2011 Wimbledon 6/20 - 拉斐爾·納達爾 Nadal

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2011-06-25T17:35

Table of Contents

#1 June 20, 2011

Winning in Paris has made me calm
Rafael Nadal


1. When you were my age (11), for how many hours a week did you play tennis
and how did you manage to find the time? Sinead Ryan

Q 當你在我的年紀(11歲)時,你一個星期打幾個小時的網球,你是如何設法找時間打球?

RN: Hello, I use to spend 2 or 3 hours playing tennis and even football. But
at that age more or less I had to stop football since it was too much and
stayed with tennis. You know classes and studies together with sport was
what I was doing.

RN: 哈囉,我過去習慣花兩或三小時打網球甚至還有足球。但到了那個年紀,或多或少

2. You like to cook here – do you ever use a recipe? What is your favourite
dish to prepare besides gambas and pasta? Teresa, USA

Q 你在這裡喜歡下廚 - 你曾經使用食譜嗎?除了蝦跟義大利麵之外,你最喜歡準備的

RN: Yes I like to cook here in Wimbledon at the house. I also prepare fish
and vegetables, grilled. I buy very good tuna fish and salmon here which I
love. The salmon I do it with teriyaki sauce.

RN: 是的,在溫布頓時我喜歡在家裡下廚。我也會準備魚跟蔬菜,用烤的。我會買我愛

3. How do you remain so humble whilst you look totally arrogant on court?
Elaine Marock

Q 你在球場上完全看起來自負,而你是如何保持如此的謙遜?

RN: Wow! So you say I am arrogant? I am only focused and concentrated on the
point. I don't think I behave arrogant, sorry to not agree with you.

RN: Wow! 所以你說我很自負?我只是專注在這一分上。我不認為我表現得是自負,很抱歉

4. I queued over 24 hours in order to see you play! Is there anything that
you would queue that long for? Kim Mackenzie

Q 我為了看你比賽排隊超過24小時!你會為了什麼排隊排很久嗎?

RN: Not sure I would do it, specially here with all this rain! So i really
admire all you and thank you for doing that. I would queue for the golf

RN: 不確定我會那麼做,特別是在這裡總是會下雨!所以我真的欣賞你並且謝謝你那麼

5. What are the main adjustments you have to make to play on grass at
Wimbledon? Do you have to stay closer to the baseline, take the ball earlier
and be more aggressive? Will you be adjusting your service motion and
position as well? And do you feel comfortable with the courts and balls this
year? I hope you have a great tournament, again. Best of luck. Alexis Grohmann

Q 什麼是你在溫布頓草地上比賽時必須要做的主要調整?你必須要離底線近一些,比較

RN: Yes, there are many adjustments to the grass compared with clay for
example. Almost everything is different. Like all fast surfaces you have to
try to stay closer to the base line. The serve os also more important and
also the body position here is lower since you hit the ball down more than
up. Many things to change actually.

RN: 是的,例如跟紅土相比,在草地有很多要調整的。幾乎所有一切都不同。像是在所有

6. Hi Rafa,how does it make you feel when other players say you are their
toughest opponent to play? Val Brighouse

Q Hi Rafa,當其他球員說你是他們最難對付的對手時給你什麼感覺?

RN: Well, I am not sure they always really mean it. But it is something that
helps I suppose.

RN: 嗯,我不確定他們真的是那個意思。但我想那是有幫助的。

7. If you could have had a long conversation and ask questions to someone
famous from the past who would you like to have talked to and why, what would
you like to have asked them or learnt from them? Juliette Westbrook-Finch,
England UK

Q 如果你可以和過去某位知名人士有段長談並且問他問題,你想和誰對談,為什麼?你會

RN: This is a very interesting question but I really don't know the answer
would have to think about it. BUt for sure someone historic, some one who was
important in the history of my country. or maybe some sportsman that had
really important moments to ask how he handled the situation. OR some world
businessman... I don't know but thanks for this since will think about it.

RN: 這是非常有趣的問題,但是我真的不知道答案,需要想一想。但當然是某個歷史上

8. As Wimbledon gets underway, do you feel a lot of pressure is off of you
now that you won Roland Garros? Jennifer Wilkens

Q 溫布頓正在進行,既然你贏了法網,你有感覺到擺脫很多你身上的壓力嗎?

RN: We always have pressure but the fact of winning Roland Garros really
releases some of that pressure and makes me play with more calm.

RN: 我們總是會有壓力,但贏下法網真的釋放了些壓力,而且讓我打得更加冷靜。


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Tags: 網球

All Comments

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-06-27T04:00
廚師豆豆> < 想像他穿圍裙的樣子,竟然會用照燒醬!!
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-06-28T14:25

2011 Wimbledon 6/21

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2011-06-25T17:12
#2 June 21, 2011 I enjoyed the sunshine, letand#39;s hope it stays that way Rafael Nadal 我享受這陽光,希望可以維持那樣 Hello everyone. 大家好 What a lovely afternoon i ...

2011 Wimbledon 6/20

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2011-06-25T17:07
(這次又回到The Times寫部落格囉) #1 June 20, 2011 Well done Rory, the big news of the weekend Rafael Nadal 做得好Rory,這週末的大消息。 Good morning everybody and thanks agai ...

羅迪克落敗仍盛讚對手 展望大衛斯杯力긠…

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2011-06-25T15:53
2011-06-25 12:09:29 羅迪克在第三輪輸球之後依舊更新了博客:and#34;從來沒有哪一次輸球,讓我覺得and#34;這沒什麼大 不了的and#34;。我總為此難過,每一次。但我能做的就是重新投入訓練。現在我期待的是幾周後 和西班牙隊在奧斯丁的大衛斯杯比賽。至於納達爾能否參賽,那是個很大的問 ...

羅迪克落敗仍盛讚對手 展望大衛斯杯力挺大小威

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2011-06-25T15:16
2011-06-25 12:09:29 羅迪克在第三輪輸球之後依舊更新了博客:and#34;從來沒有哪一次輸球,讓我覺得and#34;這沒什麼大 不了的and#34;。我總為此難過,每一次。但我能做的就是重新投入訓練。現在我期待的是幾周後 和西班牙隊在奧斯丁的大衛斯杯比賽。至於納達爾能否參賽,那是個很大的問 ...

2011陽光網球暑期夏令營活動 即將開跑~

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2011-06-25T15:08
「陽光網球夏令營」是專為兒童設計的網球訓練營,藉由生動有趣的課程規劃,讓學員在 快樂的環境下學習扎實的網球技術,進而培養良好的運動習慣,讓學員擁有一個充實與活 力的暑假。 【參加對象】:凡對網球有興趣者皆歡迎報名(依程度分班授課) 【課程內容】:網球入門、趣味競賽、體能遊戲、比賽技能與戰術 【教學地點】: ...