澳洲和捷克正在創造歷史 - 籃球

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2019-09-11T15:57

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History in the making for Australia and Czech Republic

10/09/2019 PREVIEW 3 MIN TO READ

SHANGHAI (China) - No matter who wins this Quarter-Finals duel, the crowd in
Shanghai will have witnessed history by the time the game ends, because it
will be a first for these two to reach the Semi-Finals of a FIBA Basketball
World Cup.


Australia are in their 12th World Cup appearance, and they haven't had a
single misstep yet, sweeping their way to the Quarter-Finals for the first
time since 1994. Powered by their NBA experience with Joe Ingles, Andrew
Bogut, Patty Mills, Aron Baynes and Matthew Dellavedova, the Boomers are one
step away from the best-ever finish. They were fifth in 1982 and 1994.

橫掃對手。由NBA經驗豐富的Joe Ingles、Andrew Bogut、Patty Mills、Aron Baynes和
Matthew Dellavedova加持下,袋鼠軍離隊史最佳紀錄僅剩一步。他們在1982年和1994年

Czech Republic are making their debut at the world's summit, but they don't
want their dream to end now that they are two wins away from stepping on the
podium. Czechs have played eye-pleasing basketball since day one, but they
are also the only 3-2 team among the last eight.



Team Overview Australia: Perfect. The Boomers were 3-0 in the First Round,
then 2-0 in the Second Round, and both of those have some added value since
they were achieved through the Group of Death and a tough crossroad
intersection with France and the Dominican Republic. Australia have done it
in style, too. A lot of dribble-hand-off plays, a lot of cutting, a lot of
screen-the-screener motions - when they get it going, they look unbeatable.


Team Overview Czech Republic: Czech Republic are the upset package in
Shanghai. A lot of people saw them stuck in the First Round, in a group with
Turkey and USA, especially after Team USA was forced to work overtime against
Turkey. But, Czech Republic had other ideas, sending Turkey to Classification
Round 17-32, then ending the World Cup dreams of Brazil and Greece in the
Second Round. Out of nowhere, Czech Republic are the Cinderella story here in
China, and with Tomas Satoransky getting so much help from Ondrej Balvin,
Blake Schilb, Vojtech Hruban, Jaromir Bohacik and others, you should
definitely check them out.

成為灰姑娘的故事,Tomas Satoransky得到Ondrej Balvin、Blake Schilb、Vojtech
Hruban、Jaromir Bohacik和其他人的大量援助,你應該看看他們。

Key Matchup: Tomas Satoransky v Joe Ingles. Both of them are flirting with
the first ever FIBA Basketball World Cup triple-double, and don't be
surprised if both of them actually get one in a direct matchup with each

關鍵對決:Tomas Satoransky對 Joe Ingles。兩人都接近世界盃有史以來首次大三元,

Satoransky is the brain of the Czech Republic side, with 15.2 points, 7.4
assists and 6.0 rebounds per game so far, but he was also -18 and -4 in their
two defeats in this event, to USA and Greece, respectively.


Ingles is putting up 11.4 points, 6.2 assists and 5.8 rebounds, but has
averaged 32.1 minutes per game . With a lot of muscle on disposal for coach
Ronen Ginzburg, Czech Republic will try and take the remaining energy out of

Ingles場均上場32.1分鐘,貢獻11.4分、6.2助攻和5.8個籃板。隨著Ronen Ginzburg教練

X-Factor: Pressure. Andrej Lemanis was asked about the change of the outlook
for Australia, who were usually perceived as the underdogs in games like
these, but not anymore. Now they have the pressure of expectations, whereas
Czech Republic are completely relaxed. And dangerous, directly because of it.

X因子:壓力。Andrej Lemanis被問到澳洲前景的變化,以往他們在這樣的賽事中都被視為

Stats Don't Lie: Assists are pretty much in the DNA of both of these teams,
with both of them averaging more than 20 dimes per game. If Australia stop
Czech Republic from dropping 20+ dimes, they will be that much closer to
reaching the Semi-Finals. Vice versa.


They Said: "When we sacrifice for each other like that, it's a great thing
for us. There is no other group of guys I'd rather be out there going to war
with than these bunch of mates." - Aron Baynes, Australia

群人讓我願意和他們一起奮戰。"─澳洲隊Aron Baynes。

"I know that they are a very good basketball team. My assistant coaches
responsible for scouts have told me how well they are playing. There is no
fluke that they are in the Quarter-Finals, they absolutely earned their
position there, they've got a good mix of inside-outside, they play good
defense, they are a tough European basketball nation. It's the Quarter-Finals
of the World Cup. If we can't get up for that, then we don't deserve to win,
but I'm really confident that we will." - Andrej Lemanis, Australia head coach

贏球,但我很有信心我們能做到。"─澳洲總教練Andrej Lemanis。

"I said it before, the last thing that Tomas is interested in is his points,
his stats or anything. He wants to win the game. Of course, he's the head of
the team, the leader. But he doesn't care about numbers, he cares about wins,
that's what makes him a great player." - Ronen Ginzburg, Czech Republic head
coach, talking about Tomas Satoransky

很棒的球員。"─捷克隊總教練Ronen Ginzburg談到關於Tomas Satoransky。

"We've never played against Australia - it's our first time here in the World
Cup - so we want to play against them because those are the teams we never
face in the FIBA EuroBaskets." - Vojtech Hruban, Czech Republic

他們是我們在歐洲盃沒遇過的球隊之一。"─捷克Vojtech Hruban。

FIBA https://tinyurl.com/y2rzedwr

Tags: 籃球

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By Sierra Rose
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Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2019-09-11T14:31
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