Justine's Diary- Before Roland Garros 2006 - 網球

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2006-05-24T20:01

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Justine's Diary- Before Roland Garros 2006

Hello Everyone,

I've got a little time between trainings, and I want to give you my news. At
the moment, I'm happy with my clay court preparations this season. I played
less matches than last year, that's for sure! Last year, I had won matches in
a very different situation.

This is my transition year. I know that many things will gradually fall into
place, but one is certain, and as of May I avoided the major physical
problems. This is a big positive, and a point which differs to the previous
years. I will try keep this good form until the end of the season. If I could
have one consistent season, a good level of tournaments entered, and good
results, I would already be very satisfied. There's been consistency from the
start this year with two tournament title victories, two finales, two
semi-finals, and the two matches for Fed Cup. The only negative match was my
exit in round one at Miami. If I maintain this form, with these level of
results, and especially if my health enables me to play; it will be a good
season. I can't promise a great tournament, with a great final victory
everytime, but it's necessary to let things happen gradually. If I can play
about 15 tournaments this year, then it's a successful 2006 season.

Recently, I lost very tight matches, one against Schnyder, and another with
Petrova. They are very good players, off course, but I didn't lose confidence
on clay. I proved it many times before. In Berlin, there was a little
disappointment not to be at my best form in the final, but I had a great week
of tennis; it was very positive.

Fed Cup was great too! Initially, it was a test, a very interesting
experience, but then my tennis level became very high. I found myself in a
very good mindset, and place to be, in terms of my level of play.

After Fed Cup, I chose not to play Warsaw, and that was a wise decision. I
shouldn't play 15 days prior to Roland Garros because it's such a demanding
surface, I needed to recover, and rest after Berlin.

It's important to take the positives from these last weeks. There are many
things to retain. I must continue to take my off court responsabilities, and
this can only help me before I play a match.

Everyone knows well Roland Garros is special for me, I don't have to paint a
picture to explain. As I have said many times, I can play my best or my worst
there. In tennis, a defeat is never as serious compared with other things in
life; it's important to put it in perspective. I hope to play well. If
there's any tournament where I want to play well, it is there (RG), but I
don't have a crystal ball. I try to do all the necessary preparations so
things go accordingly, but it doesn't always depend on me. The adversary, and
my physical condition on a day matters too. It's difficult to say what will
occur, I cannot predict, I can just prepare the best possible way.

Roland Garros 2006 is not the final event of my career, it's not an end in
itself. It is obviously an objective in my season, I know my stature on clay.
I know what I am worth there, but there are girls who exploit this surface
better every year; Petrova for example. I have the advantage of playing many
girls who are the best on clay these last weeks; it's a very affirmative
thing for me.

I cross my fingers for this tournament, and I know you'll be numerous in
support behind me. Thank you.

See you soon,


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2006-05-25T08:53


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2006-05-24T07:40
感謝熱心Steffi迷提供比賽錄像,全部英文解說,這是第二部分錄像,(三月份我們已 經做過第一批了,可是那時候我還不會用ptt,所以無法上來通知各位) 請用bt下載,種子地址:bt.99share.com:8080/index.php?sort=其他 唯一要注意的 是,87年法網決賽有兩個種子,請下載 ...

海寧拒絕重現去年輝煌 最想保持健康期待再戰毛毛

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2006-05-18T21:29
10天前的新聞了(舊聞) 不過文中的報導還是滿有參考價值的 文中Henin談到了對自己去年紅土狂勝的看法 以及今年為何調整參加紅土賽事 以及她對今年法網的期待及看法 ---------- http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年05月09日 新浪體育    新 ...

英國上議院勒令阿加西補交稅款 錢沒到英國也得繳稅

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2006-05-18T00:24
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年05月17日 新浪體育    新浪體育訊 倫敦5月17日消息,英國上議院正式做出了裁決,判定美國網球巨星 阿加西必須支付27500英鎊(相當於5萬美元)的稅款給英國稅務局,而原因則多少讓人 覺得有些莫名其妙,竟然是因為阿加西在英國參賽時 ...

BERLIN 06: Revenge?

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2006-05-16T23:21
http://www.henin-hardenne.be/bin/index.asp?lang=en BERLIN 06: Revenge? 14/05/2006: Justineand#39;s attempt for a 4th Berlin trophy was foiled by Nadia Pe ...

佩娃連奪三站冠軍心理獲突破 法網再與海寧展開較量

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2006-05-15T11:28
佩娃連奪三站冠軍心理獲突破 法網再與海寧展開較量 http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年05月15日/特約記者肖越報道 在談到今年衛冕法網前景時,海寧曾提到過一個不好對付的對手,這就是佩特 洛娃。   在和海寧決賽之前,佩特洛娃已經拿到了本賽季的第32場勝利 ...