SKY第十輪 vs Fulham 賽後評分 - 曼聯,曼徹斯特聯足球俱樂部 Manchester United Football Club

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2013-11-05T13:59

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SKYSPORT aftergame rating User Sky
De Gea 表現良好 有幾個不錯的撲救 6.6 6
Played well in goal, made a couple of comfortable save.

Rafael 狀況不錯 但是半場就被換下了 5.8 5
Played well early on, but was substituted off at half-time

Vidic 在場上就像個後防巨塔 有好幾個關鍵阻截 6.8 7
Was a tower of strength at the back for most of the game.
Made some crucial interventions.
Evans 沒怎麼表現 半場就被換下 5.5 5
Didn't have too long to impact the game as he was subbed off
at half-time.
Evra 雖然本隊下半時表現不佳 他依然在右肋穩健發揮 6.0 7
Put on a solid performance down the right flank,
even when his side struggled in the second-half.
Cleverley 沒做什麼 半場就被換下 5.5 5
Didn't do too much to influence the game and was
subbed off early.
Jones 對自己的中場角色不太瞭解 下半場基本是看客 5.4 6
Struggled with his midfield role and was a passenger
in the second-half.
Valencia 進球很精彩 但下半時很平庸 6.4 6
Scored a good goal for the first, but had a poor second-half.
Rooney 助攻外也收獲進球 但下半時對比賽影響力大減 7.4 8
Had a good first-half and scored an easy goal,
not as influential in the second-half. Assisted the opener.
Januzaj 狀態依然神勇 助攻第二球非常精彩 7.4 8
Had a really good game, continues his good form and played
a wonderful ball to assist the second goal.
van Persie 進了個高難度的球 也給了小胖一個助攻 7.3 8
Scored a fantastic goal and did well to give Rooney an
easy tap-in.


Smalling 半場替補上來 卻沒有對比賽產生影響 5.4 5
Didn't have too much influence on the game after his
introduction at half-time.
Kagawa 半場替補上來 但沒有如預想般衝擊比賽 5.1 5
Came on at half-time, but didn't have the desired impact.

Fellaini 半場替補 但沒有對賽局有任何影響 4.9 5
Was ubstituted on at the break, but failed to
impact on the result.

評: 30分鐘收工下班 養生足球正夯

Tags: 足球

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