誰可以幫我創一份英文介紹(大綱也可)... - 籃球

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2008-02-24T00:00

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需長達5分鐘 我只是個國中生 單字別太難 有點內容

我叫000 就讀海山國中三年級 興趣 打電腦 看電視 打球(排球or籃球)
最喜歡的科目是英文和數學 我覺得英文很有趣 老師上課很有趣
希望有人能幫我多加一些內容 能把長度拉至5分鐘

All Comments

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2008-02-25T09:42
我叫000 就讀海山國中三年級 興趣 打電腦 看電視 打球(排球or籃球)最喜歡的科目是英文和數學 我覺得英文很有趣 老師上課很有趣上課方式是很*刺激*(拍英文老師馬屁用)
Hi everyone, today I would like to do a brief introduction of my self.
My name is OOO and I am in the third grade at Hai-san Junior High School . My hobbies are playing computer games, watching television program and playing ball such volleyball or basketball. The subjects I like best are English and Math. I feel that English language is very interesting and our English teacher uses a very fun and “exciting” style to teach us. That is why everyone likes to attend English class very much.
My dream is to become an outbound tour guide in the future. This is because I like to travel and see the world and as a tour guide I do not have to pay for the trip but get paid for it! But everyone around uses English language as a common language to communicate. Therefore in order to full fill my dream I have to first master my English language.
I will make sure that I work hard to master my English spoken and written ability.
I hope that everyone like my short introduction and thanks for your kind attention. Thanks you.
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2008-02-28T06:01
Hi, everyone. I like to take this chance to let you know more about me.
My name is OOO, I'm in the third grade at Hai-san Junior High School. My hobbies are playing computer games, watching TV, and playing ball games, especially volleyball and basketball. My favorite subjects are English and Math. In my opinion, English class is fun and exciting, and the English teacher is kind and awesome!
I want to be a OO in the future. So I need to sudy hard and get into a famous senior high school. I like to read novels and make friends. I hope our friendship can last forever.


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2008-02-23T00:00
我現在18歲 快19歲了 是個女生
可是就是沒有長高 或許有可能有長一點
但是 就是覺得沒有神�� ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2008-02-23T00:00
請問哪到籃球束褲 男性ㄉ 有人可以賣給我ㄇ


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2008-02-23T00:00
哪一位天才,可以告訴我 [因為打籃球可以長高的and#39;and#39;英文and#39;and#39;]?
非常急! !求一位好人來幫幫我阿!


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2008-02-23T00:00
但為何肚臍下方的小肉肉一直沒半法讓它完全 ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2008-02-23T00:00
1 要考裁判前一� ...