賽後訪問 - 羅傑·費德勒 Federer

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2010-06-22T12:10

Table of Contents

Q. Nice escape, Roger. Did it occur to you at any point in that match you
were going to lose?

ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, a few times (smiling). It's normal. He played well.
Was it in the third I was down Love 40 in that one game? I'm not sure.
That was the moment I felt was the toughest because if I wouldn't have
come out of that game, I don't think I would have broken the next one.
I had more belief I was going to break him in the fourth.

So it was a tough match, you know. He played really well and I struggled
early on, but came through, which is most important.


Q. Why did you have more belief the second time?

ROGER FEDERER: I just felt I started to hit the ball better. Was an awkward
break in the first game of the fourth. I should have never been broken there.
But I started to feel my backhand was, you know, starting to be there.

I started to pick his serve much better, which has sort of always been the
case every time I played him. Today, for some reason, I wasn't able to read
his serve. That really rattled me.

So I had to look for that for a long time. Thank God I found it eventually.


Q. When you win matches like that, do you consider yourself more lucky, more
good, winning on mind, or do you consider that the opponent was probably
trembling a bit, weak? Mixed feelings?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, I think I've been unlucky enough this already this
season, so I needed one lucky match. We'll see how important it is,
depending on the run I go on now.

I've lost a few matches this season with match points, 7 5 or 7 6 in
the third. This is definitely some kind of a match I kind of needed.
You know, you can't win them all when they're that close, because they're
being played on a couple of points here or there.

One thing for sure you can do is push the luck on your side. That's not
something I have been doing maybe enough the last few months. I'm happy
today I gave myself a chance. Maybe some think I should have never put
myself in that position.

But he played well. He's unconventional. He doesn't look like much, but
he definitely plays very solid and plays very uncomfortable. So I knew that
from the start. I wasn't going to underestimate him even though I just beat
him 6 1, 6 2 in Halle. I think he played terrific. He made it hard for me

,所以從這場比賽一開始我就意識到,我不能低估他,就算我在Halle的時候6:1 6:2擊敗過他,我覺得

Q. During your six year streak of going far in majors, how many matches
have you had like this, this early, where you felt as though you could

ROGER FEDERER: Well, that's your job to find out the stats. It's not my
job to remember (laughter).

But I don't think it's definitely happened in many years or ever that
I've come back from two sets to Love down in a first round. So that's
not the last six years, because I don't remember going through five sets
in a first round. It was eventually going to happen. I'm happy, you know,
I found a way to win today even though it was a tough match and a tough
start for me, because he did offer me opportunities already in the first
and second set which I wasn't able to take.

It was frustrating, to say the least. I hung tough and came through.
So you have to look at the stats and find your story there.




Q. But how unusual were the feelings that you had during this match for
you, especially here at Wimbledon?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, yeah, like I said, it hasn't happened I'm sure the
last six years. So it's not something I'm used to.

You definitely feel, you know, uncomfortable because if you're used to
being down the whole time your whole life, it's something that's kind of
normal. For me it's not normal to be down two sets to Love, especially
at Wimbledon, and early on in Grand Slams. It's something I'm not quite
used to.

But still I was able to find a way. That's most important right now.
Doesn't matter how I felt out there. Didn't feel great, that's for sure.



Q. How are you thinking about the rest of the tournament coming up?

ROGER FEDERER: Scores are set back to 0 0 when I start the match. That's
a good thing. So we'll see how it goes.

Q. How do you think he was able to stay with you so well in the rallies?
You said afterwards he neutralized you.

ROGER FEDERER: For those who saw the French Open match, he served for the
set in the first set. People that obviously only remember straight sets
don't remember I actually played him. He was playing really well
there, as well, taking huge chances on second serves.

Obviously on clay that's even easier. It was slow. It was rainy. We had
to come off the court once. I knew he could hang from the baseline.

In Halle, I think there were too many bad bounces so he couldn't work
with his half volleys. I was really mixing it up well, playing well,
reading his serve terrific. That was something that was different today.

But in Paris I did have feelings against him that he was very
uncomfortable to play against, even though I think I've had probably the
fastest match in my Grand Slam career against him here on Court 1, like
in 55 minutes I was able to beat him. I think if you can overpower him,
everything goes your way, he's a guy you can put away very quickly.

Once you get tangled up in the rallies, it's very difficult. He has a
great forehand, good backhand, moves well. I think he's improved his
serve, to be honest. He's a tough player. Great talent. Good junior
before. He's got the right potential.





Q. How did you find the speed of the court?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, the thing here, there's no bad bounces. You can just
stick at the baseline, half volley, not panic when a guy moves in. You can
always flick it at the end. Obviously they're not the fastest courts
anymore. Depends obviously how you play, as well.

If you've got a massive serve and you can just outright overpower a guy,
then obviously it's fast. But a guy who is that agile at the baseline like
Falla makes it very difficult to play against, because he can neutralize
you, plays a flat ball, doesn't miss much. You've got to take chances.
Today the chances I took were not working.


Q. You said the ability to learn never to panic helped you jump start
your champion career. Was there a moment where you sort of panicked today?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, sort of, 4 All, Love 40, yeah. I mean, I
think also the points that leaded up to Love 40 were not very convincing
for me. I think I missed a forehand, missed a backhand, maybe even started
with a double fault.

My whole game was sort of in disarray. I was just hoping that I get three
quick serves to come back. But I had to come up with some passing shots,
some scrambling shots. Didn't always get the first serve in.

There was definitely a bit of luck involved there, you know. It's normal
when the chances he had, the way I came out of this match, you know,
definitely got lucky. But that's how it goes sometimes.


Q. The momentum seemed to swing in the first set when it was 5 All. You had
that distraction, you were about to serve. The ball boy came across. The
umpire stopped the match.

ROGER FEDERER: Didn't I get a first serve because of it? Should have worked
my way (laughter). I was about to hit it looked like it maybe, but I
didn't take advantage of it because I think I was about to hit a second
serve and I got a first serve, which is a good thing. But messed the first
serve up, had to hit another second serve, like an idiot.

But, look, no, I don't remember that being any turning point. He played a
good game. My serve was on and off. He took his chances well in the beginning.

turning point,他那局打得很棒,我的發球有時靈光有時不見的,他一開始把握了很多機會!

Q. Any question of nerves because it's the first match? Was there a nervous

ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, walking on down the corridor, onto Centre Court,
sure, there's always nerves involved. I kind of want that, you know, because
it means the world to me to open Centre Court. It's a dream for any player
to play opening day on the perfect grass court. When I walked out for the
warmup, I'm like, This court is amazing. I don't remember it ever being so
perfect, you know.

Then once you get the first couple of service games underway, I think my
first game was fine during the match, then it's fine. I wasn't particularly
nervous once the match started. Just the regular.



Q. It looked like your level of energy was very low. Was that the feeling
you had, too?

ROGER FEDERER: No, I mean, I was being calm because I knew I had to be
concentrated on trying to read his game. And in the past actually I've
always kind of struggled in the first set here at Wimbledon on opening day.

Many times I've been down a break in all the six or seven times I've opened
the court. I've been down a couple times a break. I remember that going
into the match. Maybe I was playing a little bit careful.

But I was playing the right way. I had a couple of breakpoint chances,
everything looking fine. Then there was this one game at 5 All which
then turned the match for me.


Q. Do you sense the crowd sort of panicking a bit for you?

ROGER FEDERER: Not too bad actually. I think, I mean, they were waiting
for something to happen, for me to make my move. It's usually how the
crowd is, you know, when I'm down. You know, I was happy I had a couple
of good points to come back into the match. Then it was obviously thriller
atmosphere, which was great for me, making him a little nervous, too.

I think I was able to go get the victory. He didn't just donate it to me.
That also makes me feel good, because at the end I did play a great fifth
set. Nobody will talk about that, I know. People will say he was tired,
he choked already way before. I did play a great fifth set. I was able to
read his serve. I was starting to play great with my backhand. Things were
really clicking in the end.



Q. What carries over for you moving forward? That fifth set or the
struggles earlier?

ROGER FEDERER: I think you got to be how do you say realistic saying
like there was a big threat today. I did get lucky today. It's important
to take how do you say the right things out of this match. There was
positives and negatives, obviously. But then again every player, thank God,
in some ways plays different.

The next guy is a righty, big serving guy, nothing to do with the guy I
played today. Because you struggle today doesn't mean you're going to
struggle in the next match, too. Same thing if you win in straights;
it doesn't mean you're going to win the next match in straights. That's
just the way tennis is.

That's why you're happy sometimes you get over the finish line and have
a chance to play much better maybe or play a different kind of a player.
That's what I'm going to get for sure in the next round.


Q. Do you think it might have helped you to play him three times in a row?

ROGER FEDERER: It shouldn't have, no, especially after Halle. He should
have known that I was going to beat him. But he forgot I beat him (smiling).
Look, he played a great match. I think he gave himself an incredible look.
I told him at the net, I hope he's not too disappointed because I thought
he played great. Maybe I didn't play obviously the match of my life, but
I did play not bad myself at times. That normally is enough to go through
in straight or in four sets, but he definitely pushed me. He was a very
tough opponent.


Q. What's it like being a dad at Wimbledon?

ROGER FEDERER: Good. I can come back anytime. I'm a member. I can be a dad
anytime at Wimbledon now. It's great being here with the kids and Mirka
after last year's time where she was pregnant. It's nice to be back as a
family. Even two, you guys didn't know that, so that's nice.


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2010-06-27T08:44
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2010-07-02T05:18
排版好難 下次還是直接在welly上輸入好了
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2010-07-07T01:52
大哥你是先寫好 再貼上的吧~ 這樣好像沒啥P幣耶
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2010-07-11T22:27
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2010-07-16T19:01
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-07-21T15:35
推 用心~~~
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2010-07-26T12:09
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2010-07-31T08:43
連我都看出來 都是往反拍位置發球 尤其是第一發球區
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2010-08-05T05:18
發2發的時候 費爸不管如何直接跑到中線 閃身想打正拍
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2010-08-10T01:52
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2010-08-14T22:26
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2010-08-19T19:00
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2010-08-24T15:34
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2010-08-29T12:09
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2010-09-03T08:43
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-09-08T05:17
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2010-09-13T01:51
翻譯很high XDDD肝溫!!!
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2010-09-17T22:25
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-09-22T19:00
George avatar
By George
at 2010-09-27T15:34
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2010-10-02T12:08
剛乃仁說:看昨天的比賽真不知細胞死多少 XD
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2010-10-07T08:42
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2010-10-12T05:16
FED:I'm perfect!!!! BBC記者:0口0
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2010-10-17T01:51
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-10-21T22:25
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2010-10-26T18:59
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2010-10-31T15:33
真的很好奇 Rogi的頭髮有染嗎? 一直以為那是自然髮色
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-11-05T12:07
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-11-10T08:42

詹詠然創紀錄 闖進溫網第2輪 直落二拍下史妮德

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2010-06-22T11:51
台灣一姊詹詠然在溫布頓公開賽首日締造生涯紀錄,她以6-0、6-2,只用49分鐘就拍落曾 闖進女單16強的瑞士老將史妮德,首度闖進網壇最高聖殿溫布頓女單第2輪。 這也是溫布頓史第3位打進女單第2輪的台灣球員,上一回是李慧芝於2001年止於第2輪,王 思婷最後一次溫布頓第2輪則早在1998年。 世界女單84名 ...

Re: 溫布頓第一輪

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2010-06-22T11:41
※ 引述《megar (Rogi加油!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)》之銘言: : 該怎麼說這場比賽好呢? : 雖然Rogi老說壓力變小,可以享受比賽,但是這場比賽根本沒有, : 壓力某程度壓垮了他, : 最後,這場比賽另一件正面的事情是, : Rogi有燃起我心中的小小火花, : 澳網之後我一直覺得自己 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2010-06-22T11:06
※ 引述《simen60713 (假掰做作男)》之銘言: : 現在比賽進行了兩盤 : 對手是哥倫比亞的Alejandro Falla : 費天王目前是5-7,4-6輸了兩盤 (汗 : 因為不是看電視 所以費德勒的表現我沒辦法闡述 : 希望他不要在這裡砸了六冠王的招牌 : 溫布頓官網可以看即時比分喔 : 順帶一 ...

溫布頓第一輪 Federer vs. Falla

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2010-06-22T10:51
剛剛在YOUTUBE上看到昨天的highlight,都是精彩得分跟關鍵分 Wimbledon First Round **Federer vs. Falla** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGEmCmtyaiU(六分鐘精彩版本) http://www.youtube.co ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-06-22T10:18
費拔賽後訪問: and#34;Iand#39;m happy I found a way to win today even though it was a tough match and a tough start for me. It was frustrating, to say the leas ...