2011 Wimbledon 6/22 - 拉斐爾·納達爾 Nadal

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2011-06-25T18:02

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#3 June 22, 2011

Ask Rafa: thanks to Yen-Hsun Lu for helping out
Rafael Nadal


1. I've seen a photo that you warmed up with Yen-Hsun Lu today on your
Facebook. What do you think about Lu and his game and how do you feel hitting
with him? Rachel, Taiwan

Q 我在你的facebook上看到一張照片是你今天和盧彥勳一起熱身。你覺得盧彥勳跟他的

RN: Yes, I had the chance to warm up with him today I think it was on Court
10. He was good to hit with and I am very thankful to him for accepting.
I wish him all the best of luck!

RN: 是的,我今天有機會和他一起熱身,我想是在10號球場。他對打得很好,而且我很

2. My sister and I are South Africans and are BIG fans; we wear your tennis
gear with PRIDE. Do you think we will ever realize our dream of getting to
watch you mesmerize us live in our shores? Bongiwe

Q 我的姊姊跟我是南非人,是你的球迷;我們會驕傲地穿著你的網球裝備。你認為我們

RN: I have been in South Africa 3 times, once playing at sun city, another to
the Nike Junior Tour prize-giving ceremony and last year for the World Cup
football. Hopefully one day will be back again there to play. Thanks!

RN: 我到過南非三次,一次是在太陽城比賽,一次是Nike的青少年頒獎典禮,以及去年

3. I was wondering if maybe one day we'll get a Rafa cook book, full of your
recipes? It would be very popular. Cedrine, London

Q 我在想是否可能有一天我們會有一本Rafa烹飪書,滿滿都是你的食譜?會非常受歡迎的

RN: Not that I have too many recipes to be honest. But the one with pasta and
seafood is pretty good!

RN: 老實說我並沒有太多的食譜。但義大利麵跟海鮮的食譜很不錯!

4. You play a lot on PlayStation and seem to like watching TV. Do you have to
test your eyes often? Céline S.

Q 你打很多PS,而且似乎喜歡看電視。你必須經常驗視力嗎?

RN: No, not really. Things working fine for the moment with my eyes. And not
that i play too much playstation.

RN: 不,並不是。目前我的眼睛狀況不錯。而且我沒有打太多PS。

5. I saw a photo of you holding Maymo's notebook in a Madrid practice
session. Were you trying to delete notes on how much chocolate you had eaten?

Q 我看到一張照片是你在馬德里練習時拿著Maymo的筆記本。你是要嘗試刪除你吃了多少

RN: Hahaha ah. No, no. Only having fun with him. He keeps everything under
control and well written.

RN: 哈哈哈哈。不不。跟他只是好玩。每件事都在他控制之下而且紀錄得好好的。

6. I know you are a fan of Rory McIlroy, but do you have any thoughts on
Jason Day, the young Aussie golfer who's also doing really well at the
moment? Lisa, Brisbane

Q 我知道你是Rory McIlroy的球迷,但你對Jason Day有任何的想法嗎,年輕的澳洲高爾

RN: Yeah, I love golf and I love to see all the players. Had a great time
watching Rory at this US Open. And sure I have seen Jason Day play. He is
also a very good player and as you say doing really well.

RN: 是的,我熱愛高爾夫,而且我喜歡看所有的球員。在看Rory在這次美國公開賽的比賽
時有段很棒的時光。而且當然我有看Jason Day打球。他也是個很好的球員,而就像

7. I was very happy to see Rory McIlroy win the US Open and I know you texted
him with encouraging messages. What is the most encouraging message you have
received from a fellow sportsman? Nita B

Q 我非常高興看到Rory McIlroy贏下美國公開賽,而且我知道你傳了鼓勵的訊息給他。

RN: I have had the luck to receive many text messages during my career and I
have to say that some has been very inspiring to me. But I prefer to keep
this between the sender and myself. Hope you don't mind.

RN: 在我的職業生涯中,我很幸運收到很多簡訊,而且我必須說有些對我是非常鼓舞的。


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Tags: 網球

All Comments

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2011-06-27T04:27
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2011-06-28T14:52

2011 Wimbledon 6/21

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2011-06-25T17:12
#2 June 21, 2011 I enjoyed the sunshine, letand#39;s hope it stays that way Rafael Nadal 我享受這陽光,希望可以維持那樣 Hello everyone. 大家好 What a lovely afternoon i ...

2011 Wimbledon 6/20

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2011-06-25T17:07
(這次又回到The Times寫部落格囉) #1 June 20, 2011 Well done Rory, the big news of the weekend Rafael Nadal 做得好Rory,這週末的大消息。 Good morning everybody and thanks agai ...

羅迪克落敗仍盛讚對手 展望大衛斯杯力긠…

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2011-06-25T15:53
2011-06-25 12:09:29 羅迪克在第三輪輸球之後依舊更新了博客:and#34;從來沒有哪一次輸球,讓我覺得and#34;這沒什麼大 不了的and#34;。我總為此難過,每一次。但我能做的就是重新投入訓練。現在我期待的是幾周後 和西班牙隊在奧斯丁的大衛斯杯比賽。至於納達爾能否參賽,那是個很大的問 ...

羅迪克落敗仍盛讚對手 展望大衛斯杯力挺大小威

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2011-06-25T15:16
2011-06-25 12:09:29 羅迪克在第三輪輸球之後依舊更新了博客:and#34;從來沒有哪一次輸球,讓我覺得and#34;這沒什麼大 不了的and#34;。我總為此難過,每一次。但我能做的就是重新投入訓練。現在我期待的是幾周後 和西班牙隊在奧斯丁的大衛斯杯比賽。至於納達爾能否參賽,那是個很大的問 ...

2011陽光網球暑期夏令營活動 即將開跑~

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2011-06-25T15:08
「陽光網球夏令營」是專為兒童設計的網球訓練營,藉由生動有趣的課程規劃,讓學員在 快樂的環境下學習扎實的網球技術,進而培養良好的運動習慣,讓學員擁有一個充實與活 力的暑假。 【參加對象】:凡對網球有興趣者皆歡迎報名(依程度分班授課) 【課程內容】:網球入門、趣味競賽、體能遊戲、比賽技能與戰術 【教學地點】: ...