教授你錯了,轉捩點是在77分鐘前 - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

By Oliver
at 2010-11-25T11:22
at 2010-11-25T11:22
Table of Contents
Sorry Arsene, but ‘turning points’ come before the 77th minute
by GilbertoSilver
Gunnerblopg http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2638
Braga 2 - 0 Arsenal (Matheus 83, 90)
Highlights http://goo.gl/yekKN | Arsene’s reaction http://goo.gl/Yrdo3
Like arseblogger, I had planned to watch this game on a delay. Only on the
way home from work, I accidentally looked in to the window of a pub, whose
giant screen revealed to me that it was 0-0 with twenty minutes to play.
Guessing, correctly, that I probably hadn’t missed all that much, I sat
down to watch the remainder of the game.
就像 arseblogger 一樣,我原先計畫晚一點兒去看本場比賽。下班返家的途中,意外地
從 pub 的窗口看到了大屏幕的賽事直播,顯示著比數為 0-0 且剩下20分鐘。我猜應該
Obviously I have a skewed impression of the match, but it does seem as if all
the significant action took place in that closing quarter of the game.
Emmanuel Eboue and Cesc Fabregas were withdrawn with injury, leaving us down
to just ten men. Then Carlos Vela was wrongly booked for diving when in fact
he should have been awarded a penalty. And, of course, Arsenal conspired to
concede two goals on the counter-attack, and lose the tie.
Emmanuel Eboue 和 Cesc Fabregas 都受傷了,迫使槍手以10人應戰。接著 Carlos Vela
被誤判為假摔,他理應得到一顆點球的。最後 Arsenal 被反擊打進兩球,輸了。
I think the main reason we lost the game was our team selection. I’m
surprised Arsene’s decision to leave out the likes of Sagna, Clichy, Song,
Nasri, Arshavin, Van Persie and Chamakh hasn’t provoked more discussion.
This team was of almost equivalent strength (or weakness, rather) to those we
’ve sent out in the Carling Cup. You can’t take that kind of risk away
from home in Europe and expect to get away with it.
我想輸球的主要原因在於陣容的安排。我很訝異 教授決定讓 Sagna、Clichy、Song、
Nasri、Arshavin、Van Persie、以及 Chamakh 不在先發卻沒有掀起大家的討論。這陣容
的戰力就相當於過去在 Carling Cup 會安排二軍的等級。你不應該冒著風險來參加歐冠
You can blame ill fortune or individual errors for us conceding the crucial
goals, but it’s not as if we had the Braga goal under siege before that.
Arsene’s focus on the penalty incident is a knowing distraction from the
fact that we barely created a chance in the game. Arsene called it the ‘
turning point’ - I’m sorry, but the pivotal points around which the dynamic
of an entire game revolves don’t tend to occur so late in the game. Being
denied a penalty was no excuse for what followed.
一直在防守的 Braga 也許就不同了。教授 抨擊著點球事件,很顯然是要我們不去注意,
一個無法創造得分機會的事實。教授 稱那點球為‘轉捩點’,但我得抱歉地指出,真正的
Both goals were poorly defended. We were caught high up the pitch, with
Denilson covering in the centre-back role and not covering himself in glory
on either occasion. Whilst both Matheus finishes were impressive, he ought
never to have been afforded the opportunity.
兩顆進球皆因羸弱的防禦所致。我們的防守漏洞被抓住時,都是 Denilson 在中衛和中場
未能盡防禦之職。當 Matheus 兩次都展現高度的把握能力時,他起初就不該讓對方有機會
Not that I think the defeat matters all that much. A win at home to Partizan
Belgrade will take us through, and if we can’t manage that then frankly we
don’t deserve qualification. Many will point to the fact that finishing
second in the group would mean we’d come up against some tricky opposition
in the next round. Well, this is the Champions League. You can’t win it by
playing a series of micky mouse teams. If you can’t get past a decent team
in the quarters or semis, you might aswell go out now and focus on the
competitions you can win.
關於這次輸球,我還有一些想法。接下來在主場贏 Partizan Belgrade 就能晉級十六強,
Speaking of which, it’s time to try and refocus on domestic matters. It’s
been a horrible few days, but if we can win at Villa Park on Saturday
afternoon we’ll go top of the Premier League. The following week, beating
Wigan at home will take us to a Carling Cup semi-final. It’s not all bad.
說到這,是時候來重新專注在國內賽事了。過去幾天相當慘烈,但若在週六下午 Villa
Park 球場贏下比賽,我們就會坐上英超榜首之位。接著在主場擊敗 Wigan 又能晉身
Carling Cup 的準決賽。其實也不錯呢。
We’ll probably have to try and win those two games without Cesc Fabregas,
who I suspect will be missing for at least a fortnight. It might be no bad
thing. So far this season, he hasn’t quite looked himself. Samir Nasri,
meanwhile, has been in blistering form. Let’s use this opportunity to give
Cesc the rest he seems to require, and deploy Nasri in his favoured central
role. Personally, I happen to think that at the moment Cesc’s lack of
fitness and form is denying him the half-yard of pace he needs to make a
success of that number ten role. Nasri currently has no such problems.
我們得試著在沒有 Cesc Fabregas 的情況下,盡力贏下這兩場賽事,因我認為 Fabregas
Nasri 正處於最佳狀態。不妨藉這機會來給予 Cesc 足夠的休養,並讓 Nasri 來負責他
所愛的中場角色。個人認為,此時 Cesc 在健康和狀態的欠缺,攔阻他朝向No.10(王牌)
的最後一步。但 Nasri 就沒有這方面的問題。
The one bright spot in a dark few days has been the return of Aaron Ramsey,
who played 45 minutes for the Reserves last night. Manuel Almunia also began
his comeback, though to be honest I don’t expect to see either in the
first-team for quite some time - admittedly, for very different reasons.
在這慘澹的期間,唯一令人欣喜的是 Aaron Ramsey 的復出,並在昨晚預備隊踢了45分鐘
。Manuel Almunia 也回到復出之列,但老實說,這段期間還不希望看到他們回到一線隊,
恩...( ̄ー ̄;)
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !
by GilbertoSilver
Gunnerblopg http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2638
Braga 2 - 0 Arsenal (Matheus 83, 90)
Highlights http://goo.gl/yekKN | Arsene’s reaction http://goo.gl/Yrdo3
Like arseblogger, I had planned to watch this game on a delay. Only on the
way home from work, I accidentally looked in to the window of a pub, whose
giant screen revealed to me that it was 0-0 with twenty minutes to play.
Guessing, correctly, that I probably hadn’t missed all that much, I sat
down to watch the remainder of the game.
就像 arseblogger 一樣,我原先計畫晚一點兒去看本場比賽。下班返家的途中,意外地
從 pub 的窗口看到了大屏幕的賽事直播,顯示著比數為 0-0 且剩下20分鐘。我猜應該
Obviously I have a skewed impression of the match, but it does seem as if all
the significant action took place in that closing quarter of the game.
Emmanuel Eboue and Cesc Fabregas were withdrawn with injury, leaving us down
to just ten men. Then Carlos Vela was wrongly booked for diving when in fact
he should have been awarded a penalty. And, of course, Arsenal conspired to
concede two goals on the counter-attack, and lose the tie.
Emmanuel Eboue 和 Cesc Fabregas 都受傷了,迫使槍手以10人應戰。接著 Carlos Vela
被誤判為假摔,他理應得到一顆點球的。最後 Arsenal 被反擊打進兩球,輸了。
I think the main reason we lost the game was our team selection. I’m
surprised Arsene’s decision to leave out the likes of Sagna, Clichy, Song,
Nasri, Arshavin, Van Persie and Chamakh hasn’t provoked more discussion.
This team was of almost equivalent strength (or weakness, rather) to those we
’ve sent out in the Carling Cup. You can’t take that kind of risk away
from home in Europe and expect to get away with it.
我想輸球的主要原因在於陣容的安排。我很訝異 教授決定讓 Sagna、Clichy、Song、
Nasri、Arshavin、Van Persie、以及 Chamakh 不在先發卻沒有掀起大家的討論。這陣容
的戰力就相當於過去在 Carling Cup 會安排二軍的等級。你不應該冒著風險來參加歐冠
You can blame ill fortune or individual errors for us conceding the crucial
goals, but it’s not as if we had the Braga goal under siege before that.
Arsene’s focus on the penalty incident is a knowing distraction from the
fact that we barely created a chance in the game. Arsene called it the ‘
turning point’ - I’m sorry, but the pivotal points around which the dynamic
of an entire game revolves don’t tend to occur so late in the game. Being
denied a penalty was no excuse for what followed.
一直在防守的 Braga 也許就不同了。教授 抨擊著點球事件,很顯然是要我們不去注意,
一個無法創造得分機會的事實。教授 稱那點球為‘轉捩點’,但我得抱歉地指出,真正的
Both goals were poorly defended. We were caught high up the pitch, with
Denilson covering in the centre-back role and not covering himself in glory
on either occasion. Whilst both Matheus finishes were impressive, he ought
never to have been afforded the opportunity.
兩顆進球皆因羸弱的防禦所致。我們的防守漏洞被抓住時,都是 Denilson 在中衛和中場
未能盡防禦之職。當 Matheus 兩次都展現高度的把握能力時,他起初就不該讓對方有機會
Not that I think the defeat matters all that much. A win at home to Partizan
Belgrade will take us through, and if we can’t manage that then frankly we
don’t deserve qualification. Many will point to the fact that finishing
second in the group would mean we’d come up against some tricky opposition
in the next round. Well, this is the Champions League. You can’t win it by
playing a series of micky mouse teams. If you can’t get past a decent team
in the quarters or semis, you might aswell go out now and focus on the
competitions you can win.
關於這次輸球,我還有一些想法。接下來在主場贏 Partizan Belgrade 就能晉級十六強,
Speaking of which, it’s time to try and refocus on domestic matters. It’s
been a horrible few days, but if we can win at Villa Park on Saturday
afternoon we’ll go top of the Premier League. The following week, beating
Wigan at home will take us to a Carling Cup semi-final. It’s not all bad.
說到這,是時候來重新專注在國內賽事了。過去幾天相當慘烈,但若在週六下午 Villa
Park 球場贏下比賽,我們就會坐上英超榜首之位。接著在主場擊敗 Wigan 又能晉身
Carling Cup 的準決賽。其實也不錯呢。
We’ll probably have to try and win those two games without Cesc Fabregas,
who I suspect will be missing for at least a fortnight. It might be no bad
thing. So far this season, he hasn’t quite looked himself. Samir Nasri,
meanwhile, has been in blistering form. Let’s use this opportunity to give
Cesc the rest he seems to require, and deploy Nasri in his favoured central
role. Personally, I happen to think that at the moment Cesc’s lack of
fitness and form is denying him the half-yard of pace he needs to make a
success of that number ten role. Nasri currently has no such problems.
我們得試著在沒有 Cesc Fabregas 的情況下,盡力贏下這兩場賽事,因我認為 Fabregas
Nasri 正處於最佳狀態。不妨藉這機會來給予 Cesc 足夠的休養,並讓 Nasri 來負責他
所愛的中場角色。個人認為,此時 Cesc 在健康和狀態的欠缺,攔阻他朝向No.10(王牌)
的最後一步。但 Nasri 就沒有這方面的問題。
The one bright spot in a dark few days has been the return of Aaron Ramsey,
who played 45 minutes for the Reserves last night. Manuel Almunia also began
his comeback, though to be honest I don’t expect to see either in the
first-team for quite some time - admittedly, for very different reasons.
在這慘澹的期間,唯一令人欣喜的是 Aaron Ramsey 的復出,並在昨晚預備隊踢了45分鐘
。Manuel Almunia 也回到復出之列,但老實說,這段期間還不希望看到他們回到一線隊,
恩...( ̄ー ̄;)
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !
All Comments

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By Lily
at 2010-11-29T18:48
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By Edith
at 2010-12-01T22:31
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By Sandy
at 2010-12-04T02:15
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By Suhail Hany
at 2010-12-06T05:58
at 2010-12-06T05:58

By Odelette
at 2010-12-08T09:41
at 2010-12-08T09:41

By Dinah
at 2010-12-10T13:24
at 2010-12-10T13:24

By Robert
at 2010-12-12T17:07
at 2010-12-12T17:07

By Doris
at 2010-12-14T20:51
at 2010-12-14T20:51

By Skylar Davis
at 2010-12-17T00:34
at 2010-12-17T00:34

By Jacob
at 2010-12-19T04:17
at 2010-12-19T04:17

By Edward Lewis
at 2010-12-21T08:00
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