頒獎典禮影片 - 網球 Tennis

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2010-01-31T04:00

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(極有可能被澳網當局以版權問題河蟹 要看得最好趕快點)


不然另一個版本有很吵的雷鬼音樂 所以根本聽不清楚!@#$%^&*()


主持人:She's back,ladies and gentlemen...Justine Henin!


(Applause) (鼓掌)

Henin: Thank you. (applause) Thank you very much, well...it's been very

emotional #$%^ for me, I thought it would never happen again ...and finally I

could come back on the court again and willing to enjoy my tournament, and this

is the best place for me to start, it was #$%^&*( cause you guies know tennis

so much,and you have the $%^&* sport, so it's amazing playing in front of you,

so thank you for you support....(applause) (pause)



運動的熱情,所以在你們面前打球是個非常棒的享受,感謝你們的支持。 (掌聲)

I'd like to congratulate Serena, of course, she is a real champion,so..well

done again. (Applause) I'd like to thank all the people that worked so hard to

make it maybe the best Grand Slam, and all the sponsors, of course, and all the

ball boys, ball girls and all the voluntees, they've been doing a great job, so

thank you to all of them...and,I would like to say,there were many legends of

the game watching the match, and it was an honor to play in front of you

(points to woman) and all of them...so thanks. (Applause)

我要恭喜小威,當然,她是一個真的冠軍...做得好。 (掌聲)我要謝謝所有努力默默付出


還有所有的義工,他們做的非常棒,非常感謝他們.... 然後我想說的是,今天有很多傳

奇人物在這裡觀戰,在你們面前打球是種榮幸...(指一個我不認識的女的- -)..所以,

謝謝。 (掌聲)

Thanks to my team ..Carlos,Michael...(bunch of names), thank you for your

support again. (Applause)

感謝我的團隊..(以下略一串人名),感謝你們的支持。 (掌聲)

And, I will see you again, I'll see you next year, thank you very much.


主席: And we all look forward to seeing Justine next year, and we also look

forward to seeing the winner, and see if she could do it again, it's already

back to back wins, ladies and gentlemen...at 2010, champion....it's once again

...Serena Williams.



次的,由小威廉斯拿下。 (掌聲)

Serene Williams: Um...I'm holding so many things, guess I'll put my ??? down..

you guies can hold it. I would like to thank God for living me to play today,

and giving him all the blessings, so thanks to him...um...Congratulations to

Justine for having such a fabulous tournament, and giving me such a run today

..it was such a great final..maybe she could win anyway, and I definitely

think she's back...so you guies back there (points back) have a lot to cheer

for. (applause)

小威:挖..我拿了好多東西,我想先把^&*(放下來好了...你們可以拿著。... 我要感謝

上帝把我生得那麼會打球,感謝他所有的祝福。 也恭喜海寧有一個這麼美好的大賽,


所以你們這些在後面的人 (指比利時球迷) 有很多可以歡呼的事情了。 (掌聲)

Thank you Margaret for giving me the trophy, it's an honor....I missed you out

a couple of weeks ago, but I'm so excited to be playing in front of you, and

the other legends, Billy,Rosie...I'm so honored to feel that, Billy,we're tied!

(laughs) So, I reached my goal, so thanks for you guies' watching, it was

really really cool...thanks Mom, thanks Venus, thanks Sasha, thanks Mark,

thanks Suzan, thank you Jill, thanks...all my box over there ,Arnan...everyone

for coming out to the end, I'll see you over there..(laughs) thanks so much

for the support, and my dad...he's not here but I'm sure he's sending me an

e-mail right now, so thank you Daddy, I love you...and,um, I'll see you

tomorrow, or I'll see you soon.



榮耀的說,我跟比利平手了! (指追平比利女單12座大滿貫的紀錄) 所以,我達成了我



們..(笑) 還有,感謝所有人的支持,還有我爸..雖然他不在這,不過我確定他現在應該



Um..I'm rambling again, thank you guies... (thinks of something) oh, and thank

you to the fans, thank you to the fans...I'm gonna keep going because I never

know whether I'll get another chance, so again, thanks to the fans, thanks to

the fabulous sponsors... and I really feel like having a ???? moment today,

thank you. (waves)



謝所有的贊助商...然後,我今天真的感覺像@#$%^&*(,感謝。 (亂碼不會翻- -+++)

主席: Serene Williams, ladies and gentlemen...the champion here for the fifth

time. And it's time now for Serena and Justine to make the world press down in

front of us. We're gonna take a short break, we've got the men's doubles final

coming up very very soon.


全世界按下相機的時候了。(示意兩人往前照相) 我們稍微休息一會,等

會還有男雙的決賽要進行。 (本段較不重要,下不同顏色)






還有就是,不要再戰啦@@" (希望啦...囧)


好了,先滾去睡覺了 (倒在電腦前)

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2010-02-02T11:06
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2010-02-04T18:13
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-02-07T01:20
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-02-09T08:27
可以download 用youddl.com 去下載吧
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2010-02-11T15:33
頒獎人是Margaret Court 史上最多大滿貫單打頭銜-24
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2010-02-13T22:40
第一個亂碼two weeks, 2. Australia, 3 culture of the
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2010-02-16T05:47
Henin第一個說的字是Merci 法文的謝謝
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2010-02-18T12:54
小威說的是G moment 我猜G代表Getorade 她是代言人之一
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-02-20T20:00
^^ 小威真的說話 感覺還挺有趣又不傷大雅的
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2010-02-23T03:07
guys, not guies
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2010-02-25T10:14
小威是說他先把CHECK放下來 就是一開始拿的那張 然後希望其他
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2010-02-27T17:21
小威拿獎盃一整個woman 雖然這次決賽中場沒有補妝.....
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2010-03-02T00:27
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2010-03-04T07:34
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2010-03-06T14:41
恭喜小威 也恭喜Henin
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2010-03-08T21:48
推 原PO辛苦了~~
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2010-03-11T04:54
感謝翻譯 海寧真的好棒
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2010-03-13T12:01
推~ 原PO辛苦了~
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-03-15T19:08
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2010-03-18T02:15
她真的很愛開玩笑... 真性情啦 只是偶爾也會亂放炮就是

女網決賽後感 (首PO文)

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2010-01-31T03:37
這是我的首PO文章 隨著澳網女單決賽的剛落幕 有很多感觸 我記得我從1996年開始看球賽 早期看球的前幾年 四大賽有轉播絕對不缺席 (當時法網很容易得不到電視台轉播權 有時候會看不到 = =而且那時候分好多 體育台ESPN 衛視等等) 但後期因為課業工作因素 和支持選手慢慢消失的緣故 慢慢開始少看了一些比賽 ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2010-01-31T02:11
其實今天在朋友家看完決賽 聽到juju在頒獎時第一句Merci我的眼淚就有那麼一點快掉出來了 比賽過程大家都有看我就不想再談太多了 第二盤後半段到第三盤開頭時我都是充滿信心的 最後雖然是輸球了andgt;andlt;and#34; 頒獎典禮上 二個人都很有風度的稱讚了對方 那時我心裡真的是非常百感交集 0 ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-01-31T02:06
http://tinyurl.com/ydlf6m3 An interview with: JUSTINE HENIN THE MODERATOR: Questions, please. Q. Disappointed but proud? Q: 失望但值得驕傲? JUSTINE HENIN: Of ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2010-01-31T01:18
※ 引述《ttcc989 (家瑋)》之銘言: : 聽說葛拉芙全盛時期, : 切球落地後可以垂彈跳, : 最近研究他的切球, : 感覺有點攻擊式的方式, : 感覺跟費德勒切 球的效果滿類似的, : 不知道有沒有專業的高手可以分析一下他的切球, : 謝謝 我的觀察是 葛拉芙的切球和Federer的切球都十分具有 ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2010-01-31T01:10
剛開始的時候..我跟去年一樣.. 期待著納豆跟費神能在決賽中再一次交手~ 到最後不管是費神上演甜蜜復仇記.. 還是費神再度敗給納豆~ (尤其是交手過後的握手交會..會有種:恩~你這傢伙不錯喔~就是比我強的FEW~) 兩種結局我都很樂見阿~ 但隨著納豆的提前出局~再加上晉級決賽的另一位費神的對手是M ...