現在沒有理由不贏下聯賽盃了 - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

By Elizabeth
at 2010-12-01T21:25
at 2010-12-01T21:25
Table of Contents
No excuses now: we must bring home this trophy.
by GilbertoSilver
Gunnerblog http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2648
Arsenal 2 - 0 Wigan (Alcaraz 41 (og), Bendtner 67)
Highlights (http://goo.gl/8wJMK ) | Arsene’s reaction (http://goo.gl/UkpqK )
We never had to come out of first gear to win the game…
Once Victor Moses departed with a dislocated shoulder, Wigan’s resistance
disappeared. He had been their brightest spark, but without his
counter-attacking verve they weren’t much of a threat. One Alcaraz scored
his own-goal there was no escape for Wigan (b-dum). The second half was
played at exhibition pace, and only some slack finishing on our part
prevented it from becoming a rout.
自 Victor Moses 因肩膀脫臼而缺陣,Wigan 的威脅便消失得無影無蹤。受傷前他是隊上
最靈活的前鋒,一旦少了他那反擊能力的注入,Wigan 便失去了威脅。Alcaraz 造成的烏
龍球,就決定了 Wigan 難逃敗戰的命運。下半場看起來就像是熱身賽一般的步調,且因
West Ham’s victory over Man United makes us favourites for the cup…
West Gam 勝過 ManUtd 使我們更有希望贏下盃賽冠軍
When was the last time we were legitimately favourite to win any sort of
silverware? Discounting the Emirates Cup? It’s an unusual position for us
to be in, but one that’ll be important for our relatively inexperienced squad
’s development. Tonight two from Birmingham, Villa, West Brom and Ipswich
will join us and West Ham in the semi-finals. We have no excuses for not
winning this tournament now. Whatever you make of the Carling Cup, having
some silverware on the table before February is out would be a hell of a
上一次最有機會拿下冠軍是什麼時候的事了?不算 Emirates Cup 的話?這一次我們難得
。今晚會從 Birmingham, Villa, West Brom, 以及 Ipswich 決定其中兩隊、以及
West Ham 與 我們 進入準決賽。我們沒有理由不贏下聯賽盃!無論在聯賽盃表現如何,
The Carling Cup is some fans’ only chance of a ticket…
…but that doesn’t excuse some of their behaviour. Sorry to go all Scrooge
on you at this time of year, but three pitch invasions in one game just isn’
t funny. Maybe if they’d been naked I’d have been impressed. Especially
in that cold. But simply running on the pitch and getting yourself a ban is
no way to behave. Tell that to Karl Henry, I suppose.
衝進球場,給自己被禁止入場的處罰,是不應有的行為。我認為,這些人該去向 Karl
Henry 說。
??????後面那句話我看不懂,是暗示什麼?( ̄ー ̄;)
The ‘Carling Cup Philosophy’ isn’t completely dead…
Although we’ve certainly brought more established players in to the Carling
Cup side, it’s worth pointing out that we still give games to some very
young players. Szczesny is 20, Wilshere 18, and Gibbs, Walcott and Vela all
21. For the likes of Szczesny and Gibbs this experience is invaluable: they’
re far too good for the Reserves or even to be loaned out, but can’t
necessarily be relied on to play every week in the Premier League. The role
the domestic cups play in granting them games remains vital - if anything, it
’s become more beneficial as they now play alongside senior pros. Gibbs, by
the way, was outstanding last night and is beginning to put Gael Clichy under
significant pressure.
槍手們比賽機會。Szczesny 現年 20歲,Wilshere 現年 18歲,而 Gibbs、Walcott、以及
Vela 都才 21歲。對於 Szczesny 和 Gibbs 這樣的球員來說,這次的比賽經驗難能可貴:
一線隊踢球時,過去盃賽的經驗就對我們是有益的。昨晚 Gibbs 表現傑出,也正面給予
Gael Clichy 競爭的壓力。
The same can’t be said for Carlos Vela…
但對於 Carlos Vela 就另當別論了
After a week in which his brother has ‘threatened’ Arsenal with the
possibility of losing Vela, the Mexican striker needed a big performance to
remind Arsene Wenger of his quality. Whilst he did produce one brilliant
cross for the second goal, Vela also conspired to miss several one-on-one
chances you would usually expect him to take. Watching from the bench, Jay
Emmanuel Thomas must have felt slightly frustrated. Presented with the same
opportunities, he would surely have opened his Arsenal account. Instead, he
got just six minutes at the end of the game. With Wellington Silva set to
provide yet more competition come January, Vela could be running out of time
to make the impact his early promise suggested he would be capable of.
過去一週裡,Vela 的哥哥‘威脅’Arsenal 有可能失去 Vela,結果昨晚墨西哥籍的射手
卻得需要回到最佳狀態,才能引起 教授 願意重用他的才能。儘管那記漂亮的弧線助攻第
二顆進球,Vela 卻也浪費了許多你認為他應該進球的單刀機會。從板凳來看,
Jay Emmanuel Thomas 甚至會感到不滿。若是給 JET 同樣的機會,早就為自己締造第一次
進球的紀錄了。然而,JET 只在賽末六分鐘上場。隨著 Wellington Silva 將在一月的歸
隊並帶來競爭力,Vela 得加緊腳步回到起初所承諾的表現。
Robin van Persie showed some flashes of quality…
Robin van Persie 展現出不凡的亮點
Two of the chances Vela missed were created by quite exquisite back-flicks
from his Dutch team-mate. The fitness levels might not be quite there yet,
but the touch is, and whilst I think Chamakh deserves to keep his place for
now, Robin is undoubtedly a fantastic option to have on the bench. As the
season progresses he should improve - injuries notwithstanding. Touch
something wooden. Quickly.
Vela 浪費的兩次得分機會,都來自荷蘭籍隊友那記漂亮的後腳跟傳球。體能狀態或許還
未達標準,但觸感絕對是頂尖的。雖然 Chamakh 現在足以擔負著先發前鋒的責任,但
在板凳上的 Robin 也無庸置疑是不錯的進攻選擇。隨著年復一年的賽事,他理應進步,
Vela 的狀態忽好忽壞,該自我要求回到最佳狀態才是。
除了 van Persie 成了整個比賽的核心以外,
Gibbs 時常漂亮地攔截,並快速地反擊,更是令人眼睛為之一亮。
祝福 槍手們 健康地以最佳狀態拿下每一場賽事。( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !
by GilbertoSilver
Gunnerblog http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2648
Arsenal 2 - 0 Wigan (Alcaraz 41 (og), Bendtner 67)
Highlights (http://goo.gl/8wJMK ) | Arsene’s reaction (http://goo.gl/UkpqK )
We never had to come out of first gear to win the game…
Once Victor Moses departed with a dislocated shoulder, Wigan’s resistance
disappeared. He had been their brightest spark, but without his
counter-attacking verve they weren’t much of a threat. One Alcaraz scored
his own-goal there was no escape for Wigan (b-dum). The second half was
played at exhibition pace, and only some slack finishing on our part
prevented it from becoming a rout.
自 Victor Moses 因肩膀脫臼而缺陣,Wigan 的威脅便消失得無影無蹤。受傷前他是隊上
最靈活的前鋒,一旦少了他那反擊能力的注入,Wigan 便失去了威脅。Alcaraz 造成的烏
龍球,就決定了 Wigan 難逃敗戰的命運。下半場看起來就像是熱身賽一般的步調,且因
West Ham’s victory over Man United makes us favourites for the cup…
West Gam 勝過 ManUtd 使我們更有希望贏下盃賽冠軍
When was the last time we were legitimately favourite to win any sort of
silverware? Discounting the Emirates Cup? It’s an unusual position for us
to be in, but one that’ll be important for our relatively inexperienced squad
’s development. Tonight two from Birmingham, Villa, West Brom and Ipswich
will join us and West Ham in the semi-finals. We have no excuses for not
winning this tournament now. Whatever you make of the Carling Cup, having
some silverware on the table before February is out would be a hell of a
上一次最有機會拿下冠軍是什麼時候的事了?不算 Emirates Cup 的話?這一次我們難得
。今晚會從 Birmingham, Villa, West Brom, 以及 Ipswich 決定其中兩隊、以及
West Ham 與 我們 進入準決賽。我們沒有理由不贏下聯賽盃!無論在聯賽盃表現如何,
The Carling Cup is some fans’ only chance of a ticket…
…but that doesn’t excuse some of their behaviour. Sorry to go all Scrooge
on you at this time of year, but three pitch invasions in one game just isn’
t funny. Maybe if they’d been naked I’d have been impressed. Especially
in that cold. But simply running on the pitch and getting yourself a ban is
no way to behave. Tell that to Karl Henry, I suppose.
衝進球場,給自己被禁止入場的處罰,是不應有的行為。我認為,這些人該去向 Karl
Henry 說。
??????後面那句話我看不懂,是暗示什麼?( ̄ー ̄;)
The ‘Carling Cup Philosophy’ isn’t completely dead…
Although we’ve certainly brought more established players in to the Carling
Cup side, it’s worth pointing out that we still give games to some very
young players. Szczesny is 20, Wilshere 18, and Gibbs, Walcott and Vela all
21. For the likes of Szczesny and Gibbs this experience is invaluable: they’
re far too good for the Reserves or even to be loaned out, but can’t
necessarily be relied on to play every week in the Premier League. The role
the domestic cups play in granting them games remains vital - if anything, it
’s become more beneficial as they now play alongside senior pros. Gibbs, by
the way, was outstanding last night and is beginning to put Gael Clichy under
significant pressure.
槍手們比賽機會。Szczesny 現年 20歲,Wilshere 現年 18歲,而 Gibbs、Walcott、以及
Vela 都才 21歲。對於 Szczesny 和 Gibbs 這樣的球員來說,這次的比賽經驗難能可貴:
一線隊踢球時,過去盃賽的經驗就對我們是有益的。昨晚 Gibbs 表現傑出,也正面給予
Gael Clichy 競爭的壓力。
The same can’t be said for Carlos Vela…
但對於 Carlos Vela 就另當別論了
After a week in which his brother has ‘threatened’ Arsenal with the
possibility of losing Vela, the Mexican striker needed a big performance to
remind Arsene Wenger of his quality. Whilst he did produce one brilliant
cross for the second goal, Vela also conspired to miss several one-on-one
chances you would usually expect him to take. Watching from the bench, Jay
Emmanuel Thomas must have felt slightly frustrated. Presented with the same
opportunities, he would surely have opened his Arsenal account. Instead, he
got just six minutes at the end of the game. With Wellington Silva set to
provide yet more competition come January, Vela could be running out of time
to make the impact his early promise suggested he would be capable of.
過去一週裡,Vela 的哥哥‘威脅’Arsenal 有可能失去 Vela,結果昨晚墨西哥籍的射手
卻得需要回到最佳狀態,才能引起 教授 願意重用他的才能。儘管那記漂亮的弧線助攻第
二顆進球,Vela 卻也浪費了許多你認為他應該進球的單刀機會。從板凳來看,
Jay Emmanuel Thomas 甚至會感到不滿。若是給 JET 同樣的機會,早就為自己締造第一次
進球的紀錄了。然而,JET 只在賽末六分鐘上場。隨著 Wellington Silva 將在一月的歸
隊並帶來競爭力,Vela 得加緊腳步回到起初所承諾的表現。
Robin van Persie showed some flashes of quality…
Robin van Persie 展現出不凡的亮點
Two of the chances Vela missed were created by quite exquisite back-flicks
from his Dutch team-mate. The fitness levels might not be quite there yet,
but the touch is, and whilst I think Chamakh deserves to keep his place for
now, Robin is undoubtedly a fantastic option to have on the bench. As the
season progresses he should improve - injuries notwithstanding. Touch
something wooden. Quickly.
Vela 浪費的兩次得分機會,都來自荷蘭籍隊友那記漂亮的後腳跟傳球。體能狀態或許還
未達標準,但觸感絕對是頂尖的。雖然 Chamakh 現在足以擔負著先發前鋒的責任,但
在板凳上的 Robin 也無庸置疑是不錯的進攻選擇。隨著年復一年的賽事,他理應進步,
Vela 的狀態忽好忽壞,該自我要求回到最佳狀態才是。
除了 van Persie 成了整個比賽的核心以外,
Gibbs 時常漂亮地攔截,並快速地反擊,更是令人眼睛為之一亮。
祝福 槍手們 健康地以最佳狀態拿下每一場賽事。( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !
All Comments

By Kama
at 2010-12-03T23:06
at 2010-12-03T23:06

By Irma
at 2010-12-06T00:48
at 2010-12-06T00:48

By Linda
at 2010-12-08T02:29
at 2010-12-08T02:29

By Elvira
at 2010-12-10T04:11
at 2010-12-10T04:11

By Catherine
at 2010-12-12T05:52
at 2010-12-12T05:52

By Jacky
at 2010-12-14T07:34
at 2010-12-14T07:34

By Rachel
at 2010-12-16T09:15
at 2010-12-16T09:15

By Vanessa
at 2010-12-18T10:57
at 2010-12-18T10:57

By Heather
at 2010-12-20T12:39
at 2010-12-20T12:39

By Ida
at 2010-12-22T14:20
at 2010-12-22T14:20

By Lucy
at 2010-12-24T16:02
at 2010-12-24T16:02
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