Wang's return cause for satisfaction, celebration - 棒球

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2011-06-29T10:41

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Wang's return cause for satisfaction, celebration

[email protected]
12:35 a.m. EDT, June 28, 2011


Chien-Ming Wang had a pretty big day on Monday.

For his fans, it was a national holiday.

Wang pitched competitively for the first time in nearly two years when he
worked three innings for the Hagerstown Suns in their 5-2 win over Lakewood.
For the former New York Yankees ace, it was time to celebrate.

“I am very happy because it has been a long time,” Wang said through his
translator. “Since this was my first rehabilitation assignment, I was
excited but I kind of wanted to show I could still do it.”

As big as the outing was for Wang, it was all that and more to Asian media.

A large contingent of foreign media were on hand to see the Chinese Taipei
native pitch and enthusiastically covered his every move. Reporters and
cameramen rushed to the Suns’ clubhouse area to position for interviews
after Wang finished his three-inning stint.

They waited patiently in the media area as Wang completed a postgame workout,
got iced and showered. In fact, he didn’t meet the press until after the
Suns completed their third victory in the first five games of the second half.

Wang sat in front the large throng and fielded questions from the
English-speaking press before doing a second interview in Chinese.

After the second-half of the press conference, the Asian media followed
Wang out to the Suns bullpen as he made his way to the clubhouse. He was
stopped for an autograph as the media filmed and took photos of his every
move until he got inside the clubhouse.

A number of Asian fans were in the crowd of 1,395 at Municipal Stadium,
many coming from the Washington area for a chance to seem him pitch. They
told one reporter that they were glad to see him pitching again and will
go to see him no matter where he works.

For the English press, some of the depth of answers — like what is next step
in his return — got lost in translation as many questions were met with
short answers.

“The team has a set schedule for me,” he said. “My arm feels good.”

Wang showed surprisingly good command for a pitcher who missed nearly two
years because of shoulder problems. His last start was July 4, 2009 for
the Yankees after opening the season 0-3 with a 34.50 ERA. He eventually
had season-ending shoulder surgery.

Wang signed with the Nationals in 2010 but had not pitched at any level for
the organization until his Monday rehab start in Hagerstown. He became the
third Nationals player to rehab at Hagerstown after third baseman Ryan
Zimmerman and reliever Chad Gaudin.

And the start was a huge success.

Wang allowed two runs on four hits in his three innings while striking out
three. The right-hander started slowly, allowing a run on two hits and
hitting a batter in the first inning, but made the quality pitches he
needed to get out of the inning.

“For the first time up after a long time of being out, it was a solid
outing,” said Suns manager Brian Daubach. “He was probably a little
nervous out there at first when he hit that guy in the first. He did what
was planned by going three innings.”

Hagerstown’s offense gave Wang run support to allow him to pitch with the
lead. The Suns scored a tying run in the first and took a 3-1 lead in the
second, started by the first of three hits by Jason Martinson.

Wang, who was 55-26 with a 4.18 ERA in five seasons with the Yankees,
found his old form in the second inning and began to assert himself.
He didn’t show peak velocity, but his pitches began biting with a late
break that had Lakewood batters swinging defensively.

It was a good show with good signs for the Washington coaches and scouting
personnel to witness.

“I still need more innings and more experience,” Wang said.

Wang looked like he began to tire in the third inning, but still had
movement on his pitches. Zach Collier tripled and Domingo Sanchez doubled
him in for Lakewood’s second run, but both hits were along the baselines.

“I’m not sure of what his velocity, but his pitches had good sink,”
Daubach said. “Once he slowed down, his pitches had sink like the guy I

It ended up being a good night for all involved. The Suns won. A pitcher
made a comeback. And a hero reappeared for his adoring fans.

One thing Wang wanted to make everyone know for sure, it was a first step
in his return and the performance wasn’t as simple as it looked.

“It’s not that easy,” Wang said. “It has been a long time since I
pitched three innings. The longest I had been out there was only for two.”

Copyright c 2011, Herald Mail

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2011-07-03T19:00
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2011-07-06T18:23
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-07-09T06:45
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2011-07-14T01:13

2年來第一戰 建仔投出重返大聯盟信心

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2011-06-29T08:30
〔駐美特派員曹郁芬/華府27日報導〕暌違兩年,建仔終於重返投手丘,朝大聯盟邁進。 他今天在小聯盟國民1A黑格斯鎮太陽隊正式出賽擔任先發,主投3局49球失2分,太陽隊以5 :2打敗費城人1A。建仔在賽後記者會上說:「這3局投得並不輕鬆,但已準備好重返大聯 盟。」 3局飆3K 最快145公里 王建民穿上球隊為 ...

3局失2分 建仔沉球回來了

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2011-06-29T01:26
※ [本文轉錄自 BaseballNEWS 看板 #1E2Wwtof ] 作者: tjbulls (夜晚的星星已不再亮) 看板: BaseballNEWS 標題: [中時] 3局失2分 建仔沉球回來了 時間: Wed Jun 29 01:26:13 2011 小聯盟先發最快球速145公里 滑球進壘點飄高 ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-06-28T23:35
兩年前來到DC念書,差不多也是王建民被國民簽下的時候 一直期待能夠親見王建民登板國民球場,沒想到就這麼拖了兩年 今天和朋友聽聞他要在Hagerstown的1A Sun先發,毫不猶豫就開了兩個小時的車 終於一償宿願,也拍到不少照片,與喜愛支持他的朋友們一同分享 - ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2011-06-28T22:52
[中天]2年來首戰!王建民小聯盟登場3局3K失2分 [TVBS]王建民復健賽首登場 30天返大聯盟 比較好奇的是訪問中有提到這次是晚上 ...

重回大聯盟 建仔:我準備好了

William avatar
By William
at 2011-06-28T16:32
【中央社╱華盛頓27日專電】 2011.06.28 03:17 pm 台灣旅美職棒投手王建民今天在小聯盟1A正式出賽,主投3局49球失2分,率隊以5比2氣走 對手。他賽後表示,重返大聯盟已經準備好了。 王建民今天最快球速為時速90哩,他認為自己的狀況已經恢復8、9成,但是球速還可以更 快。王建民下一場預 ...