辛吉斯不滿年輕選手沒有禮貌 笑言奢望ꬠ… - 網球

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2006-05-17T21:34

Table of Contents

Post match interview 1st round

Q. Do you think the withdrawal of Mauresmo opened your way to the final?

MARTINA HINGIS: That would be nice, like if everyone was giving it to me,
right (laughing)?

Absolutely not. I mean, there is Italian players as well, you know. I have
Vaidisova in the next round, which is not easy, I've never played her before.
Of course it's someone I have good chances against, especially on clay. If I
would win that one, I don't want to really look beyond that because of course
there is Schiavone, who is a favorite here in Rome, one of those Italian


Q. Do you find that younger players look at you as though you're sort of
an ancient?

MARTINA HINGIS: You're funny. What about you (laughing)?

Q. I'm ancient-plus (laughter). However, the way things move along, you're
not at a different generation from them, but they may think of you as being
a different generation?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, I think I am. We all are who are probably the age of,
you know, Jennifer, Williams sisters, even Davenport, Mauresmo. I think
we're the generation which played already and they stayed. I've come back
again after a three-year period.

But, yeah, I would consider us the older generation.

Q. Do they look at you respectfully or wonder what you're doing around?

MARTINA HINGIS: I hope they do, yeah (smiling).

Q. Have you talked to them?

MARTINA HINGIS: At least when I beat them.

No, they do. Some definitely show respect, some are just the generation they
are. I mean, they're just very selfish, they focus on themselves, because
that's how this sport's going. You know, it's just everywhere the same thing,
whether you're in school, in the sport, everywhere.

But I think it's still probably on the highest level. There is still a
hierarchy, and you just still have your piece and your spot and your level,
yeah, where you belong to.

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2006-05-19T05:26
謝謝 看完了,標題在唬人,很不滿嗎XD
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2006-05-22T16:09
但人不輕狂枉少年 她自己也反省過了吧!?
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2006-05-25T12:23
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2006-05-29T23:19
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2006-06-01T22:54

辛吉斯不滿年輕選手沒有禮貌 笑言奢望勁敵統統退出

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2006-05-17T20:43
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年05月16日 新浪體育    新浪體育訊 羅馬5月15日消息,在意大利電信杯首輪比賽中,辛吉斯以6-0/6-1 兵不血刃地輕取本土選手恩蘭尼,第二輪她將面對世界排名第15的捷克新星瓦伊迪索娃 ,在另一場首輪比賽中,年僅17歲的瓦伊迪索娃 ...

Martina Hingis d. (12) Nicole Vaidisova

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2006-05-17T07:09
Martina Hingis (SUI) d. (12) Nicole Vaidisova (CZE) 75 63 小辛在第二輪以7-5 6-3淘汰了第12種子維迪蘇娃 第三輪將遇上第8種子Francesca Schiavone - ...

BERLIN 06: Revenge?

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2006-05-16T23:21
http://www.henin-hardenne.be/bin/index.asp?lang=en BERLIN 06: Revenge? 14/05/2006: Justineand#39;s attempt for a 4th Berlin trophy was foiled by Nadia Pe ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2006-05-15T21:51
Martina第一輪以6:0 6:1 擊敗了Errani(義大利本土選手 下一輪將對上捷克長腿妹Vaidisova, V娃苦戰三盤再贏Laine,(HINGIS澳網的手下敗匠之一) 狀況都保持的還不錯,雖然有5次雙誤 如過晉級,或許又會對上Kirilenko(真有緣) 大家一起為Hingis吉氣加油吧~~ ...

佩娃連奪三站冠軍心理獲突破 法網再與海寧展開較量

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2006-05-15T11:28
佩娃連奪三站冠軍心理獲突破 法網再與海寧展開較量 http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年05月15日/特約記者肖越報道 在談到今年衛冕法網前景時,海寧曾提到過一個不好對付的對手,這就是佩特 洛娃。   在和海寧決賽之前,佩特洛娃已經拿到了本賽季的第32場勝利 ...