Catching Up With... Juan Martin del Potro - 網球 Tennis

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-08-20T10:50

Table of Contents


This is just your second appearance in Cincinnati. If you had time away from
the court, what would you go do in the area?
Maybe I'd go play golf. It's a nice city to play golf in. The weather is ok.
And also, I would go to Kings Island.

Your nickname ‘delPo’ is popular among tennis fans. Can you hear it being
shouted in the crowds at large events like this one?
Yeah of course. We hear everything, every word at these tournaments. In
Argentina, we have very loud fans. They get excited and I really like playing
in front of those types of fans.

If you couldn’t be a tennis player, what career would you pursue?
I was very confused choosing between tennis and architecture when I was
younger. But I chose tennis and I'm doing this as my job.

What do you like most about the North American summer hard-court swing?
All the tournaments, especially the US Open.

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神腦國際盃次站 08/19~08/21報導整理

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2011-08-19T19:01
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Olivia avatar
By Olivia
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