1021021英文作文批改 - 籃球

By Ivy
at 2013-10-21T00:00
at 2013-10-21T00:00
Table of Contents
My Favorite Sports
I still remember the first day of teaching basketball of our PE teacher in elementary. He taught many skills of basketball to each student, for instance, how to dribble, to shoot, to lay-up, and ask everybody to practice it after a month for test. In order to pass the test, I usually play 3vs.3 with other students at playground after class and at the day of test, I was the person who made hits at most and felt so happy. When I was junior high school student, I started to watch NBA and admired NBA players, Allen Iverson and Kobe Bryant. I became played basketball less and less from high school because of stresses of schoolwork.
我仍然記得在國小時我的體育老師第一天教我打籃球。他給每個學生教了很多籃球技巧,比如:如何運球、投籃、上籃而且要求大家要練習,一個月之後要測驗。我為了通過測驗,我常常在下課後的操場和其他學生玩鬥牛,在測驗的那天,我成了命中最多球的人,我覺得很開心。在我升上國中,我開始看NBA,我最崇拜的球員是Allen Iverson 和Kobe Bryant。但是我越來越少打籃球了,因為課業壓力。
I still remember the first day of teaching basketball of our PE teacher in elementary. He taught many skills of basketball to each student, for instance, how to dribble, to shoot, to lay-up, and ask everybody to practice it after a month for test. In order to pass the test, I usually play 3vs.3 with other students at playground after class and at the day of test, I was the person who made hits at most and felt so happy. When I was junior high school student, I started to watch NBA and admired NBA players, Allen Iverson and Kobe Bryant. I became played basketball less and less from high school because of stresses of schoolwork.
我仍然記得在國小時我的體育老師第一天教我打籃球。他給每個學生教了很多籃球技巧,比如:如何運球、投籃、上籃而且要求大家要練習,一個月之後要測驗。我為了通過測驗,我常常在下課後的操場和其他學生玩鬥牛,在測驗的那天,我成了命中最多球的人,我覺得很開心。在我升上國中,我開始看NBA,我最崇拜的球員是Allen Iverson 和Kobe Bryant。但是我越來越少打籃球了,因為課業壓力。
All Comments

By Valerie
at 2013-10-22T13:19
at 2013-10-22T13:19
I still remember the first day of teaching basketball teaching (通常某學科的教學,teaching置於學科後面,如置前,則屬動作,只是把它動名詞或分詞化,其本身有”動”的含義)of our PE teacher in the elementary school(只有elementary1字,是指”基礎”,沒有”小學”的意思). He taught many skills of basketball to each every student(each 強調”各個”,有”各別”的含意,而老師教學,多是教一整群,使用every,較合宜), for instance, how to dribble, to shoot, to lay-up, and then asked everybody to practice it after for a month for before the test(是否指測驗前的練習?). In order to pass the test, I usually played 3vs.3 with other students at playground after class and even at the day of the test(test是有指定,應加定冠詞), I was the person who made hits at the most, and so I felt so very happy(把so 改置於前,與前句形成因果關係語氣,敘述會較順). When I was a junior high school student( 在英文書寫的習慣上,如可寫出個數,通常都必須寫出,不能省略), I started to watch NBA and admired NBA players like Allen Iverson and Kobe Bryant.(舉例時,不要忘記使用如like, such as, for example, for instance等連接詞句), but the time when I became played basketball became less and less,(less and less”愈來愈少”是指打球的時間,time字必須寫出) from while I was studying at senior high school, because of the stresses of schoolwork.
2013-10-23 07:20:06 補充:
when 只用於時間上,但that一般不用於時間。

By Hardy
at 2013-10-21T21:07
at 2013-10-21T21:07
But the time that I used to play basketball became less and less while I was studying at senior high school.
2013-10-23 04:47:20 補充:
查了資料了, when = at which.
Thank you~
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