Camara Capoeira 2015Batizado藝術節 - 有氧運動 Aerobics

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2015-08-06T12:32

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※ [本文轉錄自 Capoeira 看板 #1Lmk9OPU ]

作者: taiwan81903 (小馬) 看板: Capoeira
標題: [情報] Camara Capoeira 2015Batizado藝術節
時間: Thu Aug 6 12:28:04 2015




第5屆台灣Capoeira Camara Batizado/ 卡波耶拉 (巴西戰舞) 藝術節 活動

每一位Capolista最期待的年度盛事 – 卡波耶拉藝術節 (Batizado) 即將展開!

活動當然是由Camara的大家長 Mestre Bola來主持,

- 香港的 Professor Indio
- 馬來西亞的 Professor Soldado
- 日本的Instructor Falcão
- 台灣的Monitor Ninja

大家可由本次活動體驗Mestre Bola精湛的卡波耶拉技術及高深的音樂素養,並欣賞到

城堡 (原水悟空) 同歡,在悶熱的夏末一起放輕鬆!

活動日期:2015年9月17 (四) ~2015年9月20日(日) (9月16日為閉門課程)


Camara學員* 優惠價:於2015年8月15日前報名,全套優惠價每人$3,950
外縣市學員優惠價:居於台北市/ 新北市/ 基隆市以外的本團學員全套優惠價每人$3,000

於2015年8月15日後報名費用一律為原價格$5,500 (套票含活動紀念衫與洛德城堡門票)

報名時間為2015年8月15日~ 9月1日,單堂費用為$900, 兩堂合購為$1,500


*Camara學員資格:於2015年度報名Grupo Capoeira Camara 任一課程學員,且已有
Capoeira Camara Abada制服者

請一律以匯款方式繳費。匯款帳號:台新銀行(812) 2090-1000-0143-09 戶名余東原;匯
1) 匯款者姓名、
2) 匯出的銀行名稱、
3) 匯款金額、
4) 帳戶末4碼、
5) 紀念衫尺寸 (S / M / L / XL / XXL)

(傳訊息可利用 Facebook Kuanhung Wang 或 Dung Yuan、Line、或What's app等皆可)

- 9月17 日 19:00 – 22:00 師大韻律教室
- 9月18 日 19:00 – 22:00 師大韻律教室
- 9月19 日 14:30 – 17:30 台北市育達教育推廣中心地下樓
- 9月20 日 10:00 – 13:00 師大武術教室


English version------------------------------------------------

The 5th annual Capoeira Camara Taiwan Batizado

The most anticipated annual event : our annual Batizado is coming soon! This
year’s event will be hosted by Mestre Bola of Group Capoeira Camara, join by
an all star cast:
- Professor Indio from Hong Kong
- Professor Soldado from Malaysia
- Instructor Falcão from Japan
- Monitor Ninja from Taiwan

Participants can witness the swift Capoeira move and musical talents of
Mestre Bola, as well as the different but equally amazing styles of Camara
teachers from around Asia! This is a once in the life time opportunity, don’
t miss it!

On top of Capoeira, Batucada classes, and Batizado ceremony, we will have fun
together at Road Castle Water Park on the last day, it's the perfect way to
wrap up this amazing event.

Event date: 17 – 20 Sep 2015 (Lesson on 16 Sep is for Camara students only)

Registration & Fare: special package fare applicable before 15 Aug 2015

Camara student* package fare: $3,950/ person
Camara students residing at central & southern Taiwan: $3,000/ person
Friends of our group: $3,000/ person
Kid package: $1,500/ person

After 15 Aug 2015:
The normal package fare $5,500 will apply to all; package includes a souvenir
T-shirt & a water park admission ticket.

Curious about Capoeira but without prior exposure? Come join the beginner
lessons on 17 & 18 Sep! Single class $900, 2 days package $1500; enrolling
period is 15 Aug - 1 Sep, 2015.

Souvenir T-shirt: $350/ each

*Camara students: students enrolled in Grupo Capoeira Camara class in 2015
and already own Capoeira Camara Abada

Payment method;
- Please wire payment to: Taishin Bank (812) 2090-1000-0143-09
- After wiring the payment, please notify Kuanhung Wang or Dung Yuan via
Facebook private message, Line message or Whatsapp message, stating the

1) Your name
2) Name of bank the payment wiring from
3) The sum
4) Last 4 digits of your account
5) Size of sounvenir T-shirt (size: S / M / L / XL / XXL)

- 17 Sep 19:00 – 22:00 Arobic Room at 1F of Taiwan Normal University
- 18 Sep 19:00 – 22:00 Arobic Room at 1F of Taiwan Normal University
- 19 Sep 14:30 – 17:30 B1 of Yu-Da Universty Education Centre
- 20 Sep 10:00 – 13:00 Martial Art Room at B2 of Taiwan Normal University

Detailed information about venue & the event schedule please visit:


All Comments

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Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2015-08-03T23:59
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問下 Body Combat 的歌

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2015-07-28T14:19
有兩首歌想請教一下 第一首歌應該是泰拳,一開始是上勾拳,然後兩個抬腿,不過一開始是輕鬆的不用跳。 中間有一段是下肘擊然後上肘擊,要發出「嘿、嘿」聲音。 等到快一半的時候,老師會要求會抬腿第二下時要跳起來。 第二首是是肌力 就躺在地板上從頭到尾都是類似伏起挺身的,歌曲都一直「嘿耶~嘿耶~」 這兩首想請教板 ...

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Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2015-07-27T01:47
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Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2015-07-26T14:57
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想神ㄧ首Body Step暖身的歌

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2015-07-26T00:55
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