關於wii的文章翻譯,請大大幫我中翻英> - 運動

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2008-04-25T00:00

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「Wii 是任天堂公司所推出的家用遊戲主機,Wii屬於第七世代家用遊戲機, 開發時的代號為 「Revolution」(革命),表達「電視遊戲的革命」為此主機的訴求。
『Wii』聽起來像是『we』(我們),發音亦相同,強調該主機『老少咸宜』、能讓全家大小都樂在其中的概念。名稱中的「ii」不僅象徵著其獨特設計的控制器,也代表人們聚在一起同樂的形象。Wii 的主機已經內建了標準的無線網路功能,可透過無線網路連線至網際網路。控制器與主機則是以藍芽方式連接。它的特色就是有一個長得很像電視遙控器的搖桿,它裡面有一個動作感應的三向定位儀,可以偵測你手的加速度與方向動作,然後將其表現在遊戲之中。
還有許多功能程式,稱為Wii Channels,因為設計很像電視頻道,切換速度快且內容完善,目前可以看新聞、天氣、投票、繪製自己的自畫像(Mii)、照片等等功能,以後還隨時可以更新新的功能下來。

All Comments

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2008-04-28T13:46
「Wii is Nintendo introduced by the home game console, Wii is the seventh generation console, code-named development of the" Revolution 「(Revolution), the expression」 video game revolution "for mainframe demand.
'Wii' sounds like 'we' (we), has the same pronunciation, stressed that the hosts' Attractions', the whole family can enjoy, which are the size of the concept. In the name of the "ii" not only a symbol of its unique design of the controller, also on behalf of people get together with the music's image. The Wii console has a built-in wireless networking standards, through the wireless network to connect to the Internet. Controller and the host is connected by Bluetooth. It is characterized by a rocker Chang Dehen like the TV remote control, it moves inside a sensor to the three locator, you can detect the acceleration and direction of hand movements, and then their performance in the game.
There are many functions of programs, called the Wii Channels, because the design very much like television channels, switch faster and improve the content, can now read news, weather, the vote and draw their own self-portrait (Mii), features photographs, etc., also after At any time can update new features down.
This console surprised most people is the first to have to play the electric is no longer a child who, even many parents, with girls over the age of 80 elderly people are playing a very happy, because simple, and very Fun, game design is quite diversified. When playing games like that really really like sports, does not mean that you will only body with all the action will really like sports, for example, can play baseball swing, and your side to bat in the game will follow Turn, can also be said to be basically the same moves!

2008-04-27 15:52:07 補充:
But this is electric toys, mainly in people happy, playing the Guoyin it, really really like is not necessarily a fun, the main design Slights the law each game is different, baseball,
2008-04-27 15:52:26 補充:
bowling, tennis, golf, Ski…… and so on thousands of the game, so you have to try their own, will understand how rods! At present we do not have to Huadao 10,000 yuan can have it, you quickly action? !」
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2008-04-28T03:16
"Wii is no matter what the heaven company promotes the home use game
main engine, Wii belongs to the seventh generation home use mechanical
games, time the development code number is" Revolution "(revolution),
expression" television game revolution "for this main engine demand.
"Wii" sounds the picture is "we" (we), the pronunciation is also same,
emphasized this main engine "老少咸宜", can let entire family size
all happy in the among concept. In the name "ii" not only symbolizes
its unique design controller, also gathers on behalf of the people in
the same place with the happy image. The Wii main engine in has
already constructed the standard wireless network function, may
penetrate the wireless network segment to the Internet. The controller
and the main engine are by the blue bud way connection. Its
characteristic has to be long very likes the television remote control
the rocking bar, inside it has a movement to induce three to the
position finder, may detect your hand the acceleration and the
direction movement, then displays it during the game.
Also some many functions formula, is called Wii Channels, because
designs likes the television frequency channel very much, the cut
speed quick also the content is perfect, at present may look the news,
the weather, the voting, draw up own self-portrait (Mii), picture and
so on function, later also as necessary will be allowed to renew the
new function to get down.
2008-04-25 22:45:34 補充:
2008-04-25 22:47:53 補充:


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2008-04-25T00:00
不知道�� ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2008-04-25T00:00
我因為要做英文報告,有關於NBA的,但是我都找不到米高的英文名字,而且米高是香港翻譯的,所以請大家給我米 ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2008-04-25T00:00
如果手指頭不長 身高是否就不高呢


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2008-04-25T00:00


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2008-04-25T00:00
後,卻沒有達到他們預期的效果。最近麻省理工醫學院一份最新的研究 ...