自我介紹--翻英語 - 運動

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2006-09-04T00:00

Table of Contents

您好,我叫做 _____,你可以叫我_____。
我最擅長的運動有:躲避ˋ羽球ˋ排球ˋ跳高ˋ籃球 …
那,請多多指教囉 ~
( 「___」的部份就先空著︿︿ 那剩餘的國字幫我翻成英語囉>< 可以的話
 在幫我多想幾個><  如果你是另外幫我加的請註明唷! 拜託囉! )

All Comments

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2006-09-08T12:00
您好,我叫做 _____,你可以叫我_____。
Hi, my name is______, you can also call me______.
My hobbies are reading, surfing on the net and sports...etc.
My specialty is in music.
我最擅長的運動有:躲避ˋ羽球ˋ排球ˋ跳高ˋ籃球 …
The sports that I am good at are dodgeball, badminton, volleyball, high jump and basketball.
When I have spare time, I like to do some leisure readings, surfing the net and listen to some music.
那,請多多指教囉 ~
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2006-09-04T11:16
Hello, my name is _______, you may call me _____.
My interests are reading, Internet, and sports.
I am good at music, dodgeball, badminton, vollyball, high jump, and basketball.
I like to spend my spare time in reading, getting on Internet, listening to music, etc.
(那,請多多指教囉 - I don't think it is necessary in England self introduction)
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2006-09-05T03:41
Hello, I am called _____, you may call me _____. My interest is: Reads
ˋ accesses the net ˋ the movement... The specialty is a music. I
most excel the movement includes: Avoids ˋ the badminton ˋ
volleyball ˋ high jump ˋ basketball... Usually I likes in the home
reading ˋ on accesses the net ˋ listens to the music and so on
□that, please many advises □


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2006-09-04T00:00
我覺得嶺東很不合理 都是大學了 幹嘛還強制要買體育服 氣
我是今年進修部新生 白天相信大家都要上班 要是剛好這ㄍ體育老 ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2006-09-04T00:00
最近買壹台二手的MERIDA~可是當時不會看車~後來發現、根本是拼裝車(笨)發現到煞車手把有問題~已經自行更換完成~ ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2006-09-04T00:00
大小腿都很粗,小腹凸出,想瘦,但沒毅力,是個3分鐘熱度的人,錢不多,外宿所以吃外食,本人少運動,可以�� ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2006-09-03T00:00
.不管用任何方法只要流汗就能促進新陳代謝嗎?流汗不外乎就是做運動.打籃球.......那再夏天穿著冬衣狂流汗呢?那� ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2006-09-03T00:00
大部分早餐吃的營養就對長高有幫助請問那晚上呢?要吃什麼才會助於長高要是不吃晚餐或者晚餐吃很少會不會影�� ...