2010法網第四輪賽後訪問 - 羅傑·費德勒 Federer

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2010-05-31T05:25

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Roger Federer(SUI)[1] def. Stanislas Wawrinka(SUI)[20] 6-3 7-6(5) 6-2



Q. About this week, maybe you will meet Robin Soderling now. He has now two
sets. If it will be him, what do you think about his kind of game, and what
do you think about him as an opponent?


ROGER FEDERER: Well, obviously I think he's taken advantage of the better
ranking he's had since the last year here. Obviously now I've played him a
few occasions now in Grand Slam play. I think I played him in Wimbledon as
well the following Grand Slam, and at the US Open, as well.


So we have experience playing against each other. I've never lost against
him, so obviously that's a good record to have. But because of the
improvements he's made, he's an opponent not to underestimate.


Obviously he beat incredible players on the way to make the finals here last
year, so clay seems to also become really his surface of preference, as well.



Q. You met him in a training match in Abu Dhabi, and there he beat you. What
do you remember of that game?


ROGER FEDERER: Exhibition play. I mean, I don't want to downplay or upplay
exhibition matches, but they're there to try out a few things. It was the
first match of the season. Obviously if you lose to a fellow top 10 players
player, there's obviously going to be a lot of talk about it. You can't
control that.


It's always better to win. But at my stage of my career, I prefer to still
try out a few things, because I'll have enough matches down the road where I
can't try out too many things.


He played well at the beginning of the year, but then he had the surprising
exit I think first round in Australia, which was surprising.


But, no, look, that match has nothing to do with here. Conditions are way too
different. We both have to go back to the drawing board and come up with a
good game plan.



Q. Out there today, is there any difficulty at all in thinking of Stan as
just another opponent?


ROGER FEDERER: No, I mean, it changes a lot, playing a good friend like Stan.
Like I said, I don't have that very often. Obviously we've spent a lot of
time as well away from, you know, just the tennis courts and the practice
courts, so it makes it a bit harder.


But at the same time, you know, basically I think about playing him every
point I play, but then I'm able still to play good tennis and put in a good


I'm happy that I'm able to, you know, not forget who he is, but at the same
time really able to play great tennis.



Q. What's the key to beat a hard hitter like Soderling? You obviously know
how to do it. You have 12 nil.

要擊敗一個像Soderling一樣的重砲手(hard hitter)有甚麼秘訣?你顯然知道怎麼做。你

ROGER FEDERER: Well, any hard hitter, I want to try to get him to move.
Sometimes that's not in your control. If they play aggressive off the return
and they serve well, then you play more like a hardcourt match, which I don't
mind doing.

對於任何hard hitter,我試著讓他移動。有時候不會在你的控制之中。如果他回發很積

Maybe that's why I'm good on many surfaces, because I can adapt to any sort
of an opponent. But, yeah, you want to try to get those guys moving, give
them different types of balls, keep them low maybe with the slice, because
they have to bend more than little guys.


But then you don't want to give them too much time, either, because they can
hit so hard. Usually we had big guys like Robin's size serve and volleying


Today we had many guys playing from the baseline, such as Del Potro, Roddick,
Robin himself. We have those guys that are Murray as well; he's tall;
Djokovic, the same thing. They all decide to play from the baseline.

現在我們有比較多人是在底線打的,像是Del Potro、Roddick和Soderling。有像Murray

Times have definitely changed in how big guys play tennis today.



Q. Are you talking Swedish in the locker room?





Q. Yeah.


ROGER FEDERER: Ah, not so much. With other guys, but I just spoke a little
bit of Swedish with Nyström. He told me a few things.



Q. We've just passed the halfway mark in the tournament. Looking at your
scoreboards, everything couldn't be better. Straight sets, straight sets,
straight sets. What would be your halftime report?


ROGER FEDERER: Very happy, you know, because seeing the draw, what was it a
week ago or more, 10 days ago? Got my nerves going already thinking of who I
was going to play maybe the first round, and then see who my first few seeds


Now I played my first seed in the tournament, and a good friend, as well. I
really knew the danger in this match. I could have lost definitely a couple
sets on the way, against Falla, for instance, or today against Stan.


I was able to hang in there and turn it around in the breaker, but that's the
stuff you need to do. Last year I had to battle it out more over four or five
sets. It has also its advantages to do that.


As long as you come through, I always say it's a great tournament. I'm
playing really well at the moment, so I'm very happy where my game is at
right now.



Q. Looking out the window now, the wind is really blowing. How hard was it
when you were on court?


ROGER FEDERER: Well, it was not constantly the same breeze. You know, it
changed directions at times. I couldn't pick which side was better to play
from, actually, especially when the wind comes from the side.


You know, you have maybe one side, the slice serve works better, and the
other you have to work through the wind. You always have to adjust. I think
first serves were really key, and making little adjustment steps, was that
key today.


Then obviously the second set for him kind of killed it. He maybe didn't
believe as much in beating me anymore. I was able to play steady and better
as the match went on.



Q. If Rafa wins tomorrow and I'm not mistaken, he will have 200 victories on
clay. Which of the matches you guys have played on this surface is the best
on clay level from your side?





Q. Yeah.


ROGER FEDERER: I think maybe once in Monaco in the finals, four sets; and the
one in Rome maybe when I lost in five sets. I think those were really good
matches. I had chances. He played well. It was good tennis from both sides.
We both played aggressive, and it's a match I look back on and think that was
a good match.


There's other ones, too, but you make me choose. Not that the other ones were
(mouth noise), just to make things clear.



Q. A while ago, you spoke how pleased you were that the World Cup was going
to South Africa where you and your foundation have so many connections. Last
night Rafa was pretty upbeat and confident about Spain's chances in the


ROGER FEDERER: Where are they playing?



Q. They're playing a team from Central Europe called Switzerland.


ROGER FEDERER: There you go.



Q. Despite losing their Basel star. Anyway, what do you think? Do you think
you guys have a chance? Give us a score and so forth.


ROGER FEDERER: Well, yeah, I mean, it's unbelievable how much excitement
there is about the World Cup. It's normal, too.

But then you're in it for, what, two matches, and you hope still you have a
chance in the last match. You don't have too much time for players to get
into good shape really.

It could be an advantage or a disadvantage for us playing the best team of
the group right off the bat. Obviously they're the huge favorites after the
way they played at the European Championships was fantastic. I don't think
they've lost since.

Obviously with a point we will be very happy. I don't know if they can play
outright aggressive, because you also want to kind of get into the
tournament, and that could be our chance.

On that, we hope to get through the knockout stages and into the last 16 or
quarters, I'm not sure. Yeah, we'll see. We're excited. We're at the World
Cup, and everybody's got a chance once you're there.



Q. In the match you used the dropshot a few times. How important is that as a
weapon to you? Do you consider this a trend for tennis on clay the past few


ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, competence. If guys stand back 10 meters behind
the baseline, it's normal that players will have to use a dropshot. It's
incredible how far back some players stand, you know, especially on the


You want to keep them closer to you sometimes and keep them guessing. I
missed a few today but made a few. In the long run, I hope by playing them it
helps me also in other areas of my game.


I was able to, you know, use the dropshot much more the last couple of years
now. It's been something that's worked for me. But it doesn't work against
every player the same way.


Today against Stan I thought it was not the best choice of shot. He reads it
well. He defends well, and you can't really play that much. That's why then
you have to find other ways to beat him.



THE MODERATOR: French questions, please.



Q. Another question concerning the dropshot. I have the impression you use
dropshots more than before. My question is: Is it a choice you make match
after match, or is it a game plan you have for the end of the tournament when
the points are more and more important, therefore a dropshot could be a good


ROGER FEDERER: Well, not really, because as I said before, each player plays
differently. Stan plays heavy balls, deep balls, long balls, and it's
difficult to have a dropshot against him. The best thing is to move around
and then use your forehand. Sometimes it's backhand, as well.


But the balls reach you differently, and today I used the dropshots quite a
lot. But then you can sometimes try it three times and it doesn't work. It
depends. Mentally, then, you're not in a good position to start the match.


So throughout the match I try and feel if it's the right time to do it. I
have to choose the right time. Not for the very first points of the game or
the match. You can decide to have a dropshot at that moment, but to me it's
mainly about tactics

I use my dropshots only when I'm convinced. You shouldn't do it for the sake
of it. Today it's a lot clearer to me. This is it. It works well, and I'm
going to use this against these players. I think it's good.



Q. Well, twice when Stan broke you during the second set, he was up 40 15 and
then 40 Love, and then he made four faults in a row. You know him. Would you
say that it's mentally that there was a change?


ROGER FEDERER: Yes and no. The conditions were tough, as well. When he broke
me during the second set, I hit the frame of my racquet four times. Was I
nervous? No. I had won this set. I served well. I was well positioned. I was
doing everything well.


But then it was on the frame of my racquet, and then it was Love 15. He
played a good game, and it happens, you know. That's why I thought I have to
be very close to him, even though he was up 40 15. Then two silly errors and
then it's love and the other one gets nervous, and that's how it happened.


It was difficult today, you see. Because I think the first set during the
first set he was, how can I say well, the first set was quite well open and
balanced, and I made the first break. I didn't want him to break back. I
wanted to lead.


And then the second break was due to the fact that he was perhaps a bit
disappointed, because I played well when I was 5 3. But then I felt he was
already into the match, and that's why he deserved this break during the
second set.


I had to stay in the game, so the first one and a half hours were very
difficult. During the tiebreak I made the right decisions, I think, and
that's how I won the second set, and then the third set was easier.



Q. Is it a disadvantage to reach quarterfinals without having played any
difficult match?


ROGER FEDERER: I don't think it's a disadvantage or drawback, because I've
gone through difficult moments. But if each match were to be 6 1, 6 1, 6 1,
it would be different. I've played many sets so far.

我不覺得這是種優勢或劣勢,因為我也經歷很多艱難的時刻。但如果每場都是6-1, 6-1,

The conditions were difficult, and there was rain, it was sunny, sometimes so
so, and today windy, so I've had everything.


So for me, the tournament's been really excellent so far.



Q. We don't know who the opponent will be. It could be Robin Soderling.


ROGER FEDERER: We know each other.



Q. That was my question. Will it be a revenge finally? What do you think
about this match? Will you say it's a normal match or very special match
because it's going to be here?


ROGER FEDERER: I think it's going to be a bit more normal than last year,
because last year it was a final. So it makes a big difference, I can tell


I've played with Soderling several times during Grand Slam matches. We
usually meet one another at these levels in the tournaments. He's got a
better ranking this year, so I don't meet him very quickly in the tournament.


He's going to be fitter than in the past when I played him during the third
round or second round, I can't remember. But I'm really looking forward to
this match, because he hits very strongly, forehand, backhand, and serves.


So it's going to be up to me to do my best to vary the game. This is what I
like. This is why I have a good record against him.



Q. Will you have any fears, or will it be a match like any other match?


ROGER FEDERER: To me, yes, unfortunately for you.



Q. Once again the crowd on center court was supporting you. How did you feel
about the match? It was a match between Swiss players. Would you say it was
different from usual?


ROGER FEDERER: Oh, yes, very different from usual, because I've never played
well, I'm not certain I've ever played against a Swiss player during a Grand
Slam. I don't think so.


So that's why it was quite pleasant to experience this. The crowd, in any
case, is always friendly with me, so each time I thank the crowd because
that's what I have to do, I know.


I'm also happy with my tennis today, my level, because playing against Stan,
he's a good friend. It doesn't happen every single day, so when it happens,
you're a bit nervous. That's why I'm happy to have played such a good match.



Tags: 網球

All Comments

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2010-06-04T09:19
推翻譯...也因為你們對打 費板腐味變很重XD
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2010-06-08T13:12
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-06-12T17:05
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2010-06-16T20:58
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-06-21T00:51
真的耶 樓上一講才發現 XD
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-06-25T04:45
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2010-06-29T08:38
如果輸了 就扣不少吧
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-07-03T12:31
阿費至少大師賽也要拼一下 不然這樣處境總是很......
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-07-07T16:24
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2010-07-11T20:17
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2010-07-16T00:10
John avatar
By John
at 2010-07-20T04:04
James avatar
By James
at 2010-07-24T07:57
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2010-07-28T11:50
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2010-08-01T15:43
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2010-08-05T19:36
2008奧運雙打贏時,費和小卡的儀式,在 2008davis cup也
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-08-09T23:30
出現 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmRVcjQfrgg到底是什麼意義@@?
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-08-14T03:23
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2010-08-18T07:16
然後他們的陣營還有灑水的動作,幫小卡降溫 XDDDDD
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2010-08-22T11:09
哈哈哈哈~~~~原來如此!!!! 真是解了我心頭大惑...
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-08-26T15:02

前往Roland Garros的路上

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2010-05-31T05:08
http://tinyurl.com/38c2u8p 影片中小卡搭著法網官方的車,前往法網球場,並在途中回答一些問題。 (你好,我要載你到哪裡去呢?) 請帶我到Roland Garros。 在ATP中最好的朋友...有兩三個球員跟我感情不錯,尤其是Marcos Baghdatis、 Gael Monf ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2010-05-31T04:29
http://tinyurl.com/36hzfch 這是法國電視台在費爸要與小卡比賽之前,所做的簡短訪問。 問:Roger,這將會是一場很特別的比賽,因為你將要遭遇你的好友,也是跟你在 北京奧運拿下雙打金牌的搭檔Stanislas Wawrinka。 答:的確是這樣沒錯,這實在是很有趣,因為一 ...

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at 2010-05-31T03:44
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