2011 Wombledon 6/21 - 拉斐爾·納達爾 Nadal

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2011-06-25T17:50

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#2 June 21, 2011

Ask Rafa: the crowds at Wimbledon are very correct
Rafael Nadal


1. You've often mentioned that you enjoy the musical The Phantom of The Opera
(great choice by the way ) but did you know that Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber has
a house in Mallorca and spends a good deal of time there? Perhaps you should
make contact and he can give you a personal rendition? Julie Tingle

Q 你經常提到你享受在音樂劇歌劇魅影 (很棒的選擇),但你知道Andrew Lloyd Webber

RN: I didn't know. As you say perhaps after Wimbledon we could meet. That
would be very nice. Thanks for the tip!

RN: 我不知道,就像你說的,也許溫布頓之後我們可以見個面。那會非常棒。謝謝你這個

2. Hi Rafa, as you are on British turf, do you find it difficult to motivate
yourself if you are falling behind when you are playing against a British
player, i.e Murray as the crowd will be supporting their countryman more?
Kylie Pang

Q Hi Rafa,在英國的草皮上當你和英國球員例如Murray比賽,觀眾比較支持他們本土

RN: No, I think the crowd here is extremely polite and correct. I have played
Andy here at Wimbledon before and they were amazing, very correct. It is
obvious they support the local player but no complaints whatsoever, actually
the other way around.

RN: 不,我認為這裡的觀眾是非常有禮貌而且公正的。我以前在這裡和Andy比賽過,他們

3. How have you improved since Wimbledon last year and in what areas? Sharon

Q 自從去年溫布頓之後,你如何進步並且改進了什麼部份?

RN: I am not sure I have improved. I do have more experience though....

RN: 我不確定我進步了。我的確有了更多經驗,雖然...

4. What is the best thing about Wimbledon off the court, as opposed to the
other slams? Gindy, Richmond

Q 相較於其他大滿貫賽,下了球場,溫布頓最棒的地方是什麼?

RN: That I am at the house and have the choice of doing a "normal" life like
today staying for dinner, watch TV on a sofa surrounded by friends (team)
and family.

RN: 我在屋裡並且有像今天一樣過著"一般"生活的機會,在家裡吃晚餐、在沙發上看電視

5. Do you like horror movies? Dina, Egypt

Q 你喜歡恐怖片嗎?

RN: I AM SCARED OF THEM!!!! Not too much to be honest!

RN: 我超怕的!!!!坦白說不大喜歡!

6. Can I hit with you if you ever come to Chicago? I'm a left-hander, too.
Andrew Cuison

Q 如果你來芝加哥,我可以和你對打嗎?我也是左手持拍。

RN: :-) Not planning to come to Chicago for the moment. I used to go there in
transit on my way from Madrid to Palm Springs. Iberia fly there.

RN: :-) 目前沒有計畫要到芝加哥。我過去從馬德里到棕櫚泉市的時候會在那過境。

7. Did the grass feel different from the last time you played on Centre? It
looks so lush and soft and good enough to sleep on. Natalie

Q 跟你上一次在中央球場比賽,你有感覺草地有所不同嗎?草皮看起來十分翠綠茂盛、

RN: Very much!!! it is amazing to play the first match on center. The grass
is so perfect and green, something really amazing!!!

RN: 非常不同!!! 打中央球場的開幕戰真的很棒。草地狀況如此完美且翠綠,真的是難以


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2011 Wimbledon 6/21

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2011-06-25T17:12
#2 June 21, 2011 I enjoyed the sunshine, letand#39;s hope it stays that way Rafael Nadal 我享受這陽光,希望可以維持那樣 Hello everyone. 大家好 What a lovely afternoon i ...

2011 Wimbledon 6/20

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2011-06-25T17:07
(這次又回到The Times寫部落格囉) #1 June 20, 2011 Well done Rory, the big news of the weekend Rafael Nadal 做得好Rory,這週末的大消息。 Good morning everybody and thanks agai ...

羅迪克落敗仍盛讚對手 展望大衛斯杯力긠…

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2011-06-25T15:53
2011-06-25 12:09:29 羅迪克在第三輪輸球之後依舊更新了博客:and#34;從來沒有哪一次輸球,讓我覺得and#34;這沒什麼大 不了的and#34;。我總為此難過,每一次。但我能做的就是重新投入訓練。現在我期待的是幾周後 和西班牙隊在奧斯丁的大衛斯杯比賽。至於納達爾能否參賽,那是個很大的問 ...

羅迪克落敗仍盛讚對手 展望大衛斯杯力挺大小威

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2011-06-25T15:16
2011-06-25 12:09:29 羅迪克在第三輪輸球之後依舊更新了博客:and#34;從來沒有哪一次輸球,讓我覺得and#34;這沒什麼大 不了的and#34;。我總為此難過,每一次。但我能做的就是重新投入訓練。現在我期待的是幾周後 和西班牙隊在奧斯丁的大衛斯杯比賽。至於納達爾能否參賽,那是個很大的問 ...

2011陽光網球暑期夏令營活動 即將開跑~

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2011-06-25T15:08
「陽光網球夏令營」是專為兒童設計的網球訓練營,藉由生動有趣的課程規劃,讓學員在 快樂的環境下學習扎實的網球技術,進而培養良好的運動習慣,讓學員擁有一個充實與活 力的暑假。 【參加對象】:凡對網球有興趣者皆歡迎報名(依程度分班授課) 【課程內容】:網球入門、趣味競賽、體能遊戲、比賽技能與戰術 【教學地點】: ...