Ana's Diary - What a week! / February 09, 2009 - 溫網 Tennis

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2009-02-11T00:21

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What a week! / February 09, 2009

I have just had probably the busiest, and certainly one of the most
rewarding, weeks of my career. It’s an experience I will never forget.

這大概是我網球生涯中最忙.最有收穫的一周了. 這是個難忘的經驗.

Where do I start?! Just to backtrack a little bit: I had a very nice holiday
in Australia after leaving Melbourne. I also did some fitness work while I
was there, and enjoyed the beaches. My surfing has improved a lot!

從哪裡開始好呢? 小小地回顧一下, 在我離開墨爾本後,我有個很棒的假期.
在那我也作了體能訓練並享受海灘. 我的衝浪技巧進步了很多.

I arrived in Belgrade on Sunday. Even though the Fed Cup matches didn’t
start until Saturday, we spent almost a whole week preparing, and taking part
in many off-court activities.

我在週日抵達貝爾格勒, 即使聯邦盃在週六才會開始,
我們花了快一週準備, 也參加了許多活動.

Most importantly I had to adapt from the extreme heat and outdoor conditions
of Australia to the cold of Serbia and an indoor court. Fortunately the
playing surface was quite similar to Melbourne, so that helped.

最重要的是, 從澳洲那灰常熱和室外場地回來後,
很幸運的是,場地跟墨爾本很像, 那很有幫助.

Wednesday was certainly the busiest day of the week. I practised at the Arena
and afterwards I visited the 11 April sports center, where I trained as a
kid. It was a wonderful experience, going back there and seeing my old

週三無疑地是這週最忙碌的一天. 我在體育館練習,


In fact, my old sports teacher Marija is the Fed Cup trainer, and my old
coach Dejan is the captain, so I was catching up with many familiar faces
throughout the week.

事實上, 我從前的體育老師 Marija 是聯邦盃的指導員.
前教練 Dejan 是隊長, 所以這週出現了許多熟悉的臉孔.

The main reason to visit April 11 was to film some sequences for a feature
that will be shown on HBO television around the time of the BNP Paribas
Showdown exhibition in New York next month. It will be interesting to see how
it turns out.

重回April 11主要的原因是拍攝特輯的片段, 大約三月紐約舉辦的表演賽時, 在HBO撥放.

In the evening we had dinner with the Japanese ambassador to Serbia, and then
I went to Pionir Hall, home of Partizan Belgrade basketball team. The
atmosphere there is simply unbelievable. It’s like nothing I’ve ever
experienced in tennis. They sometimes say that “the roof is gonna come off”
when a crowd is very noisy, and on this occasion it really did seem a

接著我去了Pionir Hall, Partizan Belgrade籃球隊的主場.
現場的氣氛很不可思議. 這是我在網球場上從沒體驗過的感覺.
在這種狀況下, 這的確可能發生.

There were quite a few other activities surrounding the Fed Cup, for example
the official dinner, the draw ceremony and several press conferences. The
team hotel, believe it or not, was about three minutes from my parents’
house, yet I stayed there for most of the time to relax on my own, have
treatment and be with the rest of the team, including the support staff.

有為數不少有關聯邦盃的活動, 像是官方的餐會.抽籤儀式.記者會.
所下榻的旅館到我父母的房子只要3分鐘, 大部分時間我在那放鬆.
和隊上的其他人, 包括工作人員.

I was very nervous on Friday! The long build-up to the tie, the first proper
event I had played in Serbia, gave me plenty of time to think about what it
would be like on-court. There was great excitement in the city, especially
among my friends and family.

週五我好緊張! 許多人來觀賞, 第一次正式地打在塞爾維亞的比賽,
在球場上會是什麼情況讓我想了很久, 城市瀰漫了興奮的氣氛,

The Belgrade Arena is an excellent facility. It’s quite new and it holds
over 20,000 people. I felt the expectation of the supporters before my match
began: because of our rankings Jelena and I were expected to win easily, but
we never once underestimated our opponents.

貝爾格勒體育館是個優秀的場館. 相當地新並可容納兩萬名觀眾.
在比賽開始前, 我感受到支持者的期待, 由於我和JJ的排名,
我們被期許能輕鬆獲勝, 但我們不會低估我們的對手.

In the end the five days of practice and general preparation paid off very
well, as Jelena and I won all our matches in straight sets. The atmosphere,
as I had anticipated, was amazing throughout the matches. It was so good that
I couldn’t resist playing the fourth rubber, even though the match didn’t
really mean much.

最終, 當我和JJ未失一盤贏得我們的比賽, 五天的練習準備相當值得.
現場氣氛跟我預期一樣, 相當驚人. 真的是太棒了, 讓我無法拒絕打第四點,

It was a good opportunity to play another competitive match and I was very
happy with how I played. I was aggressive from the first point and approached
the net many times. It was the best I have felt on court in quite some time.

這是個相當好的機會來打另外一場競爭的比賽, 我很高興.
打第一點時, 我很積極並常上網前. 這是我在場上感受最棒的時候.

The press conference at the end of the tie was very funny. A very talented
junior player, Aleksandra Krunic, was a non-playing member of our team, so
she could gain some experience of the Fed Cup. She’s only 15 and she has a
great sense of humour: she caused a lot of amusement when we faced the press.

賽後的記者會十分有趣. 一位相當有天份的青少女選手, Aleksandra Krunic,
並不是聯邦盃參賽選手的一員, 她能從聯邦盃汲取一些經驗.
她僅僅15歲並有著相當的幽默感, 在採訪過程中, 帶來了很多歡樂.

A journalist asked me about my new coach. Before I had the chance to answer,
Aleksandra said, “Didn’t you know? I’m Ana’s new coach.” Even the
captain Dejan, whom off the court is a real joker but during press
conferences is so serious, couldn’t help laughing at that.

一位記者問到有關我新教練的問題. 在我回答之前,
"你不知道嗎? 我是Ana的新教練.", Aleksandra說.

Late on Sunday night many of the team and our friends and family had a quiet
celebration at a bar in the city. We are all excited about the draw for the
next round. I would love to play in Belgrade again.

接著在週日夜晚, 我們的隊員.朋友.家人在酒吧大大地慶祝一番.
我們都很期待下一輪的籤表. 我想再一次在貝爾格勒打球.

I would like to thank everyone who came to the tie to support us, and also
the organizers. It was the first ever Fed Cup tie in Serbia, and everything
went very well. The security guys who accompanied me to many events are some
of the most generous guys I have ever met.

我想要感謝所有來幫我們加油的人, 還有主辦者.
這是第一次在塞爾維亞的聯邦盃比賽, 進行地都很順利.

I wish I had time to write more, because so much happened, but that’s a
basic summary of my week.

我希望有更多時間寫更多, 有那麼多事情花生, 這篇是這週簡單的摘要.

On Wednesday I will meet some children who are part of UNICEF’s School
Without Violence programme that I support, then I will go to Dubai for my
next tournament.


We will announce news about my new coach very soon!

我們很快會宣布有關我新教練的消息! 編按:真是太好了XD



編按:不該自告奮勇地翻這篇日記的. (明天就要開學了 囧)


因為比賽成績好時, Ana好像會比較搞威XD

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Tags: 網球

All Comments

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2009-02-14T00:00
影片不是在Indian Wells時放 應該是和JJ大小威表演賽時放
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2009-02-16T23:40
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2009-02-19T23:19
新教練有試用期喔 所以是暫時的

聖荷西男網 Andy vs Ryderstedt

Una avatar
By Una
at 2009-02-10T22:58


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2009-02-10T22:42
是不是買不到? 我有看到Nadal紅色黑線條那件了 atand#34;at 明明他穿那漸外套沒寫F呀 - ...

Jelena Jankovic: I need competition

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2009-02-10T22:39;language=uk (官網睡著 找點別的來玩) Tuesday, 10 February 2009 at 12:46 Serbiaand#39;s Jelena Jankovic, the ...

Re: Graf的反拍

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2009-02-10T22:26
※ 引述《clift (Clift)》之銘言: : 你如果真的仔細看這系列文的起頭 : 是有人先問到葛拉芙的反拍 : 我在13039篇針對葛拉芙反拍切球的特點加以回答 : 直到13042篇有人先跳出來說葛拉芙的打法可能應付不了現代and#39;強力網球and#39; : 我才在13045篇發文反駁上述意見 : ...

Re: Graf的反拍

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2009-02-10T21:54
你如果真的仔細看這系列文的起頭 是有人先問到葛拉芙的反拍 我在13039篇針對葛拉芙反拍切球的特點加以回答 直到13042篇有人先跳出來說葛拉芙的打法可能應付不了現代and#39;強力網球and#39; 我才在13045篇發文反駁上述意見 如果沒有人先拿葛拉芙打法開刀 加以批評 認為葛拉芙打法不是現今女網對手 ...