美國隊能在八強賽過法國這關嗎? - 籃球

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2019-09-11T14:00

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Can Team USA get past France in the Quarter-Finals?

10/09/2019 PREVIEW 3 MIN TO READ

DONGGUAN (China) - After Team USA's convincing win over Brazil, it seems the
Americans may be peaking at the right time. That theory will be tested when
they try to get past a determined France in the FIBA Basketball World Cup
2019 Quarter-Finals.


The last time Team USA met France at the FIBA Basketball World Cup was more
than 50 years ago in the 1963 edition, with the Americans wining , 81-61, led
by New York Knickerbocker legend Willis Reed. More recently, though, Team USA
survived a French scare at the Rio 2016 Olympics, 100-97, thanks to Klay
Thompson's 30-point explosion.

博克傳奇Willis Reed領軍以81比61擊敗法國。比較近期的,美國隊在2016年里約奧運靠著
Klay Thompson爆量的30分演出以100比97險勝法國隊。

Willis Reed and Klay Thompson may not be in China for the World Cup, but
coach Gregg Popovich has a group of NBA up-and-comers hungry for their own
place in the spotlight. So far, the American talent has proved enough, though
they very nearly bit the dust against Turkey.

Willis Reed和Klay Thompson都不會出現在中國世界盃,但Gregg Popovich有一群NBA的

Team USA remain undefeated after five starts. That may change in the
Quarter-Finals, where France will meet them in Dongguan and hope to spring an
Eiffel Tower-sized upset.



Team Overview - USA: These are teams that the Americans have beaten: Czech
Republic, Turkey, Japan, Greece and Brazil. Of those teams, only Greece are
in the Top 10 of the FIBA World Ranking Presented by NIKE; and even at that,
Greece had been playing below par in the World Cup. France will be Team USA's
toughest test yet here in China, and it will be very interesting to see how
the Americans respond, especially in terms of offense because they have been
quite inconsistent on that end. After averaging 93.0 points per game in the
First Round, the Americans' scoring dropped to just 79.0 points per game in
the Second Round. Will their offense hum or sputter in the Quarter-Finals?


Team Overview France: As big as France are - average listed height of 6ft 8in
(2.02m) - rebounding has been a major issue for them. They're actually dead
last in terms of rebounding among all 32 teams at the World Cup with just
31.0 per game. They have been outrebounded in four of their first five games,
and against a team as long and athletic as Team USA, that may prove to be a
difference-maker. It'll also be interesting to see if France can defend with
discipline. Of all the teams in the Second Round, France have the
third-highest number of fouls per game, and they cannot afford to give too
many freebies to the Americans in such a knockout game.


Key Matchup: The matchups between Myles Turner and Rudy Gobert up front and
Donovan Mitchell opposite Evan Fournier at the perimeter are both exciting,
but perhaps the most crucial one will be in the backcourt pitting All-NBA
Third Team member Kemba Walker against former EuroLeague MVP Nando De Colo.
Walker has been awesome for the Americans, leading them in scoring and
assists, but he will play against someone who can match his offensive
production every step of the way. As of now, De Colo has better shooting
numbers than Walker down the line, whether it's total field goals, free
throws or three-pointers, and how Walker responds will be crucial in
determining how far Team USA can go.

關鍵對決:Myles Turner對Rudy Gobert及Donovan Mitchell對Evan Fournier兩組都讓人
興奮,但也許最決定性的一組會是後場組合,全NBA第三隊的Kemba Walker和前歐洲聯賽
的MVP Nando De Colo間的對決。Walker在美國隊非常出色,在隊內得分與助攻都是第一,
但他將對上進攻效率在每一部份都能與他匹敵的對手。目前為止,De Colo在投籃數據上

X-Factor: Team USA need to win the battle on the boards and the scoring in
the paint if they want a convincing win over France. Turner, Harrison Barnes
and Brook Lopez have to be rock-solid on the glass and around the basket here
against a tall and hefty French frontliner anchored by Gobert but also
featuring guys like Vincent Poirier and Amath M'Baye. As for France, it will
be key for them to hamper Team USA's fastbreak scoring. If coach Vincent
Collet's men don't turn the ball over and have tight transition defense, they
should be in decent shape here.

、Harrison Barnes和Brook Lopez必須牢牢地鞏固籃下,要對抗的是又高又壯的法國隊前
場,由Gobert領銜,另外還有Vincent Poirier和Amath M'Baye。而對法國隊來說,阻止
美國的快攻得分是關鍵。如果Vincent Collet的子弟兵沒有產生太多失誤,並加強轉換防

Stats Don't Lie: Rebounding may be France's Achilles heel so far, but for the
Americans, it has been their three-point shooting. Team USA is shooting just
32.7 percent from beyond the arc which, at this stage in the tournament, may
not cut it against the French. Coach Collet's boys have got their sights
sharpened, shooting 47.4 percent from long distance. If Team USA's perimeter
defense doesn't rotate well enough, look for France to make them pay big time.


They Said: "We're thrilled that we qualified for the Olympics. I guess when
we play the game [against France], we’ll find out if we can [play better
offense]." - USA head coach Gregg Popovich

更好的進攻方法。"─美國隊總教練Gregg Popovich。

"This is a lot different basketball than NBA basketball. My role is to
provide energy, rebound and block shots. That's what I do. I'm trying to put
my focus and energy into doing those things. Looking forward to the matchup
with Rudy Gobert. He's a good defensive player. I'm ready." - USA center
Myles Turner

我試著把焦點和能量放在做好這些事。期待和Rudy Gobert的對陣。他是很棒的防守者。
我做好準備了。"─美國隊中鋒Myles Turner。

"We have a quarterfinal against the strongest team in the competition, but
until proven otherwise, we are alive. It will be necessary to manage fatigue
of the travel in addition to that of the match whereas the Americans are
already on the spot, but we will give everything to succeed in the impossible
feat." - France head coach Vincent Collet

法在這不可能的對戰中取得成功。"─法國隊總教練Vincent Collet。

"We need to stay together and think about our next game. To go as far as
possible we will have to go through the United States." - France guard Nando
De Colo

─法國後衛Nando De Colo。

FIBA https://tinyurl.com/y5ayy5wf


Tags: 籃球

All Comments

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2019-09-16T01:31
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2019-09-20T16:21
由NBA組成的美國隊 世界傳統列強就差法國還沒贏過他們 今
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2019-09-21T04:08
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2019-09-21T18:22
James avatar
By James
at 2019-09-22T11:41
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2019-09-22T18:21
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2019-09-26T22:02
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2019-10-01T01:57
放心啦 美國加強防守你就烙賽了
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2019-10-04T14:38
西班牙在上面的專欄裡有提到 02年的世錦賽就有贏過美國
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2019-10-05T19:37
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2019-10-07T08:10
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2019-10-09T14:03
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2019-10-11T23:15
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2019-10-16T07:45
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2019-10-18T17:55

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