費魯茲續約四年 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2014-01-20T23:39

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Chelsea youngster Islam Feruz agrees new contract

Last Updated: 20/01/14 1:54pm

Highly-rated Chelsea youngster Islam Feruz has agreed a new deal to stay
at Stamford Bridge. Sky Sports understands Feruz has agreed terms on a new
deal to keep him in west London until 2018.

Feruz is regarded as one of the best young players in the country and the
Blues were determined to secure his long-term future at Stamford Bridge.

Chelsea beat a number of their Premier League rivals to Feruz's signature
when they snapped him up from Celtic in September 2011. Feruz has
impressed for Chelsea's Under-21s over the last couple of seasons and he
is also a regular for Scotland's Under-21s.

The skilful attacker is highly-regarded within the corridors of power at
Stamford Bridge and he was included by Jose Mourinho in the first-team
squad for their pre-season tour of Asia this summer.

Chelsea could decide to loan out Feruz in the future so that he can some
valuable first-team action under his belt before making the step up to
Mourinho's side.

★BananaKing 剛剛迅速想了一下,這世界真不公平
★BananaKing 女多男少的學校女生都會是正妹
★BananaKing 但是男多女少的學校男生都是宅宅
★BananaKing 害我想完有點生氣
To BananaKing: 這可以編做簽名檔,太經典,BJ4
★BananaKing 是不是很有道理,根本悲劇

Tags: 足球

All Comments

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2014-01-24T03:09
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2014-01-27T06:38
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2014-01-30T10:08
續約 外租 表現良好回家用 前鋒墳場又租出 最後賣掉(?
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2014-02-02T13:37
James avatar
By James
at 2014-02-05T17:07
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2014-02-08T20:36


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2014-01-20T18:43
http://sports.qq.com/a/20140120/003347.htm 體壇週報 2014-01-20 08:31 記者劉川 倫敦報導 賽前看到莫里尼奧雪藏托雷斯,將埃托奧推上首發名單,英格蘭媒體大多對莫帥 的這一用兵有些摸不著頭腦。而喀麥隆人在比賽前50分鐘的表現也讓所有人大 ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2014-01-20T18:41
請問各位有買過球衣的人 我今天在露x看到有人賣巴賽的球衣十分的便宜 差不多1/4倍 他又說是正版的 這有沒有問題阿? 有沒有甚麼分辨的訣竅?? - ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2014-01-20T13:35
原文恕刪 brucecloud你好, 我是白隊(銀河足球俱樂部)的8號, 昨天的比賽日本隊踢的十分優秀, 很遺憾我們球員拚盡全力仍然輸球, 技不如人無話可說。 針對昨天我隊球員的情緒和錯誤行為, 銀河足球俱樂部內部已在檢討反省當中。 主審沒有將場面控制下來是我隊球員失控的主因, 這部份昨天比賽結束已和大 ...

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at 2014-01-20T12:57
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Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2014-01-20T03:18
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