"他是球隊的大腦和力量"-Satoransky帶領捷克來到籃球樂土 - 籃球

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2019-09-11T17:30

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''He is the brain, he is the muscle'' - Satoransky leads Czech Republic into
basketball's promised land
"他是球隊的大腦和力量" - Satoransky帶領捷克來到籃球樂土


SHENZEN (China) - Every win and every loss. Every shot taken - made or
missed; every rebound, assist and block made on the World Cup courts in China
by the players of the Czech Republic this month will be written into the
history of their sport as they compete in their first FIBA Basketball World


They are doing so without one of their best players, Jan Vesely, who is out
due to injury but they have succeeded into the Second Round though the
strength of another whose value to the team is measured in far more than the
stat sheet.

他們在少了最好的球員之一─因傷缺陣的Jan Vesely情況下成功進入第二輪,這球隊的價

To a man, his coach and teammates all say that point guard Tomas Satoransky
is the leader of this squad both on and off the court.

有一個人,控球後衛Tomas Satoransky,他的教練和隊友們全都說他無論在場上或場下

"You see it every day on the court," said forward Jaromir Bohacik, who is
leading the Czechs in scoring with 16.7 points per game. "He is the brain; he
is the muscle. I don't know what else you could say about what he is to our
team. He is the leader. He did a great job again today (against Turkey) so
thank god that we got him."

"你每天在場上都能看到,"以場均貢獻16.7分前鋒Jaromir Bohacik說。"他是球隊的頭腦


The 27-year-old Satoransky says that his job is, "Just to lead them in any
possible way."


Now headed to the Chicago Bulls after three seasons with the Washington
Wizards, the 6ft 7in (2.01m) Satoransky was frank about his performance in
his country's greatest win to date, a 91-76 victory over Turkey that sent
them into the winner's bracket.


"I had another rough shooting night. Teams are going to get physical with me
but it's not all about me, especially in FIBA basketball. I think I'm
experienced enough to know where to force the shot, and where not."


For the tournament, he's averaging 14.3 points but on 38.2% shooting, much
because he draws a lot of attention from opposing defenses.


"My teammates did a great job in the spacing. It's all about our team and the
chemistry. It's not about my performances; I have to lead them verbally also."


To be clear, he is contributing 5 rebounds and 6.3 assists per game – he had
11 points, 7 rebounds and 7 assists against Turkey and a team high 17 points
and 5 assists against the world's top team, the two-time defending FIBA World
Cup champions United States in their first game.


He also passes out praise like he does the ball. "A lot of players today
showed up but it's not about individual players on our team," he said after
the Turkey game. "It's about about everyone and I think Vojtech Hruban,
Ondrej Balvin, and Patrik Auda especially had a great game and this is all
about the team."

土耳其賽後他這麼說。"這是每個人的功勞,我覺得Vojtech Hruban、Ondrej Balvin和
Patrick Audu表現尤其出色,這是我們全隊的功勞。"

Bulls Talk
Another nice game from Tomas Satoransky in the FIBA World Cup. Check out
highlights from his 15-6-7 game in a win over Japan.


"He started with the national team when he was 17 or 18, and I always knew
that he was going to be the leader," said center Ondrej Balvin, the TCL
Player of the Game against Turkey. "He's always trying to do the best for the
team. He's the leader on the court and off the court and he's doing it every

單場最佳球員中鋒Ondrej Balvin這麼說。"他總是試著為球隊做到最好,他在場上和場下

"He's a leader. He's our leader. He's a complete player," said Blake Schilb
who has benefited from Satoransky's passing to the tune of 11 points per game
on a blistering 57 percent overall and even more impressive 69 percent from
behind the arc. "I've known him since he was just a teenager and the amount
he's grown since then, the maturity on and off the court just means so much.
He's a made man now."

,投籃命中率57%,三分線外命中率更是令人印象深刻的69%的Blake Schilb說道。"我從

Satoransky is leading by example in China

Czech coach Ronen Ginzburg knows he has someone he can trust to lead the team
both on and off the court.

捷克教練Ronen Ginzburg知道他有一個場上和場下都可以仰賴他領到球隊的人。

"His contributions are amazing. He is all the time dedicated to the game. He
pays attention to every detail and it's important for us that a player like
this leads this team. I think he is a star as well as the glue for all the


The Czechs celebrated with abandon after the game and the joy from the locker
room could not be restrained by the door as they looked forward to their next
game and advancing even further.


"No one expected us to go to the Second Round but we knew before the
championship that we had a great preparation and that we can fight against
anyone," said Satoransky. "That's what we did today. The championship has
already provided a lot of surprises so I think this is one of them."


"This is an amazing feeling and we want this feeling to last as much it can
but obviously there is going to be a next opponent and we will have to
prepare to fight like we did in this group."


FIBA https://tinyurl.com/y37cvd4v

Tags: 籃球

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