唉~惱人的中翻英..求救高手.47點 - 運動

By Mary
at 2009-04-03T00:00
at 2009-04-03T00:00
Table of Contents
一、 宿舍區環境介紹
二、 寢室設備
1. 傢俱:書桌、書架、椅子、衣櫥、床頭櫃、單人床(以上皆為單人式雙份配備)、鞋櫃、電視櫃。
2. 電器用品:分離式冷氣、吹風機、免付費有線電視。
3. 衛浴設備:乾濕分離、置物架、洗臉枱、梳裝鏡。
4. 備品
5. 冷氣操作方式
三、 環境維護
1. 寢室維護:由宿舍服務中心定期指派專人,負責寢室之清潔及環境維護工作,以及相關備品之補充。
2. 寢具清洗
u 同一寢室住宿人員發生異動時,宿舍服務中心將指派專人進行更換,換洗項目包含床單、被套、浴巾、枕頭套(巾);住宿期間較長者,頻率調整為每兩週換洗1次。
u 其他定期性換洗項目:床墊、床罩、窗(門)簾。
一、 宿舍區環境介紹
二、 寢室設備
1. 傢俱:書桌、書架、椅子、衣櫥、床頭櫃、單人床(以上皆為單人式雙份配備)、鞋櫃、電視櫃。
2. 電器用品:分離式冷氣、吹風機、免付費有線電視。
3. 衛浴設備:乾濕分離、置物架、洗臉枱、梳裝鏡。
4. 備品
5. 冷氣操作方式
三、 環境維護
1. 寢室維護:由宿舍服務中心定期指派專人,負責寢室之清潔及環境維護工作,以及相關備品之補充。
2. 寢具清洗
u 同一寢室住宿人員發生異動時,宿舍服務中心將指派專人進行更換,換洗項目包含床單、被套、浴巾、枕頭套(巾);住宿期間較長者,頻率調整為每兩週換洗1次。
u 其他定期性換洗項目:床墊、床罩、窗(門)簾。
All Comments

By Joe
at 2009-04-05T00:53
at 2009-04-05T00:53
Are available in each dormitory floor Pantry with RO reverse osmosis water dispenser, providing temperature and hot water. Store Street, first floor laundry has a self-help centers, social halls, restaurants ,7-ELEVEN, casual drinks shops, Internet area, employees of foreign shops, leisure play area, styling salon, K book center, the classroom training.
Museum close to the vitality and staff quarters, for the three-story open-architecture, there are basketball, badminton, volleyball, squash, billiards, table tennis and other types of sports venues. Sports staff in order to enhance the atmosphere, the company health club and the Taipei yoroto service contract, professional fitness instructors Mill Service, with the exception of the provision of free testing of physical fitness services, fitness activities and to provide consultative, training, teaching equipment, such as professional services.
Two, bedroom equipment
1. Furniture: a desk, bookcase, chair, closet, bedside cabinets, single (more than double are equipped with single-type), shoe, tv cabinet.
2. Electrical supplies: Split Air conditioning, hair dryer, free cable TV.
3. Sanitary equipment: wet and dry separation, racks, wash units, fitted mirror comb.
4. Spare parts
5. Air conditioning operation
Three, environmental maintenance
1. Dormitory maintenance: Service by the dormitory staff regularly assigned to be responsible for cleaning the bedroom and environmental maintenance work, as well as related supplementary spare.
2. Bedding cleaning
u stay the same dormitory personnel changes happen, the Service Center will be assigned to dormitory staff replacement, rotation and cleaning items include bed sheets, quilt, towel, pillowcase (towel); stay a longer period, and adjust the frequency of rotation and cleaning for one meeting every two weeks.
u regular wash other items: mattresses, mattress covers, window (door) curtain.

By Rebecca
at 2009-04-07T03:23
at 2009-04-07T03:23

By Sandy
at 2009-04-05T23:17
at 2009-04-05T23:17
Dormitory each floor fully has a tea and fully has negative RO to permeate a fountain machine and provides and hot boiled water.The first floor store street establishes self-help to do laundry center, make friends hall, restaurant, 7-ELEVEN, recreational beverage store, network area, foreign employee's shopping store, recreational game area, shape hair gallery, K book center and training classroom.
The vitality building tightly faces employee's dormitory, for the building of the 3 F floor open type, inside have basketball, badminton, volleyball, wall ball, billiards, ping-pong...etc. various exercise places.For promoting the employee's exercise custom, company and yoroto health club in Taipei sign service contract and invite the coach of the profession workout to halt a factory service, in addition to provide a free body proper can examine a service, and provide a workout activity consultation and train device teaching etc. professional service.
Two, Bedroom equipment
1. Furniture:Desk, bookcase, chair, wardrobe, bedstand, single bed(above all is a single type double equipment), shoes cabinet, television cabinet.
2. Electrical appliance:Separation type cold air, hair dryer, don't need to pay cabled T.V..
3. Bathroom equipment:Dry wet separate, place a thing and wash face, Comb to pack a mirror.
4. Have an article
5. The cold air operates a way
Three, The environment safeguards
1. The bedroom safeguards:BE periodically pointed parties specially assigned by the dormitory service center, be responsible for bedroom it sweeps and environment maintenance work, and related have article it add.
2. The bedding cleans
◎ When the same bedroom accomodation personnel takes place a change, the dormitory service center will point parties specially assigned to carry on changing and change to wash an item containment bed sheet, quilt sack, bath towel, pillowcase(towel);Stopping for the night a period is longer, frequency the adjustment changes to wash for every two weeks once.
◎ Other periodicities change to wash item:Mattress, bedspread and window(door) Lian.
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