small area. When this happens, the
ball choice has to be either a stronger coverstock or a drilling with a more
angular ball path into the pocket. Take a look at Diagram 1 for a depiction
of this problem.



The main point I want to make is that when the lane starts to hook too much
for bowler’s rev rate and speed, it’s time to make a small move to be able
to use a slightly different ball path. If the same ball path is used even
with a weaker coverstock, the ball will not roll properly and carry suffers.
Also, until carrydown occurs, smoother reaction balls are usually chosen. I
like 45 and 25 -degree layouts on synthetics for most of the bowling session.
Once the lane becomes too worn, a 60 or 75- degreelayout may have to be used
the make the ball continue to the pocket at the pins. There is usually more
skid/snap on synthetic lanes, and a black and white spot (dry boards next
to very slick boards) may often appear.

我想說的重點是: 當球道狀況改變,球員的轉速及球速使球開始彎過頭時,
在纖維道上大多數比賽中,球都採45 及 25度的開法。一旦前段變乾,60或75度
的開法,比較容易使球繼續保持在1,3進點。球在纖維道比較有滑得深 /切得急的
傾向。黑白分明 (幾塊很乾伴隨著幾塊很油) 的球道狀況經常發生。

Wood surfaces can be quite different. The front part of the lane usually
hooks sooner, and the bowler should divide the lane into three parts. This
would be the fronts or heads (first 22 feet), the midlane (23 to 40 feet),
and the back ends. The ball will not always follow a continuous curve to the
pocket on wood. It will start to grab early and then roll through the
midlane. It may then snap slightly on the back end, or produce a smaller arc
on the back end. Take a look at Diagram 2 too see what ball path a wood lane
may take. If a bowler has a slightly higher axis tilt on wood, it is usually


In the old days, forward roll was often king because even when the lane dried
out in the fronts, the rubber balls would not hook too early to throw the
ball off the intended line of play. Now with the modern coverstocks, this
used ball path can become too dry to play and requires the bowler to move
slightly. It may not be as large a move as is used on synthetics and a
similar breakpoint as the original ball path may still be used for a while.

從前從前,正花 (forward roll)可說是王道的打法,因為即使球道前段沒有
油了,橡膠球(rubber balls)也不會過於早彎而偏離預設的路線。目前的球面材質

To make the ball recover properly on the back end in this situation,
the bowler may have to switch to a ball that has flip characteristics
and/or use a 60 or 75- degree layout. Higher rev players often dominate
on wood because their natural game is a ball path with a strong back
end. Once a little oil carries down. The higher rev playercan move
deeper where the head oil is plentiful and still make the ball come
around the corner with a bit of control. The stroker may have difficulty
with today’s environment on wood after transition because if the ball
path is changed too far, there are not enough revs to carry or even hit
the pocket. This is why the modern good tournament bowler has a straighter
game and what I call an opening up game to handle the different transitions
, even on wood.



○   ¯ ̄ ﹉﹊ 我 祈 許 著 . . .
((∕\  ¯ ̄﹉﹊ 
■Π ﹌ 能 夠 找 到 解 答...


All Comments


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2009-07-29T10:36
請問各位,小弟是打飛碟球的,近來深受此問題困擾 看過許多曲球選手(包含PBA選手) 他們在出球時球與左腳(本文皆以右手球員為例)幾乎是零距離的接近 然而飛碟球選手則眾說紛紜 有人認為應與曲球選手一樣,出球時左腳略向右滑步到右腳前面 讓球在出手時與左腳越接近越好 因為這樣出球時,球的位置就可以剛好在鼻子的正下方 ...

8/1 冠源周六盃 鄉民練球團

William avatar
By William
at 2009-07-29T00:47
冠源周六盃 PTT 保齡球鄉民練球團 時間:08月01號 星期六 AM 09:00 地點:冠源保齡球館 高縣鳳山市青年路二段197號 地圖:如果從高雄市方向過來,可以沿著九如一路,會接上鳳山市的建國路, 看到保羅大飯店時右轉,直行約200~300公 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2009-07-28T10:53
我最近才剛開始在台中樹德打球 看他們的優惠方案,好像只有學生證才有優惠 有問過他們小姐,好像也沒有在賣球卷之類的 但聽小姐說,之前有什麼網咖的簡訊一局可以便宜5元 我上網查了一下,找不到她說的東西 請問還有什麼優惠,除了學生證之外 聽說用酷遊卡有優惠(上網看到的,不確定) 因我們一次都打40-60局所以 ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2009-07-27T23:31
母獅這禮拜請假,由我代替PO文,月賽獎金多多,大家請踴躍參加 :P 7/30也會抽出一顆保齡球,給最近八次都有參加練球的人 XD 第一次PO揪團文,我有先列了一些人,如果不克前來,也麻煩推文跟我說一下 :) 請大家推文報名囉,臨時不能來的人麻煩打電話給我,因為我都沒有大家的手機 XD ------- ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2009-07-27T18:09
PTT 黃金早安團 時間:08月02日 星期日 08:00前到場 07:45前來電與我連繫 未聯繫者恕不幫你買局 地點:黃金保齡球館 地圖:請參考本版#1ACzn8G2 費用:1局35元(使用早安券) ...