英文雜誌的一些聽力片段..希望有高手幫忙我譯 - 排球

By Joe
at 2013-10-26T00:00
at 2013-10-26T00:00
Table of Contents
.A guy in a cardboard box decorated like an iPhone, the Mars rover, and the pop singer Psy. Any celebrity who's been in the tabloids recently will do.
有個男生穿著裝飾成 iPhone的紙箱、好奇號火箭探測車、還有流行歌手Psy,任何最近出現在八卦小報中的明星, 都適合的。
cardboard box is a box used often for shipping. it is very thick and durable and if it is big bond like something that we refrigation...........................................will make a good choice
I have always wanted to do a couples' theme with my boyfriend. The cutest ones I have ever seen were Prince William and Kate Middleton , Barbie and Ken dolls still in their boxes, and Tom Hanks' character and Wilson the volleyball, from the movie Castaway.
我一直很想和我男友做情侶主題裝扮。我看過最可愛的情侶主題裝扮有威廉王子和凱特王妃、仍裝在河中的芭比和肯尼娃娃、以及電影『浩劫重生』中湯姆 漢克斯的角色及排球威爾森
couples' theme there are very different themes you can choice for your costume a theme of a basic idea,a central idea that you use. so couple's theme would be a boy and a girl as boyfriend and girl friend going you can be dress them by............................
CD中對skeleton(骷髏) 的英文解釋片段,以下是我譯的
all the bones in your body put them together so that look like you without flesh on that is gather them and so that is another choice in my try
這一段總覺得最後一句in my try有點問題,因為好像沒有這個片語
.A guy in a cardboard box decorated like an iPhone, the Mars rover, and the pop singer Psy. Any celebrity who's been in the tabloids recently will do.
有個男生穿著裝飾成 iPhone的紙箱、好奇號火箭探測車、還有流行歌手Psy,任何最近出現在八卦小報中的明星, 都適合的。
cardboard box is a box used often for shipping. it is very thick and durable and if it is big bond like something that we refrigation...........................................will make a good choice
I have always wanted to do a couples' theme with my boyfriend. The cutest ones I have ever seen were Prince William and Kate Middleton , Barbie and Ken dolls still in their boxes, and Tom Hanks' character and Wilson the volleyball, from the movie Castaway.
我一直很想和我男友做情侶主題裝扮。我看過最可愛的情侶主題裝扮有威廉王子和凱特王妃、仍裝在河中的芭比和肯尼娃娃、以及電影『浩劫重生』中湯姆 漢克斯的角色及排球威爾森
couples' theme there are very different themes you can choice for your costume a theme of a basic idea,a central idea that you use. so couple's theme would be a boy and a girl as boyfriend and girl friend going you can be dress them by............................
CD中對skeleton(骷髏) 的英文解釋片段,以下是我譯的
all the bones in your body put them together so that look like you without flesh on that is gather them and so that is another choice in my try
這一段總覺得最後一句in my try有點問題,因為好像沒有這個片語
All Comments

By Odelette
at 2013-10-27T00:57
at 2013-10-27T00:57
Cardboard boxes are boxes that are used often for shipping. It's very thick and durable and if it's a big box, like something that the refrigerator comes in, you can cut it up and have enough material there, enough cardboard to have something like that an iPhone for yourself and you can become an iPhone or maybe the Mars rover. Those could be made with cardboard boxes. um... Psy was very popular use last year. So that was something that he saw anybody who's been in the tabloids recently, the celebrity, will make a good choice.
Couple theme, there are many different themes you can choose for your custom. A theme is a basic idea, a central idea that you use. So, a couple theme would be a boy and a girl as boyfriend and girlfriend going you can be dressed like Prince William and Kate Middleton, Barbie and Ken in their boxes, Tom Hanks with a volleyball named Wilson from the movie Castaway. I think this year we might have Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke you watch the VMAs or you might know where that's coming from. I'll bet that's gonna be popular this year but it remain...
Skeleton is, well, all the bones in your body. You put them together so they look like you without the flesh on. That would be a skeleton and so that's another choice you might try.
2013-10-28 21:39:24 補充:
Cardboard boxes are boxes that are used often for shipping. It's very thick and durable and if it's a big box, like something that the refrigerator comes in, you can cut it up and have enough material there, enough cardboard to make something like an iPhone for yourself and
2013-10-28 21:39:48 補充:
you can become an iPhone or maybe the Mars rover. Those could be made with cardboard boxes. um... Psy was very popular last year. So that was something that he saw anybody who's been in the tabloids recently, the celebrity, will make a good choice.
2013-10-29 04:14:18 補充:
Couple theme, there are many different themes you can choose for your custom.
custom 應為 costume.
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