Re: [心得] 慢跑的心跳快慢 - 路跑 Road Running

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2007-12-16T22:14

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看到比較有點類似的 只有這篇


有 "一週超過30分鐘" "只不過是燃燒生命綻放出的光芒" 這類的字眼



一起參考 討論

※ [本文轉錄自 FITNESS 看板]

作者: Hermerod ( ) 看板: FITNESS
標題: Re: [心得] 慢跑的心跳快慢
時間: Sat May 26 19:44:48 2007


The enzymes of fat metabolism are located in structures within the muscle
cells called mitochondria. Fats are transported into the mitochondria where,
in the presence of oxygen, they are broken down to generate energy. More
mitochondria means more fat metabolism, more ATP, and more energy.
氧的存在便作用產生能量。愈多的粒腺體表示愈 多的脂肪的代謝,產生愈多的ATP就有愈
High-volume training increases the amount and size of mitochondria. Longer
exercise bouts produce the greatest gains in mitochondrial content. A
90-minute run provides a better stimulus than a 60-minute run. It is common
for runners to do "two-a-day" workouts to get in the necessary mileage.
However, this research indicates that a runner will receive much more benefit
from running one 90-minute workout than two 45-minute workouts. There is,
however, a point of diminishing returns. A three-hour run is better at
nudging the mitochondria content upward than a 90-minute run, but the gains
are offset by the necessity of a longer recovery time between workouts.
My speed in long races had been declining since I had become a masters
runner. For a number of years I had been running LSD (long, slow distance)
type training. In the process of researching and writing about fat
metabolism, I read Lydiard's book Running the Lydiard Way. Lydiard's formula
advocates not just high-volume training but high volume at speeds near the
"maximum steady state."
練法。當研究脂肪的新陳代謝時,我研讀Lydiard的著作Running the Lydiard Way,他的
In other words, most training should be conducted close to the highest speed
that you can run without going anaerobic. This is the speed where fat
metabolism is at its highest. For experienced runners, the maximum steady
state equals an intensity of 70 to 75 percent of maximum heart rate. For
those just launching their running careers, it will be closer to 60 to 65
percent of maximum heart rate. Studies have confirmed his theories. Volume
and intensity interact to produce even greater gains in mitochondria
development. Daily runs of 90 minutes at 70 percent max will boost
mitochondria 30 percent higher than equivalent time spent at an easier 50
percent effort.
On the other hand, you can run too fast on your daily runs. At faster paces,
oxygen demand exceeds supply. You are now anaerobic. Fuel reliance switches
predominantly to carbohydrates, and the result is the accumulation of lactic
acid. Lactic acid inhibits the enzymes that break down fat and therefore
reduces fat metabolism. If you go out for a 45-minute run at 10K race pace,
you will be burning less fat and generating more waste products than if you
ran those 45 minutes at only a 60 percent effort. Daily hard efforts will
result in accumulation of waste products and decreased recovery, and lead to
declining performances. It's better to run a little too slow than a little
too fast.
氧債的狀態,能量供給會轉向醣類,結果也造成 乳酸的累積。乳酸阻止酵素分解脂肪也
就降低脂肪的代謝。假使用10K的速度跑45分鐘,將會比60% 強度跑相同時間消耗較少脂
退。稍微慢一些總好 過太怏一些。



Tags: 路跑

All Comments

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2007-12-18T15:14
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2007-12-20T08:13
感謝 ^^
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2007-12-22T01:13
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2007-12-23T18:13


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2007-12-16T20:46
小弟平時練習都跑5公里多 這一次是第一次參加9公里....真害羞 約50分鐘跑完 跑完時發現大小腿甚至腳踝都不酸 但是雙腳腳底板酸到一個不行 而一起跑的同學說他們都酸腳踝 我就覺得很奇怪 我去體檢是發現右腳是扁平足 左腳正常....囧 板上有前輩會這樣嗎? 想說買雙厚一點的鞋墊看能不能改善 - ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2007-12-16T18:36
小弟的亞瑟士快壞掉了,最近打算買新鞋,有兩個考慮的 全氣墊跟彈簧鞋 買外露全氣墊怕容易破 買彈簧怕穿起來太硬 不知道有沒有人能給意見阿 -- 若猶泄泄視之,是使數十年後,中原幾無可禦敵之兵,亦無可以充餉之銀 - ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2007-12-16T18:00
這次我跟我朋友們總共十來個..開了三台車去.... 去的旅館..服務不太好說....事先跟他訂了四間房間.... 結果當天去到..他們跟我們說剩下三間..... 變得我們這台車上有去報到而比較晚到達旅館的只剩下一間房間.. 沒辦法我們只好將就點打地鋪睡了.... 今天早上我們五點半就起床了..六點 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2007-12-16T17:58
我是參加9KM的 折返後,約在7KM的地方開始感覺沒力 腳步放慢,呼吸有點亂 看到路邊有一隊人馬, 在跟跑過的選手擊掌加油 我也去跟他們擊掌 經過他們的鼓勵 我感覺又有動力了 又能跑的感覺(不過跑一會又沒力了) 總之謝謝路邊的加油隊伍 - ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2007-12-16T17:14
以前有跑過... 不知道是因為角色不同還是怎樣 覺得有些跑者很... 我們已經很少交通管制了 要擋的時候還是一堆選手要衝過去 如果被撞那是誰的責任? 交通管制大概30秒左右 台北的騎士們出口成髒大家應該也都知道 開車的沒有出聲 不過用喇叭出聲也很大聲... 不是比大聲就會讓你過好嗎? 這次顧的路口只有一 ...