Aga晉級年終賽&達成400勝 - 網球 Tennis

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2013-09-28T20:02

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"It was very, very fun," Radwanska said. "I had never done something like
that before. In Poland we don't have baseball, so it was something new for
me. But they gave me the right equipment - a glove, ball, shirt, hat - and I
looked like a professional! And they taught me how to throw the ball
properly. I had a few minutes to practice before I went to play at the
stadium. It was very exciting for me.

"The stadium was full, and it was initially frightening playing in front of
live TV too, but it was enjoyable at the same time. And in regards to how
well I threw the ball, they were telling me afterwards that I did a good job,
and I don't think they were lying to me - I threw the ball right into the
catcher's hands!"

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中網》性別大戰 李娜3場全勝喬科維奇

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2013-09-28T18:47
中網》性別大戰 李娜3場全勝喬科維奇 麗台運動報 2013年中網慈善友誼賽開打,李娜與喬科維奇(Novak Djokovic)三場較量歡樂無限,依 據規則,最終三場比賽李娜以5-4、19-17、4-3全勝告終。 喬科維奇身著紅色運動外套出場,這位男單世界第一用中文向現場觀眾問好:「大家好, 你們準備好了 ...

Sampras on who is the greatest tennis

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2013-09-27T17:24
The Tennis Space Mark Hodgkinson Exclusive. Pete Sampras has told The Tennis Space that Rafa Nadal should be “ in the conversation” about who is the great ...

Lu vs Berdych @Bangkok ATP 250

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2013-09-27T16:26
Set1 Set2 T.Berdych 7(9) 6 win Lu Yen-Hsun 6(7) 4 線上收看: - ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2013-09-26T08:25
要談論Roger Federer與Rafael Nadal誰是史上最佳, 永遠有不同論調,前網球名將Andre Agassi也談到對兩人的看法, 認為西班牙蠻牛有機會擁有這個地位。 「讓他們兩人各自坐在桌子的一端, Federer如果說〝我是史上最佳〞的話, Nadal就一定會提出質疑說〝我贏你的次數可是你 ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2013-09-25T20:39
小辛上報了, 但是很負面的新聞...... 簡單來說就是正在辦離婚的先生今年夏天就有說過小辛頻頻出軌的事, 像是婚後一年就在紐約發現小辛的飯店房間內有男人這樣的驚喜, 或是她在巴黎的網球學校執教時, 很不尋常地和一位西班牙的運動經紀分享飯店房間等等. Anyway, 這些都是屬於比較私人的事, 也就算了. ...