倫敦大戰:意料之中的失望 - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

By Kristin
at 2010-10-08T22:26
at 2010-10-08T22:26
Table of Contents
※ 引述《changyg (Bob)》之銘言:
: Chelsea thoughts: Disappointed but not surprised
: by GilbertoSilver
: Guunerblog http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2576
: *****這篇心得是 GilbertoSilver 撰寫的*****
: A couple of seasons back, I characterised Arsenal - Chelsea games of recent
: years as being comparable to this video clip:
: 連續兩個賽季以來, 我想 Arsenal vs Chelsea 的賽事可以比做以下的影片節錄:
: Capoeira vs Boxing (巴西武術 vs 拳擊)
: http://youtu.be/2g5t0s_Fn9s
: (有暗諷 槍手 缺少關鍵一擊,卻總是在華麗球風大作文章( ̄□ ̄|||)a)
: What’s disappointing, I suppose, is how little that has changed. There was
: even a predictability about the identity of the man delivering the knockout
: blow: one Didier Drogba.
: 我想,最失望的是,連扳回劣勢的機會都沒有。大家都有預感,認為會揮出 KO 重擊的人
: 就是 Didier Drogba。
: Arsene Wenger, among other pundits, has suggested that Arsenal had an “
: outstanding game”. And yet there’s nothing unfortunate about our defeat.
: This has happened too many times to be merely ‘unlucky’. Yes, we had
: plenty of possession, but Chelsea probably knew it would be that way. They
: knew if they sat deep, defended tight and narrow, that they could win the
: match by being better in both penalty areas. Their centre-backs just about
: had the measure of Marouane Chamakh, whilst we have never been, and probably
: will never be, able to cope with the threat of Drogba, who now has 13 in 13
: against us.
: Arsene Wenger 仍在許多的評論家之中,仍指出 Arsenal 踢了一場“傑出的比賽”。我
: 們輸的比賽其實無關運氣,反倒是有太多機會而不該用“不幸”來概括之。是的,我們有
: 較高的控球權,Chelsea 也認定我們會如此。他們只要深撤後防,緊盯球員並侷限傳球路
: 徑,接著就靠較佳的鋒線球員和後衛在兩邊禁區的優勢贏下比賽即可。他們的中後衛只要
: 搞定 Chamakh 即可,而我們未曾,或者該說根本就不能搞定 Drogba 的威脅,一個至今
: 和我們對上 13 次的前鋒。
: There is a lot of talk about us needing to take our chances. The finger of
: blame is pointed at Laurent Koscielny, who failed to head home our most
: presentable chance in the game’s opening moments. It was a poor miss, but
: in isolation it didn’t represent the difference between the two teams. It’
: s not as if taking the lead in the game would somehow have prevented the
: defensive sloppiness that allowed Chelsea not only to score twice but miss
: more enticing opportunities. The gap could have been wider: Nicolas Anelka
: slotted wide when scoring seemed simpler, and Fabianski twice saved from
: one-on-one situations.
: 接著,我們來談談所需要的是把握機會。最令人髮指的便是:Laurent Koscielny,居然
: 在開局之刻最有機會的進球給它放槍。雖然浪費了那記進球,還未能明顯地顯出兩隊的差
: 異。就算領先一顆進球,也改變不了後防的凌亂讓 Chelsea 不只進了兩球,還送我們好
: 幾次的放槍大禮。漸漸地差異愈來愈大:Nicolas Anelka 在第一記進球時由邊路插上助
: 攻,即使這進球看起來很普通;接著 Fabianski 還救了兩次單刀的情形。
: Yes, Koscielny should have scored, but I’m not going to blame a centre-back
: for the ‘nil’ next to our name. What Arsenal need to do is make their
: keep-ball strategy more efficient. Arsene is reportedly obsessed by stats,
: and has sat in press conferences before defending defeats on the grounds of
: our possession percentage. It means nothing, however, if it’s not converted
: in to goals. A better team - a team like Chelsea - can let the other side
: have the ball in the knowledge that they can go from winning it back to
: scoring a goal in a matter of seconds. You don’t need a twenty pass move
: when you can score with three.
: 沒錯,Koscielny 應該進球的,但我接下來不會批評一個中後衛只因為"零"在隊名裡面
: (Arsenal 意即兵工廠、軍火庫,理應名符其實地進球,但作者故意調侃,把"nil"原意為
: 零放在隊名裡,即 Arsenil ,酸球隊不會把握進球)。Arsenal 所需要的是,讓控球策略
: 更有效率一點。Arsene 似乎為數據給著魔了,於是在記者會以控球比率來掩飾輸球的事
: 實。但,控球再好,不能促成進球得分就是沒有意義的。好的球隊,就像 Chelsea,可以
: 讓敵隊一直控球,以為接下來就能夠進球並贏回比賽。我要強調的是,只要能兩三下的傳
: 球便可得分,就不要在那裏弄個二、三十次的傳球。
: The same applies to set pieces too. If you’re a team with a lot of approach
: play down the flanks, it is inevitable you will win a lot of corners. So
: work on them. Create varied and dangerous routines. Yesterday, Arsenal had
: ten corners. Only one provided any serious threat.
: 同樣在定位球也一樣。若是球隊常以兩翼進攻,無疑地會拿到多次的角球機會。我要說,
: 好好地加強兩翼進攻,創造多樣且具威脅的路徑吧。昨天 Arsenal 就有十次的角球機會
: ,哪怕是只有一次(只要應用上述原則,)都能帶給對方不小的威脅。
: This general inefficiency is why I’m a declared fan of Andrey Arshavin.
: Yes, he gives the ball away more than any other player in our side, but he’
: s also, in the absence of the much-missed Cesc Fabregas, the most productive
: in the final third. Yesterday, he produced two stinging efforts which
: brought the best out of Petr Cech, from nothing.
: 因著球隊欠缺效率的通病之故,使得我成為 Andrey Arshavin 的頭號粉絲。沒錯,槍手
: 中他常常掉球,但卻也是,在我們最想念的 Cesc Fabregas 缺席之下,最有效率的第三
: 名球員。昨天,他製造兩次進球的威脅讓無所事事的 Petr Cech 不得不認真起來。
: Of course you can only use those kind of rapier counter-attacks if you can
: defend. The Arsenal of 97/98 had the likes of Adams and Keown to hold the
: fort whilst Nicolas Anelka sprung the offside trap to clinical effect. The
: Invincibles had a back four including Sol Campbell in his prime and protected
: by Vieira and Gilberto, two masters of their trade. This side does not have
: a good enough defence to play in that way. We have to control the game using
: keep-ball and create chances against tight, packed defences. Against almost
: every side in the Premier League, that’s good enough. But not Chelsea.
: 當然,你可以使用更快速的防守反擊,只要你有足夠的防守能力。97/98 的 Arsenal 有
: Adams 和 Keown 把守著最後防線,即使 Nicolas Anelka 穿越了越位陷阱也未必有機會
: 得分。當時的“無敵後防”由四名後衛組成,其中有一位是年輕的 Sol Campbell,而且
: 還有著大師級的後腰:Vieira 和 Gilberto。現在的陣容防禦能力不足以像當年那樣可以
: 踢防守反擊。我們得藉由持球權來掌控比賽,並創造機會來突破對方緊縮的防禦陣型。對
: 英超大部分的球隊是可行的,但 Chelsea 例外。
: There’s no shame in losing this game. When you go away to the Champions,
: there’s a significant chance you will get beat. This result is only a
: problem in the context of others. Had we beaten West Brom, we’d be just
: four points off the top as opposed to seven, and table would make much
: prettier reading.
: 輸了這場沒有什麼可恥的。當你要遠征歐冠時,會有更多的機會被擊敗。這次賽果只是另
: 一種情境的困擾。當我們敗給 West Brom 時,距榜首僅是 4分之差,現在卻變成 7分之差
: ,積分榜也更顯得一目了然。
: Already, just seven games in to the season, there’s little margin for error.
: Crucially, we need to start beating the bigger teams. If we are to provide
: a serious threat in the league this season, I’d suggest we will have to beat
: both United and Chelsea - and possibly City - at the Emirates.
: 雖說才不過是開季的前七場比賽而已,但不該容許有犯錯的餘地。更殘酷的是,我們還得
: 擊敗更強的球隊。若我們還想奪冠的話,我認為我們必須在主場擊敗 ManUtd 和 Chelsea
: ,甚至 ManCity。
: International breaks always get me down. Going in to one on the back of two
: defeats is particularly depressing. Happy Monday this ain’t.
: 另外,國際比賽總是令我失望。兩場輸球的賽事更叫人沮喪。即使是憂鬱星期一,還是祝
: 大家星期一快樂。
: ****************************************
: 看了視頻以後,
: http://www.soccerclips.net/videos/chelsea-v-arsenal-motd-highlights-20101
: 才深覺得 Arsenal 尚有很大的進步空間。
: 只要碰到輸球,
: 不外乎那幾個老調重彈的議題:
: 傷病問題、(光是休養球員就能組成明星槍手隊 XD)
: 門將問題、(被進得莫名奇妙)
: 後防問題、(當前的後防居然是今夏才買來趕上工的?!)
: 中場問題、(少了F4,常常會找不到核心組織)
: 前鋒問題、(很幸運我們有強壯又健康的C29、有效率但體力有限的A23)
: 還有,每年都會碰到的:
: 30歲以上,一年一簽(有找工作經驗的,都不會想當短期約聘人員,寧可做久一點的正職)
: 但還是那句話:
: 只有真正的槍迷,無論成績好壞,癡心不改!
: (我太喜歡這句話啦 ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏)
: Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
: We r the Champions !
: Chelsea thoughts: Disappointed but not surprised
: by GilbertoSilver
: Guunerblog http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2576
: *****這篇心得是 GilbertoSilver 撰寫的*****
: A couple of seasons back, I characterised Arsenal - Chelsea games of recent
: years as being comparable to this video clip:
: 連續兩個賽季以來, 我想 Arsenal vs Chelsea 的賽事可以比做以下的影片節錄:
: Capoeira vs Boxing (巴西武術 vs 拳擊)
: http://youtu.be/2g5t0s_Fn9s
: What’s disappointing, I suppose, is how little that has changed. There was
: even a predictability about the identity of the man delivering the knockout
: blow: one Didier Drogba.
: 我想,最失望的是,連扳回劣勢的機會都沒有。大家都有預感,認為會揮出 KO 重擊的人
: 就是 Didier Drogba。
: Arsene Wenger, among other pundits, has suggested that Arsenal had an “
: outstanding game”. And yet there’s nothing unfortunate about our defeat.
: This has happened too many times to be merely ‘unlucky’. Yes, we had
: plenty of possession, but Chelsea probably knew it would be that way. They
: knew if they sat deep, defended tight and narrow, that they could win the
: match by being better in both penalty areas. Their centre-backs just about
: had the measure of Marouane Chamakh, whilst we have never been, and probably
: will never be, able to cope with the threat of Drogba, who now has 13 in 13
: against us.
: Arsene Wenger 仍在許多的評論家之中,仍指出 Arsenal 踢了一場“傑出的比賽”。我
: 們輸的比賽其實無關運氣,反倒是有太多機會而不該用“不幸”來概括之。是的,我們有
: 較高的控球權,Chelsea 也認定我們會如此。他們只要深撤後防,緊盯球員並侷限傳球路
: 徑,接著就靠較佳的鋒線球員和後衛在兩邊禁區的優勢贏下比賽即可。他們的中後衛只要
: 搞定 Chamakh 即可,而我們未曾,或者該說根本就不能搞定 Drogba 的威脅,一個至今
: 和我們對上 13 次的前鋒。
: There is a lot of talk about us needing to take our chances. The finger of
: blame is pointed at Laurent Koscielny, who failed to head home our most
: presentable chance in the game’s opening moments. It was a poor miss, but
: in isolation it didn’t represent the difference between the two teams. It’
: s not as if taking the lead in the game would somehow have prevented the
: defensive sloppiness that allowed Chelsea not only to score twice but miss
: more enticing opportunities. The gap could have been wider: Nicolas Anelka
: slotted wide when scoring seemed simpler, and Fabianski twice saved from
: one-on-one situations.
: 接著,我們來談談所需要的是把握機會。最令人髮指的便是:Laurent Koscielny,居然
: 在開局之刻最有機會的進球給它放槍。雖然浪費了那記進球,還未能明顯地顯出兩隊的差
: 異。就算領先一顆進球,也改變不了後防的凌亂讓 Chelsea 不只進了兩球,還送我們好
: 幾次的放槍大禮。漸漸地差異愈來愈大:Nicolas Anelka 在第一記進球時由邊路插上助
: 攻,即使這進球看起來很普通;接著 Fabianski 還救了兩次單刀的情形。
: Yes, Koscielny should have scored, but I’m not going to blame a centre-back
: for the ‘nil’ next to our name. What Arsenal need to do is make their
: keep-ball strategy more efficient. Arsene is reportedly obsessed by stats,
: and has sat in press conferences before defending defeats on the grounds of
: our possession percentage. It means nothing, however, if it’s not converted
: in to goals. A better team - a team like Chelsea - can let the other side
: have the ball in the knowledge that they can go from winning it back to
: scoring a goal in a matter of seconds. You don’t need a twenty pass move
: when you can score with three.
: 沒錯,Koscielny 應該進球的,但我接下來不會批評一個中後衛只因為"零"在隊名裡面
: (Arsenal 意即兵工廠、軍火庫,理應名符其實地進球,但作者故意調侃,把"nil"原意為
: 零放在隊名裡,即 Arsenil ,酸球隊不會把握進球)。Arsenal 所需要的是,讓控球策略
: 更有效率一點。Arsene 似乎為數據給著魔了,於是在記者會以控球比率來掩飾輸球的事
: 實。但,控球再好,不能促成進球得分就是沒有意義的。好的球隊,就像 Chelsea,可以
: 讓敵隊一直控球,以為接下來就能夠進球並贏回比賽。我要強調的是,只要能兩三下的傳
: 球便可得分,就不要在那裏弄個二、三十次的傳球。
: The same applies to set pieces too. If you’re a team with a lot of approach
: play down the flanks, it is inevitable you will win a lot of corners. So
: work on them. Create varied and dangerous routines. Yesterday, Arsenal had
: ten corners. Only one provided any serious threat.
: 同樣在定位球也一樣。若是球隊常以兩翼進攻,無疑地會拿到多次的角球機會。我要說,
: 好好地加強兩翼進攻,創造多樣且具威脅的路徑吧。昨天 Arsenal 就有十次的角球機會
: ,哪怕是只有一次(只要應用上述原則,)都能帶給對方不小的威脅。
: This general inefficiency is why I’m a declared fan of Andrey Arshavin.
: Yes, he gives the ball away more than any other player in our side, but he’
: s also, in the absence of the much-missed Cesc Fabregas, the most productive
: in the final third. Yesterday, he produced two stinging efforts which
: brought the best out of Petr Cech, from nothing.
: 因著球隊欠缺效率的通病之故,使得我成為 Andrey Arshavin 的頭號粉絲。沒錯,槍手
: 中他常常掉球,但卻也是,在我們最想念的 Cesc Fabregas 缺席之下,最有效率的第三
: 名球員。昨天,他製造兩次進球的威脅讓無所事事的 Petr Cech 不得不認真起來。
: Of course you can only use those kind of rapier counter-attacks if you can
: defend. The Arsenal of 97/98 had the likes of Adams and Keown to hold the
: fort whilst Nicolas Anelka sprung the offside trap to clinical effect. The
: Invincibles had a back four including Sol Campbell in his prime and protected
: by Vieira and Gilberto, two masters of their trade. This side does not have
: a good enough defence to play in that way. We have to control the game using
: keep-ball and create chances against tight, packed defences. Against almost
: every side in the Premier League, that’s good enough. But not Chelsea.
: 當然,你可以使用更快速的防守反擊,只要你有足夠的防守能力。97/98 的 Arsenal 有
: Adams 和 Keown 把守著最後防線,即使 Nicolas Anelka 穿越了越位陷阱也未必有機會
: 得分。當時的“無敵後防”由四名後衛組成,其中有一位是年輕的 Sol Campbell,而且
: 還有著大師級的後腰:Vieira 和 Gilberto。現在的陣容防禦能力不足以像當年那樣可以
: 踢防守反擊。我們得藉由持球權來掌控比賽,並創造機會來突破對方緊縮的防禦陣型。對
: 英超大部分的球隊是可行的,但 Chelsea 例外。
: There’s no shame in losing this game. When you go away to the Champions,
: there’s a significant chance you will get beat. This result is only a
: problem in the context of others. Had we beaten West Brom, we’d be just
: four points off the top as opposed to seven, and table would make much
: prettier reading.
: 輸了這場沒有什麼可恥的。當你要遠征歐冠時,會有更多的機會被擊敗。這次賽果只是另
: 一種情境的困擾。當我們敗給 West Brom 時,距榜首僅是 4分之差,現在卻變成 7分之差
: ,積分榜也更顯得一目了然。
: Already, just seven games in to the season, there’s little margin for error.
: Crucially, we need to start beating the bigger teams. If we are to provide
: a serious threat in the league this season, I’d suggest we will have to beat
: both United and Chelsea - and possibly City - at the Emirates.
: 雖說才不過是開季的前七場比賽而已,但不該容許有犯錯的餘地。更殘酷的是,我們還得
: 擊敗更強的球隊。若我們還想奪冠的話,我認為我們必須在主場擊敗 ManUtd 和 Chelsea
: ,甚至 ManCity。
: International breaks always get me down. Going in to one on the back of two
: defeats is particularly depressing. Happy Monday this ain’t.
: 另外,國際比賽總是令我失望。兩場輸球的賽事更叫人沮喪。即使是憂鬱星期一,還是祝
: 大家星期一快樂。
: ****************************************
: 看了視頻以後,
: http://www.soccerclips.net/videos/chelsea-v-arsenal-motd-highlights-20101
: 才深覺得 Arsenal 尚有很大的進步空間。
: 只要碰到輸球,
: 不外乎那幾個老調重彈的議題:
: 傷病問題、(光是休養球員就能組成明星槍手隊 XD)
: 門將問題、(被進得莫名奇妙)
: 後防問題、(當前的後防居然是今夏才買來趕上工的?!)
: 中場問題、(少了F4,常常會找不到核心組織)
: 前鋒問題、(很幸運我們有強壯又健康的C29、有效率但體力有限的A23)
: 還有,每年都會碰到的:
: 30歲以上,一年一簽(有找工作經驗的,都不會想當短期約聘人員,寧可做久一點的正職)
: 但還是那句話:
: 只有真正的槍迷,無論成績好壞,癡心不改!
: (我太喜歡這句話啦 ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏)
: Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
: We r the Champions !
All Comments

By Candice
at 2010-10-11T00:05
at 2010-10-11T00:05

By Wallis
at 2010-10-13T01:44
at 2010-10-13T01:44

By Tristan Cohan
at 2010-10-15T03:23
at 2010-10-15T03:23

By Jake
at 2010-10-17T05:02
at 2010-10-17T05:02

By Hardy
at 2010-10-19T06:41
at 2010-10-19T06:41

By Delia
at 2010-10-21T08:20
at 2010-10-21T08:20

By Rachel
at 2010-10-23T09:59
at 2010-10-23T09:59

By Rachel
at 2010-10-25T11:39
at 2010-10-25T11:39

By Ina
at 2010-10-27T13:18
at 2010-10-27T13:18
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