ZonalMarking:Chelsea 3-1 United - 曼聯,曼徹斯特聯足球俱樂部 Manchester United Football Club

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2014-01-26T17:01

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Chelsea 3-1 Man United: Moyes’ use of Januzaj proves clever, but United
sloppy at the back


Samuel Eto’o scored a hattrick as Chelsea convincingly defeated Manchester
United without playing particularly well.

Jose Mourinho welcomed back Branislav Ivanovic, meaning Cesar Azpilicueta
reverted to left-back and Ashley Cole was dropped. Nemanja Matic was on the
bench, while Eto’o got the nod over Fernando Torres upfront.

David Moyes brought Phil Jones into his midfield and played Ashley Young on
the left, moving Adnan Januzaj central and dropping Shinji Kagawa.

Manchester United actually started very well, but an unfortunate concession
and sloppy set-piece defending let them down.


Mourinho本場迎來Ivanovic, 這也代表Azpilicueta被調去打左後衛, 而A.Cole則沒有

Moyes把Jones放在中場以及讓Young打左路, 並且捨棄了Kagawa, 把Januzaj放在中路。

曼聯的開場踢得很好, 但是由於一顆運氣不佳的進球以及懶散的定位球防守讓他們輸

Moyes’ strategy quite effective

On one hand, there’s no need for Moyes to be significantly criticised after
this defeat. Manchester United were clearly unfortunate with the first goal,
while the second and third were because of poor defending at set-pieces. In
those situations, individuals must surely take responsibility for positional
errors, poor decision-making and a loss of concentration.

On the other, if the sign of a good side is ‘winning while playing badly’,
presumably the sign of a poor side is ‘losing while playing well’. United’
s heads inevitably dropped when they found themselves two or three goals
behind, but they started the game much better than Chelsea, and in open play
were arguably the better side for long periods.


曼聯在這場失利後, 並不需要對Moyes有太大的批判。第一個進球對於曼聯來說很明顯
是運氣不佳, 而第二和第三球則肇因於貧弱的定位球防守。在這個情況下, 每一個球員
都必須對自己站位的錯誤, 糟糕的判斷以及注意力不集中等問題負責。

對切爾西而言, 如果"踢的比較糟糕卻贏球"就算是好的一方的話, 那"踢的比較好卻輸
了, 但是他們開場比切爾西好很多, 而且在對戰上以長期來看(應該是說90分鐘內)算是

United shape

Moyes showed great faith in Adnan Januzaj by handing him the central
attacking role behind Danny Welbeck. It would have been easy for Moyes to
excuse the youngster from such a big game and instead play the more
experienced Shinji Kagawa, but Januzaj’s form deserves to be rewarded with
constant starts, and he was effectively United’s key player in this shape –
both on paper, and on the pitch.

The most interesting feature of the game was the roles of Januzaj and
Welbeck. Although the former is a midfielder and therefore you’d expect to
see him dropping back and helping with the numbers game in midfield, Welbeck
is the player renowned for his work rate. Therefore, it was usually Welbeck
dropping back to pick up David Luiz (or Ramires), and Januzaj remained
further forward – not really as a second striker, but as United’s most
advanced player.


Moyes把Januzaj放在中路扮演進攻的角色並待在Welbeck身後, 展現了對他極大的信任
。對Moyes來說, 在這種大比賽他大可以派經驗更豐富的Kagawa上場, 不過Januzaj的狀
態是值得一個固定先發位置的, Januzaj在曼聯的隊形中很有效的扮演的一個關鍵球員
的角色, 無論是在球場上或是戰術上。

場球員, 也因此你會期待他回到中場增加人數上的優勢, 而後者則是出了名的很努力。
特別之處在於是由Welbeck後撤來對抗Luiz(或是Ramires), 而Januzaj則留在前場 -
不完全算是一個第二前鋒, 但卻是曼聯陣型下最突前的球員。

Januzaj drifts left

Januzaj was the most dangerous attacking player in the match, for two
separate reasons.

First, he was allowed too much space between the lines by Chelsea. Neither
Ramires nor Luiz are proper holding midfielders, and Chelsea’s centre-backs
prefer to depend deep – John Terry, for example, wouldn’t have wanted
sprints against Welbeck if United knocked the ball in behind. At one point,
Mourinho could be seen screaming at Luiz to remain deep and protect the back
four, such was the danger of Chelsea allowing Januzaj space.

Second, Januzaj constantly drifted towards the left flank. In United’s
previous match against Swansea he rotated positions with Kagawa: sometimes
left, sometimes central. Here, although Ashley Young came inside a couple of
times, Januzaj was more focused on creating overloads down the left, and he
constantly picked up the ball in the inside left-channel, before attempting
to play the ball into the middle. He set up Welbeck for a good chance –
although the striker got the ball stuck under his feet under pressure from
Azpilicueta – and then hit a ball across the face of the box, with no-one
arriving at the far post.



一, 切爾西的中場線和後衛線之間給了他太多的空間。即使是Ramires或Luiz都沒有適
當的控制住中場, 而且切爾西的中衛 - Terry習慣後撤較深(或說靠後)。舉個例子, 如
果曼聯往前送出身後球, 他不會想要跟Welbeck去比速度。這一點可以從Mourinho在本

二, Januzaj持續向前推進到左邊的空檔。在曼聯上一場對上天鵝海的比賽中, 他和
Kagawa交叉換位,有時出現在左路,有時在中路。本場比賽中, 儘管Young有時候會前
插到禁區, 但Januzaj更注重於在左路堆積人數, 並且在嘗試把球送到中間之前持續到
禁區內左側拿球。他幫Welbeck作了一個好球, 雖然Welbeck在Azpilicueta的壓迫下拿


or that, Antonio Valencia must take some of the blame – United were
constantly attacking down the left, but Valencia never provides a second
goalscoring option at the far post. In stark contrast, when United attacked
down the right at Aston Villa (all ten chances were created down that side),
Januzaj started on the left but continually supported Welbeck by charging
into the box, which was crucial in United’s first two goals that afternoon.

Even if Januzaj wasn’t directly involved, United’s best moves came down the
left. The first chance of the game was when Young moved inside to receive a
ball from Michael Carrick, played a one-two with Welbeck, and Petr Cech made
a fine save. Later, Patrice Evra stormed forward to get into some good
positions, putting a decent ball into the box and firing into the sidenetting.

基於以上兩點, Valencia必須為此承擔一些責任 - 曼聯持續從左路進攻, 但Valencia
在遠門柱卻沒有提供第二個射門的選擇。相較於此, 在曼聯對上維拉那場比賽中, 曼聯
從右路發起攻擊並在此路創造了10次機會, 那場Januzaj從左路先發但是持續的插入禁
區來幫助Welbeck, 曼聯在那場的前兩顆進球都與此極其相關。

即使Januzaj沒有直接參予, 曼聯本場最好的配合都來自左路。第一次機會來自於Young
移動到禁區接到Carrick的傳球並且跟Welbeck作了一個二過一, 讓Cech作出一個很好的

Chelsea attacks

Oscar played a very disciplined tactical role in this game, trying to stop
Carrick and Phil Jones playing forward from midfield, but he had little
creative influence. Instead, Chelsea’s attacks generally came from wide
positions – Eden Hazard had a couple of great moments when Nemanja Vidic was
dragged towards the touchline, where he looked uncomfortable, but Willian was
the home side’s brightest midfielder, getting through his defensive tasks
but then charging inside towards goal.

In the headlines was Eto’o, for his hattrick, yet his all-round contribution
wasn’t particularly crucial. The first goal – against the run of play, like
in the European Cup final of 2009 against United – saw him sidestep Phil
Jones nicely, while the second and third were neat but simple finishes.

Mourinho said he elected for Eto’o rather than Torres because of his skill
and trickiness, in comparison to Torres’ raw pace and power (which is
actually an interesting evaluation of both players current’ style – both
around four years since their peak) but whether this was a significant factor
in the game is questionable. Eto’o poaching quality, rather than his
all-round game, was the key factor.


Oscar在本場扮演的角色在戰術上非常有紀律性, 嘗試阻止Carrick和Jones從中場向前
推進, 但沒什麼創造力。因此, 切爾西的主要進攻來自於更廣泛(寬度?)的位置 -
Hazard, 他在Vidic被拖至邊線時有一些非常棒的跑位/過人, 讓Vidic看起來非常的不
自在。不過, 切爾西主場本次最亮眼的中場是Willian, 做好他的防守任務並向前插入

因為拿了一個帽子戲法, 新聞的頭條都是Eto'o。儘管他的貢獻沒那麼特別重要。他的
第一顆進球 - 他的跑位就像09年歐冠決賽對曼聯一樣 - 非常好的晃過了Jones。而第

Mourinho說比起Torres他更頃向於選擇Eto'o是因為他的技術和技巧, 相較於Torres的
生猛的步伐(我亂翻QQ)和力量(由於這兩個球員的球風, 這是個令人感興趣的評價 -
對於這兩個巔峰過後的四年來講), 在比賽結果難於預測時, Eto'o的搶點/跑位(


Chelsea slow the tempo

What was more impressive about Chelsea, however, was the manner in which they
killed the game at 3-0 up. Mourinho gradually shifted to an entirely
defensive XI, first by introducing John Obi Mikel for Oscar, and Chelsea
moving to 4-3-3 to plug the gap between the lines. Later, Nemanja Matic made
his second Chelsea debut in place of Willian, with Ramires moving right.
Chelsea now had four cautious midfielders – Mikel, Matic, Luiz and Ramires,
plus Hazard to break forward from the left, joining Torres – who replaced Eto

Manchester United did get a goal back, through Javier Hernandez (he’d
replaced Young, with Januzaj going left) but this was probably their only
decent chance of the second half in open play. They’d created much more in
the first period, but had lacked someone with Hernandez’s (or Eto’o’s, for
that matter) poaching qualities.


成一個防守型的陣容, 第一個就是用Mikel換下Oscar, 轉換成4-3-3去堵住後衛線, 中
場線等之間的漏洞。之後再用為切爾西第二次首秀的Matic換下Willian, 並把Ramirez
移至右路。至此, 切爾西現在有了四名保守型的中場球員 - Mikel, Matic, Luiz和
Ramires, 另加上Hazard從左路突破去會合換下Eto'o的Torres。

曼聯最後還是透過Hernandez進了一球回來, (替換下Young, 讓Januzaj去左路)但這可
能只是在下半場進攻時的唯一亮點。曼聯在上半場創造了很多的機會, 但是缺少


The result here wasn’t a great reflection of the tactical battle – Chelsea
won the game by being more efficient at both ends, rather than by Mourinho’s
strategy being more effective. Eto’o has proved a useful penalty box striker
since his arrival, and he played a crucial role here.

Manchester United created some good situations in the first half, and while
Chelsea were increasingly content to be dominated as the game went on,
Mourinho would have been concerned in the first half at the number of decent
chances United created in the final third, shown by his forceful instructions
to Luiz to sit deeper.

It’s somewhat surprising that Manchester United lost the game in such a
manner. The widely acknowledged problem with their squad is in midfield –
yet here, they were let down in both penalty boxes.


本場的結果並不完全的反應出戰術上的對抗 - 相較之下切爾西因有著比曼聯更高的機
西之後已經證明了他是一個非常有用的禁區前鋒, 並扮演著很關鍵的角色。

曼聯在上半場創造了一些不錯的機會, 但同時隨著比賽進行, 切爾西漸漸掌控了全場;



Tags: 足球

All Comments

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2014-01-28T17:10
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2014-01-30T17:18
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2014-02-01T17:27
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2014-02-03T17:36
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2014-02-05T17:45
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2014-02-07T17:53
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2014-02-09T18:02
推 翻譯辛苦了 小賈真是讓人期待
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2014-02-11T18:11
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2014-02-13T18:20
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2014-02-15T18:28
J44+MATA+R10 evilkagawa:......
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2014-02-17T18:37
"那三個人"是指RVP+R10+Mata吧 ?!@@
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2014-02-19T18:46
哈哈 沒看清楚啦 我只是想推evilkagawa
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2014-02-21T18:55
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2014-02-23T19:04
推! 翻譯辛苦了!
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2014-02-25T19:12
我們不是10打11嗎? XD
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2014-02-27T19:21
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2014-03-01T19:30
SKY說Fabio已經完成體檢 永久轉會藍鳥
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2014-03-03T19:39
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2014-03-05T19:47
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2014-03-07T19:56
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2014-03-09T20:05
比起Butner我也比較看好Fabio 左右都能打
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2014-03-11T20:14
可惜Evra太強大 沒機會給他上場 祝福他


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2014-01-26T11:51
雖然Villa的速度不像以往這麼強悍~但我還是十足Villa控啊~ 主場正面 http://miupix.cc/pm-OOU3RO 主場背面 http://miupix.cc/pm-IIBTOP 客場正面 http://miupix.cc/pm-1PPPTG 客場背面 http://miupix.cc ...

不用太期待的冬轉 XD

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2014-01-26T11:10
(看到有人說夏轉要簽孔雀司機, 太扯了,必須回應一篇) 首先, 孔雀司機才剛剛和英冠榜首狐狸城(Leicester City)延長合約, 簽到2014-15球季結束, 屆時他已經34歲了 BBC 連結:http://tinyurl.com/mbz2k8r 再來, 我在Liverpool Echo上找 ...

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Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2014-01-26T07:42
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Lacina Traore

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2014-01-26T07:01
雖然隨後法甲 Monaco 的主力前鋒 Falco 在盃賽進了 ACL 俱樂部, 但是還是成了這個租借約, 要先感謝 (默) 租借到季末, 費用不明. --- 傷病: 中後衛都好了, 可是 Oviedo 卻拼搶過度斷腿了 Orz 這一斷最糟就是連世界盃都 GG. Coleman ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2014-01-26T06:41
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