Novak Djokovic def. Michael Llodra. - 網球 Tennis

By Audriana
at 2011-06-28T11:58
at 2011-06-28T11:58
Table of Contents
Novak Djokovic(SRB)[2] def. Michael Llodra(FRA)[19]
1 2 3
Michael Llodra(FRA)[19] 3 3 3
Novak Djokovic(SRB)[2] 6 6 6
Elapsed Time by Set: 28 36 37
Llodra(FRA) Djokovic(SRB)
1st Serve % 44 of 82 = 52 % 50 of 72 = 69 %
Aces 8 9
Double Faults 7 1
Unforced Errors 21 6
Winning % on 1st Serve 32 of 44 = 73 % 42 of 50 = 84 %
Winning % on 2nd Serve 16 of 38 = 42 % 16 of 22 = 73 %
Winners 27 32
Receiving Points Won 14 of 72 = 19 % 34 of 82 = 41 %
Break Point Conversions 0 of 0 = 0 % 4 of 11 = 36 %
Net Approaches 26 of 54 = 48 15 of 19 = 79 %
Fastest Serve Speed 130 MPH 127 MPH
Average 1st Serve Speed 118 MPH 118 MPH
Average 2nd Serve Speed 105 MPH 99 MPH
※ 編輯: Sephiroth 來自: (06/28 11:59)
推 JBLs:26/54......真的被壓制... 06/28 12:11
推 WayYoung:但盧彥勳又被Llodra吃得死死的 06/28 13:08
推 bbsids:對手實力不一樣 發揮當然也不一樣 06/28 13:24
推 knml:好慘 06/28 13:31
→ ljrmf:UE 6個!!!!!!! 06/28 13:41
推 Sam92215:118 06/28 13:50
推 EsquireJ:break point conversions 是破發點保發率嗎? 06/28 16:29
→ EsquireJ:1是破發率 0rz 剛看錯邊 06/28 16:30
推 kzadb:LU那天第一個發球局就double送走,自此也就一路好走.... 06/28 21:18
All Comments

By Andrew
at 2011-07-02T15:14
at 2011-07-02T15:14

By Brianna
at 2011-07-06T18:31
at 2011-07-06T18:31

By Hedy
at 2011-07-10T21:48
at 2011-07-10T21:48

By Olive
at 2011-07-15T01:05
at 2011-07-15T01:05

By Genevieve
at 2011-07-19T04:21
at 2011-07-19T04:21

By Genevieve
at 2011-07-23T07:38
at 2011-07-23T07:38

By Kumar
at 2011-07-27T10:55
at 2011-07-27T10:55

By William
at 2011-07-31T14:12
at 2011-07-31T14:12

By Anthony
at 2011-08-04T17:28
at 2011-08-04T17:28

By Regina
at 2011-08-08T20:45
at 2011-08-08T20:45
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