NBA Finals’bench-mark display - 波士頓塞爾提克 Boston Celtics

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2008-06-10T18:14

Table of Contents By Mark Murphy

Celtics’ underappreciated subs making a difference

There was something about the way Phil Jackson pronounced the Celtics forward
’s name that dripped with incredulity.


Leon Powe.

The Lakers coach didn’t even pronounce the name right. He pronounced it as

這位湖人的教練把人家名字的發音發錯了,念成 “Pow” (更接近中文的”砲”)

That, in and of itself, says a lot about the regard - or especially the lack
of the same - that many had for the Celtics bench heading into the NBA Finals.


The Lakers reserves logged big performances against San Antonio and Utah.
Sasha Vujacic, the sub known as “The Machine,” had earned a lot of cred by
running at a physically broken down Manu Ginobili.

湖人的板凳在前兩輪對上爵士和馬刺時有很好的表現。綽號「The Machine」的Vujacic單

Two games into the Finals, it now looks like the results of that matchup
probably had a lot more to do with Ginobili’s condition than The Machine’s

而不是因為這個「The Machine」很厲害。

And the Celtics, deemed nationally to have an inferior bench, now have Powe’
s 21-point Game 2 performance to hold up against what, to this point, has
been some particularly mediocre work by the Lakers reserves.


“Well, they’ve heard how bad they were, and they have pride, too,” Celtics
coach Doc Rivers about his non-starters. “I just think that overall they’ve
been aggressive, and that’s what we’ve stressed. But to me they’re just
playing within themselves, and they’re keeping the game simple. I thought in
some ways our bench played better just because of that. They didn’t try to
do anything fancy. They just tried to make the extra pass and play simple



“The ball found open guys, and that’s how we have to play overall. I
thought our bench set the tone in that.”


It should be pointed out that when the Celtics nearly punted away all of
their good work Sunday, allowing a 24-point lead with just less than eight
minutes remaining to drop to two, the starters were the culprits.


Powe, P.J. Brown, James Posey and the hot-and-cold Sam Cassell were
responsible for extending the Celts’lead.


Perhaps it’s because, beyond the occasional big offensive display, the
Celtics reserves have their greatest impact defensively that respect is a
tough commodity to acquire.


“I don’t think our bench wants any credit,” Kevin Garnett said. “
Obviously it would be nice, but for the most part our team is about going out
and doing what we talk about, night in and night out. We’ve just got to be
consistent with it.


“Our bench is deep. We have a lot of experience on our bench. Obviously in
the playoffs your rotation gets shortened. But from P.J. to Pose to Leon to
Sam, even Eddie House, we have experience on our bench.


“I think with the players we have on the floor - myself, Paul (Pierce), Ray
(Allen) and (Rajon) Rondo being playmakers - we can put someone out there and
make plays with those guys,” Garnett said. “Leon is a scrappy guy, P.J. is
a scrappy guy, and they can also be aggressive in the times when we need them
to. Leon was really aggressive to begin with, and like Paul said, we really
flowed off him.”



And if the rest of the basketball world has been slow to appreciate this
group, then so be it.


Then again, the secret may finally be out.


“Our bench has been overlooked all year - nobody really talks about our
bench,” Pierce said. “Nobody has really talked about them in the playoffs.
We know what the Laker bench can bring, but we feel like we have the best
bench in this series.”


Right now, with Game 3 tonight at Staples Center, that’s all that matters.

今晚在Staples Center的第三戰將是關鍵的一戰。

“I don’t really think about it,” Brown said when asked about getting
respect. “You heard it all across the news and the media saying they had a
better bench, but you’ve got to go out there and play the game. People are
going to make predictions and stuff like that, but I didn’t hear Leon say
much about it, and I didn’t say much about it.


“We’re just going to go out there and do what we know we can do.”


Tags: NBA

All Comments

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2008-06-14T15:34
還好Big Baby要念錯很難 good for Phil~
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2008-06-18T12:55
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2008-06-22T10:15
之前怎麼看我都不覺得我們板凳輸湖人阿 有沒上場而已
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2008-06-26T07:36
搞不好之前是故意低調的 這樣才有奇兵的作用
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2008-06-30T04:57
I'm proud of our bench,everyone of them.
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2008-07-04T02:17
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2008-07-07T23:38
POWE的名字有點意見 他是故意還是真的不知道?
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2008-07-11T20:58
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2008-07-15T18:19
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2008-07-19T15:39
叫他的名字的發音 所以禪師此舉是?
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2008-07-23T13:00
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2008-07-27T10:21
Invanisevic 好久沒聽到他的名字了..那時候東歐球員
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2008-07-31T07:41
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2008-08-04T05:02

李阿炮一條龍那球 算不算助攻.

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2008-06-10T16:31
依據助攻的規則.. 傳給球員後.該球員不需要費太多力氣.便得分.那就是助攻一 看到李阿炮一條龍衝往籃下灌籃那球..... 這不會也算助攻吧. - ...

Before G3

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2008-06-10T16:15
這一戰是湖人保衛主場氣勢的一戰,我想也是超賽最難打的一戰吧 基本上湖人只能贏不能輸,而超賽是想趁勝追擊拿下聽牌的優勢(超賽:我也想胡阿...) 所以這一場是湖人信心的關鍵,假如湖人贏,信心回復;湖人輸,超賽大概就ㄗㄍㄐ了 來討論下列幾點超賽該注意的事吧 1.主場優勢(或裁判優勢) 如果有人認為NB ...

Rondo 的部落格

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2008-06-10T14:09
Rondo 蠻喜歡上網的,也就有業者在這次的總冠軍系列中請他寫點東 西。最新的一篇在: Flying to L.A. for Game 3 飛往洛杉磯準備迎接第三戰 ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2008-06-10T13:40
雖然2:0領先 大概全聯盟除了這兩隊之外 其他放暑假的球隊 高層都在想辦法補強了吧 上一篇推文中看到有人寫posey想回 騎士 有相關的消息嗎... 另外 我們的隊形目前還缺什麼類型的球員呢 重點是 還有沒有薪資上限來簽球員? -- - ...

The Making of Leon Powe (4)

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2008-06-10T13:08
「我們愛你,Leon!」一個扣應者大喊。Leon露齒而笑。 「持續抬起你的頭,還有對上帝的信仰,一切都會沒事的。」另一個乞求。 回到 Soul Beat攝影棚,當讚美的電話從奧克蘭各地湧入時,Ward像是一個驕傲的父母 。不只是他的門徒是個偉大的球員,或是他克服了偉大的逆境。是不管如何,Leon Powe ...