Good Day at Scranton for Wang - 棒球

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2009-05-18T18:30

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※ 引述《yyhong68 (come every now and then)》之銘言:
: Good Day at Scranton for Wang
: By Tyler Kepner
: You’d have to believe Chien-Ming Wang is headed back to the Yankees after
: his second consecutive shutout performance for Class AAA Scranton
: Wilkes-Barre. Wang fired seven scoreless innings today against Columbus,
: the Indians’ Class AAA affiliate. His spot does not line up perfectly with
: that of Phil Hughes in the Yankees’ rotation, but there would seem to be
: little point in keeping Wang in the minors any longer. His earned run average
: at Scranton is 0.00 after two starts. That’s a bit better than the 34.50 he
: posted in three April starts with the Yankees.

: “You wonder at some point how much you’re going to get out of this stuff
: after a period of time,” General Manager Brian Cashman said, according to
: Chad Jennings, the Scranton Yankees’ beat writer for the Scranton
: Times-Tribune. That would seem to be a hint that Wang’s work in the
: minors might be over.
"你會想知道經過這段時間的調整,我們到底獲得了什麼..."(才不告訴逆雷~) 現金人說

: In any case, here is the rest of what Cashman had to say:
: “Performance-wise he was terrific. This was a much better hitting club.
: Columbus is a much better offensive club than the team he was facing last
: time, but his stuff was better last time to be honest. Although he
: performed great in both outings. He didn’t have the slider that he had
: last time. His changeup was better today than last time. His fastball
: velocity was a little bit lower this time than it was last time. At the
: same time, he handled the lineup and got a lot of ground balls. Facing
: guys like (Travis) Hafner kind of tells you a little something you want
: to know. I think he had some groundouts and that broken-bat single to
: center. I know Hafner is on a rehab assignment and he’s a guy who can
: really do some damage if you’re making mistakes, not making some pitches,
: and he made his pitches. That tells you a lot.”
但是咧~他又製造了很多滾地球 (是怎樣...一堆毛)

所以我們覺得今天是有暸解到一些事情啦 (<--阿所以你到底是瞭解了什麼....)

: “What you’d love to see are all pitches working at optimal levels,
: but that’s not always realistic. Obviously the most important thing
: is performance and he has performed in his two starts here, there’s
: no doubt about that.”
不過我也知道那謀摳玲... (知道就好)
阿小王毫無疑問的兩場先發都表現的very good!!

: “He was actually pitching, before this injury, in the end, he was
: pitching close to his velocity. Ultimately, with him, as long as he’s
: getting sink, he can pitch and be successful, there’s no doubt about
: that. And he feels good about himself. I had a chance to talk to him
: in the trainer’s room, so these are two trips well worthwhile for me.
: Our team is winning in New York and we are getting closer to being healthy
: and adding guys like a Bruney and a Wang and that’s a great thing for us.”
: Brian Bruney worked the first inning of the other game of Scranton’s
: doubleheader, throwing 17 pitches and allowing two hits and a run.
: As long as Bruney’s elbow feels strong, he will probably be back
: with the Yankees by Tuesday.
現在我們洋基隊天天都在跟對手say goodbye


Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2009-05-20T16:44
聞到淡淡的鄉土味 (誤)
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2009-05-21T02:24
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2009-05-25T04:48
所以 $人 還是不滿意王的sinker ?
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2009-05-29T01:08
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2009-06-01T08:30
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2009-06-02T03:20
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2009-06-03T02:58
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2009-06-07T00:19
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2009-06-07T23:13
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2009-06-09T22:55
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2009-06-13T10:27
現今人想看100mph 4FB 98mph Sinker 95mph Slider
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2009-06-15T08:06


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2009-05-18T15:59
單純只是想問問看 Wang進DL的時間,領的薪水會變少嗎? 我猜是不會,要不然大家就不會那麼幹painvano了 (嗯,井川好像也沒少領薪水) 因為想到郭和王從3A-andgt;MLB時,日薪是以MLB保障薪資去算的 所以想知道現在王在3A時,pay不知有沒有影響 像郭今年領MLB保障薪資,然後現在進DL ...

Cashman: "The most important thing i …

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-05-18T15:22
: “Performance-wise he was terrific,and#34; Cashman said. and#34;This was a much better : hitting club. Columbus is a much better offensive club than the t ...

Cashman: "The most important thing i …

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2009-05-18T12:44
推 artbook:我早說過白人優越主義害了王版主卻說要我注意版規真是...05/18 11:18 什麼年代了還有人在說MLB有白人優越主義? No.1 Sabathia No.2 Wang No.3 Burnett No.4 Chamberlain No.5 Pettitte 有優越主義,那開幕先發應 ...

Cashman: "The most important thing is performance"

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2009-05-18T10:49
來自三A隨隊記者的部落格 Cashman: and#34;The most important thing is performanceand#34; 現金人:最重要的是投球表現 A big thank you to Times-Tribune photographer Jason Farmer to ...

Cashman on Wang and Bruney

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2009-05-18T10:02
Via Chad Jennings, here is what Brian Cashman said about the two rehabbing righties in Scranton: 以下是Chad Jennings轉述現金人總理對於在3A復健的兩名右投的評論 On Wang: “Perform ...