馬來西亞國家隊的訓練 - 保齡球

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2009-07-29T21:51

Table of Contents



For teams and individuals

Joe Slowinski

In many ways, bowling as a sport, especially in regard to training methods
for elite bowlers, remains in its infancy. Specifically, there are few
available resources for coaches to utilize in the development of an effective
holistic training program that includes bowling, fitness, nutrition and
psychology training for competitive teams, whether it is preparing a high
school, college or a national team for a country. Collectively, the bowling
community doesn’t have the knowledge it needs.

On the other hand, in Asia, bowling is treated more like a sport than
anywhere in the world. In this region, the elite national teams of Singapore
and Malaysia have access to sport psychologists, fitness trainers,
physiologists and biomechanics staff. Bowling is viewed from a holistic
standpoint in order to improve human performance and the access to scientists
illustrates this fact.

With this in mind, I offer some advice on how to establish and run a
world-class team training program. And, although written more for coaches and
not exhaustive, this article can be applied to individuals to improve their
performance. This is a minimum blueprint in building success on the lanes.

To develop and elite program, a coach should take a holistic approach to
program development and helping players reach their peak performance. In
order to achieve this, an elite program must include the following components:

● A curriculum to educate athletes in advanced bowling knowledge

● Opportunities to practice this knowledge on diverse lane conditions

● The establishment of a baseline set of data and ongoing assessment of
bowlers’ skills and knowledge

● Monthly goal-setting and evaluation of progress in relation to the goals

● Fitness and strength training

● Mental game practice

With these six areas, a program can develop bowlers to their full potential.

Bowling knowledge

As a coach of an elite team, knowledge development must be the first
priority. World-class bowlers are those who are diverse and can play anywhere
on the lane due to the ability to alter their release and angle of attack.
Specifically, elite player have the ability to change the amount of skid, the
shape of the shot and the back end reaction with their physical game as well
as prepare their equipment for various conditions.

To illustrate the above, recall the responses of some of the most successful
PBA players on tour in the February 2007 issue of BTM. Players were asked, “
What are the three most important phases of your game that allow you to be

Norm Duke:
(1) Mental ability to get around.
(2) Ability to change ball speeds, tilts, etc.
(3) Ability to make spares.

Walter Ray William:
(1) Being able to play different parts of the lane.
(2) Being fairly accurate
(3) Shooting spares

Parker Bohn III:
(1) Mental game
(2) Lane play (understand how to play and where)
(3) Versatility

Robert Simth:
(1) Rev rate
(2) Speed
(3) Ability to change axis tilt

Ryan Shafer:
(1) Versatility of releases.
(2) Reading lanes
(3) Knowing my equipment and what drilling works for me and not letting the
ball rep talk me into drilling some thing I won’t like.

Tommy Jones:
(1) Understanding lane patterns and how they will break down.
(2) Being able to stay calm and keep your mind slow in pressure situations.
(3) Good spare shooter.

In other words, knowledge + practice = skill. With the acquisition of skill
comes confidence. Bowlers should know how to increase/decrease skid, change
the shape of the shot and increase/decrease back end reaction. And, the
ability to change ball reaction can’t be understated.

According to research conducted at Columbia 300, a bowler can increase the
amount of hook two boards for every increase of 30 rpm. Moreover, Columbia
300 found that a bowler can realize five more boards of hook by increasing
their release, from 30 degrees to 45 degrees. With this 15- degree increase,
the entry angle will increase

form 3.1 to 4.5 degrees. Moreover, by increasing to 60 degrees of axis
rotation, from 45 degrees, a bowler would hook the ball three more boards on
the backend and in crease the entry angle from 4.5 degrees to 5.6 degrees.

Columbia 300 also conducted research on the impact of ball reaction with
increases in both speed and the RG of a bowling ball. For every one MPH
increase, the ball will hook two to three boards less and see .2 to .3 less
degrees of entry angle. For every .1 increase in the RG of a bowling ball,
the ball hooked an extra board.

The R&D lab at Ebonite found that, on a shorter high volume house condition,
a bowler could achieve 2.5 feet extra of length with a 4000 grit surface as
compared with a 360 surface. Do you have Abralon pads yet?

As a coach, schedule a weekly seminar for your players prior to the season or
at the beginning of the season. Align the seminar topic for the week with the
practice sessions. Accordingly, in the development of an elite training
program, coaches should include classroom lesson time. In my role, I have
developed a 40-week training program for three levels: U12, U15 and U18. Each
week bowlers are exposed to learning new knowledge. This knowledge becomes
the foundation of that week’s training. And, each new knowledge and skill
should build on the previous week’s learning.

Data collection

Simply put, data reveals truth. And, without data, a coach can not truly know
what strengths and weaknesses their bowlers possess on the lanes. In other
sports, such as basketball and baseball, statistical information provides
players and coaches with a complete picture of skills. And, bowling can learn
from these sports. In my opinion, we rely too frequently on average
information in isolation. Readers know clearly that scoring can be elevated
through lane conditions. We need more information.

Elite coaches should maintain an individual portfolio for each player. This
can be as simple as a collection of statistical performance data such as
scoring, pocket percentage, carry percentage, double percentage, overall
spare conversion percentage, multiple-pin spare conversion percentage, and
single-pin conversion percentage. Or, if available, this portfolio can also
contain an analysis form BowlersMap as well as other information from such
programs as C.A.T.S. or DigiTrax.

Elite coaches who want to see improvement in their athletes must purposefully
collect data to determine strength and weaknesses in an individualized
portfolio. The more serious a coach is about understanding his/her player in
depth, the more this coach can impact a positive change with their athletes.

Nutrition & hydration

Coaches also need to understand the nutrition and hydration needs of players
in practice and competition. Bowling has been reported as burning as many as
300 to 450 calories an hour. When bowlers are participating in competition
play or training, coaches should help to insure their bowlers are hydrated
and prepared for pre-event, during and post-event consumption needs to
maintain appropriate glycogen levels.

When preparing for a tournament or effective practice, it is recommended that
you understand how. An effective way to do this is to know the glycemic
index(GI). The Glycemic Index was invented in 1981 by David Jenkins and
Thomas Wolever of the University of Toronto. For more information on this
system, http://www.bowlingthismonth.com/resources Most importantly, this
site includes a glycemic index web site to search food by GI level. The GI
is a scale based on how quickly food elevated boold sugar(Glucose) levels
in the body. High GI foods are listed as 70+, medium (55 – 69) and low < 54.

Low GI foods include: fruit (apple, orange, pear, etc.), yogurt, low fat
milk, cookies/biscuits (oat, vegetable), pasta, noodles, basmati rice or a
muesli bar. Low GI foods also include breads with stone-ground flour, whole
grain kernels, or sourdough.

High GI foods include: watermelon, tuna sandwich, banana, cereal bar, bread.
Recent research has also shown that chocolate milk is an outstanding recovery
drink. And, of course, this would be a favorite for many.

The national Sports Institute of Malaysia designed a competition plan for
food and beverage consumption during the 2006 Asian Games in Doha, Qatar. The
nutritional guidelines for the 8-day tournament included before, during and
post-tournament play guidelines. These guidelines are for hydration and GI in
order for a bowler to maintain appropriate glucemia levels. Specifically,
these preparation and recovery guidelines included:

Pre-event(30 minutes prior to competition)
Eat a low GI snack

During the event (every 15 to 20 minutes)
Consume an intermediate to high GI food with an electrolyte drink, such as

Post-event (Within 30 minutes of completion)
Consume a high GI with water and an electrolyte, such as Gatorade.

In addition, as a coach, you should understand the digestion process times
for various meals. Obviously, digestion should be close to completion for
optimum performance. Specifically, a large meal will take 3 to 4 hours to
digest with a medium meal 2 to 3 hours. Liquid meals or small snack will
require 1 to 2 hours of digestion.

Fitness and strength training

Due to the short burst of energy in the approach and release, bowling is a
sport that requires primarily anaerobic fitness. But, due to the carrying of
the bowling ball and the length of tournament play, aerobic fitness is also

Consequently, coaches should incorporate fitness training into the daily
practice process. Bowling is a sport and requires athletes to be physically
fit for competition. Training should include both strength training and
cardio work.

An easy-to use workout, with specific information on effective
implementation, is presented in The Bowling Specific training Manual, by Jeff
Briggs, sports physiologist, who has identified training areas specific to
bowling, recommends a workout including: seated chest press, seated row,
seated lateral raise, seated arm curl, seated tricep extension, seated
overhand-grip wrist curl, seated underhand-grip wrist curl, abdominal curl,
lower back extension, seated leg extension, seated leg curl and seated calf

Another bowling-specific workout was created by Exercise Kinesiologist David
Grisaffi and appeared in the August 2002 issue of Bowling Digest. Here is the
3-days a week workout Grisaffi wrote for 1999 USBC (then WIBC) Hall of Fame
inductee, Jeanne Maiden-Naccarato.


Mental Game Training

Since elite athletes have similar levels of their physical game, what
differentiates great from good is the mental game. Consequently, coaches are
reminded that mental skill development should be embedded daily into
practices. At the elite or developmental level, coaches should be promoting a
number of skills in their players. But, this requires a commitment during the
practice sessions.
Important mental skill areas that an elite bowler should possess include:
pre-shot routine, visualization, self-talk, self-efficacy interventions as
well as relaxation and arousal methods.

A good resource for coaches and players is the recent book, Sport Psychology
Library: Bowling, The Handbook of Bowling Psychology, by Lasser, Borden and

This article was intended to get coaches and players to think more about
creating and using a holistic training program. Too many coaches and bowlers
simply go to the lanes and throw a bowling ball without reflection on the
development of skills and knowledge as well as increased physical and mental
skills fitness. If you want to improve and take the step up to a world-class
level or just improve significantly, then treat bowling as a sport and
incorporate a holistic multi-pronged approach to training.








● 強化保齡球的知識領域,教育運動人才

● 找機會練習不同球道來印證所學的知識

● 持續地提昇球員的技巧,累績知能為球員的資產

● 按月設定目標並加以考核

● 體能及肌力的強化訓練

● 心理素質的練習




2007年二月版的BTM曾闡述幾位PBA菁英球員對於 ”贏球的三個最重要
的原因?” 他們的答覆如下:

Norm Duke:
(1) 視應球道及週遭環境的心理素質
(2) 改變球速、軸傾角的能力.
(3) 解殘瓶的能力

Walter Ray William:
(1) 能夠充份利用球道的每個部份,變換不同的進攻路線及角度
(2) 要有相當的準確度
(3) 不可以漏解spare

Parker Bohn III:
(1) 心理素質
(2) 進攻路線的擬定 (知道打那裡、怎麼打)
(3) 球道的適應及調整能力

Robert Simth:
(1) 轉速
(2) 球速
(3) 變換軸傾角的能力

Ryan Shafer:
(1) 釋球時手勢的變化.
(2) 球道判讀
(3) 了解那些球、那種鑽法對自己有幫助。不讓球商告訴我,

Tommy Jones:
(1) 瞭解球道上油的形態,以及能隨時掌握球道的變化
(2) 當壓力來臨時,能夠冷靜面對、及時疏解
(3) 作個好的殘瓶解球員。

換句話說: 知識+練習 = 技巧,有了熟練的技巧後就可以建立自信。

根據Columbia 300的研究: 轉速增加30rpm,球會多彎2塊板,側旋角

Columbia 300的研究報導也指出: 增加球速和加大球的RG值會影響球
的反應。球速每增加1 MPH,球會少彎2~3塊板,進瓶角度會減少0.2~0.3度

Ebonite公司的R&D實驗室發現: 在高油量短油的娛樂道,球面4000的
亮面球比360的霧面球會多滑2.5呎,你有用菜瓜布(Abralon pad)改變過球




BowlersMap的影像分析和電腦輔助追踪系統C.A.T.S.或 DigiTrax.的相關數




由多倫多大學的David Jenkins 和 Thomas Wolever 所發明的,
http://www.bowlingthismonth.com/resources ,有進一步的資訊可供查閱
這個網站可以查閱各種食物的GI值。 GI是食物升高人體內血糖濃度快慢的值。
高GI值的食物為表中超過70的,中GI為(55 – 69),小於54則為低GI值的食物。

低GI值的食物包括: 水果(蘋果、柑橘、水梨等..)、優酪、低脂奶、餅乾

高GI值的食物包括: 西瓜、鮪魚三明治、香蕉、玉蜀黍片條、麵包。最近









運動生理學家Jeff Briggs的著作---The Bowling Specific training Manual
seated chest press, seated row, seated lateral raise, seated arm curl,
seated tricep extension, seated overhand-grip wrist curl, seated
underhand-grip wrist curl, abdominal curl, lower back extension,
seated leg extension, seated leg curl and seated calf raise…等

另一有關保齡球重量訓練的著作,是由人體運動學家David Grisaffi發表於
2002年8月號的保齡球文摘(Bowling Digest)中。
以下是Grisaffi為1999年入主USBC (後來易名為 WIBC)名人堂的Jeanne



員充份的互動和溝通。好球員的心理技巧的運用包括: 還沒進入球道的準

運動心理學圖書館(Sport Psychology Library)近期出版的保齡球相
關著作: Bowling, The Handbook of Bowling Psychology,
作者: Lasser, Borden and Edwards.





○   ¯ ̄ ﹉﹊ 我 祈 許 著 . . .
((∕\  ¯ ̄﹉﹊ 
■Π ﹌ 能 夠 找 到 解 答...


All Comments

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2009-07-30T21:28
賽前:雞腿便當 賽中:珍奶大杯 賽後:雞排麥當當
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2009-08-01T06:20
請問閱讀後 要哪一種版本呢?
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2009-08-02T15:52
James avatar
By James
at 2009-08-03T06:03
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2009-08-05T11:13


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2009-07-29T21:50
買了螺旋丸後, 看著他旋轉就有莫名的快感, 可是一次一次打下來, 本來是雪白的紋路變成了淺咖啡色, 用了清潔劑還是擦不太掉。 不知道有沒有其他的方法解決? 還是不用管他? - ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-07-29T21:00
以下文章有版權,未經同意請勿轉載。 感謝鄭爸爸翻譯,鄭行超先生給予資料 How Malaysia beat the USA? Was this an upset? ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-07-29T20:46
以下文章有版權,未經同意請勿轉載。 感謝鄭爸爸翻譯,鄭行超先生給予資料 圖片密碼:bowlinglover Wood VS. Synthetics 木板道VS.纖維道 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2009-07-29T10:36
請問各位,小弟是打飛碟球的,近來深受此問題困擾 看過許多曲球選手(包含PBA選手) 他們在出球時球與左腳(本文皆以右手球員為例)幾乎是零距離的接近 然而飛碟球選手則眾說紛紜 有人認為應與曲球選手一樣,出球時左腳略向右滑步到右腳前面 讓球在出手時與左腳越接近越好 因為這樣出球時,球的位置就可以剛好在鼻子的正下方 ...

8/1 冠源周六盃 鄉民練球團

William avatar
By William
at 2009-07-29T00:47
冠源周六盃 PTT 保齡球鄉民練球團 時間:08月01號 星期六 AM 09:00 地點:冠源保齡球館 高縣鳳山市青年路二段197號 地圖:如果從高雄市方向過來,可以沿著九如一路,會接上鳳山市的建國路, 看到保羅大飯店時右轉,直行約200~300公 ...