高爾夫英文翻譯~ - 高爾夫

James avatar
By James
at 2010-04-18T00:00

Table of Contents

The One on the Bombing Range
The first of three entries on this list for designer Pete Dye, Whistling Straits can be found on an abandoned Army bombing range along Lake Michigan. His wife Alice helped design the course, adding hazards she felt would result in double bogeys — or perhaps even worse — for the top professionals. The plan worked. When the PGA Championship was played here in 2004, England's Lee Westwood said of the layout, "I'd been told there are 10 difficult holes and eight impossible ones. I'm still trying to work out which the 10 difficult holes are."
原文在此 http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article...

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Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2010-04-18T07:42
The One on the Bombing Range
The first of three entries on this list for designer Pete Dye, Whistling Straits can be found on an abandoned Army bombing range along Lake Michigan.
警報峽球場乃設計師匹戴的三座入列球場中的第一個. 座落於密西根湖畔的一廢棄爆彈場上.
His wife Alice helped design the course, adding hazards she felt would result in double bogeys — or perhaps even worse — for the top professionals.
其妻愛麗絲協助設計了該球場. 她加入了她覺得會讓頂尖職業高手吞下雙博忌甚或更慘桿數的各式障礙.
The plan worked. When the PGA Championship was played here in 2004, England's Lee Westwood said of the layout, "I'd been told there are 10 difficult holes and eight impossible ones. I'm still trying to work out which the 10 difficult holes are."
該計謀奏效了. 當2004年的PGA冠軍賽於此較勁時, 來自英國的李衛斯伍德談到其佈局時説道: 「我被告知該球場有10個艱難的以及八個無解的洞, 而我目前仍在嘗試搞清楚那10個困難的洞為何.」


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2010-04-16T00:00
請對於高爾夫的熱愛者們 或是 對於高爾夫有研究的 朋友們 …
告訴我2010年名人賽的裡頭的狀況 還有參賽者的一些資料 球評什麼的 …
�� ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2010-04-08T00:00
以下問題: (抱歉,有點多QAQ
1.服裝科到底�� ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2010-04-05T00:00
我是完全沒接觸過高爾夫~但最近有幾個朋友想去高爾夫練習場打看看~因為我們一群都是女生~也沒去過練習場~所以想問問各為大大~第一次去練習場須要 ...


John avatar
By John
at 2010-03-07T00:00