Wang's return cause for satisfaction … - 棒球

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-06-29T11:26

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: Chien-Ming Wang had a pretty big day on Monday.
星期一對建仔來說 是個非常重要的一天
: For his fans, it was a national holiday.
對他的粉絲來說 這是個國定假日
: Wang pitched competitively for the first time in nearly two years when he
: worked three innings for the Hagerstown Suns in their 5-2 win over Lakewood.
建仔在昨日的比賽中投了三局 這是睽違兩年後的第一次投球投得
: For the former New York Yankees ace, it was time to celebrate.
對於前養雞王牌來說 這是該慶祝的時刻
: “I am very happy because it has been a long time,” Wang said through his
: translator. “Since this was my first rehabilitation assignment, I was
: excited but I kind of wanted to show I could still do it.”
建仔透過翻譯表示 我非常高興 因為真的很久了 由於這是我第一場復健的功課 我非常
興奮 有點想證明我仍然可以
: As big as the outing was for Wang, it was all that and more to Asian media.
: A large contingent of foreign media were on hand to see the Chinese Taipei
: native pitch and enthusiastically covered his every move. Reporters and
: cameramen rushed to the Suns’ clubhouse area to position for interviews
: after Wang finished his three-inning stint.
這場比賽對建仔很重要 尤其是對亞洲媒體
當建仔完成三局後 記者跟攝影機蜂擁而至的到休息區採訪建仔
: They waited patiently in the media area as Wang completed a postgame
: got iced and showered. In fact, he didn’t meet the press until after the
:completed their third victory in the first five games of the second half
事實上 他都沒有遇到媒體直到整對贏得下半季前五場比賽中的第三場
: Wang sat in front the large throng and fielded questions from the
: English-speaking press before doing a second interview in Chinese.

先幫忙翻前半部 文有點長


Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2011-06-30T23:20
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2011-07-05T21:14
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2011-07-08T01:51
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2011-07-12T07:05
推一個! Chinese Taipei的地方應該沒有指中華隊啦
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2011-07-13T23:41
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-07-16T10:42
用了Chinese Taipei而已... 個人覺得

表現過關 捕手:球球有尾勁

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2011-06-29T10:49
表現過關 捕手:球球有尾勁 蘋果日報 2011/06/29 記者謝岱穎/綜合報導 建仔首場復健賽驚動2位國民高層長官親自到場,包括球員發展部的主管哈里斯(Doug Harris)與小聯盟營運主管夏雷巴(Marc Scialabba)。 建仔的整體表現也獲肯定,幫建仔接球的捕手弗雷特斯(David F ...

Wang's return cause for satisfaction, celebration

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2011-06-29T10:41
Wangand#39;s return cause for satisfaction, celebration By BOB PARASILITI 12:35 a.m. EDT, June 28, 2011 HAGERSTOWN — Chien-Ming ...

2年沒上場 建仔:謝謝球迷還記得我

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2011-06-29T08:31
近百位台灣球迷昨天到場為建仔加油,包括和建仔同是台南同鄉,遠從台灣來的蔡尚穎和 蔡竟恆父子,以及台北駐美代表處外交官和家眷。從巴爾的摩來的年輕球迷並帶巨幅國旗 進場為建仔打氣。建仔說他聽到球迷的加油聲很感動,「謝謝球迷在我2年沒上場後還記 得我。」 (駐美特派員曹郁芬) http://www.libe ...

2年來第一戰 建仔投出重返大聯盟信心

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2011-06-29T08:30
〔駐美特派員曹郁芬/華府27日報導〕暌違兩年,建仔終於重返投手丘,朝大聯盟邁進。 他今天在小聯盟國民1A黑格斯鎮太陽隊正式出賽擔任先發,主投3局49球失2分,太陽隊以5 :2打敗費城人1A。建仔在賽後記者會上說:「這3局投得並不輕鬆,但已準備好重返大聯 盟。」 3局飆3K 最快145公里 王建民穿上球隊為 ...

3局失2分 建仔沉球回來了

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2011-06-29T01:26
※ [本文轉錄自 BaseballNEWS 看板 #1E2Wwtof ] 作者: tjbulls (夜晚的星星已不再亮) 看板: BaseballNEWS 標題: [中時] 3局失2分 建仔沉球回來了 時間: Wed Jun 29 01:26:13 2011 小聯盟先發最快球速145公里 滑球進壘點飄高 ...