費納的再一次頂尖對決 - 網球 Tennis

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2017-07-18T16:56

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來源:The New York Times

Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal Duel, Once Again, for Supremacy

WIMBLEDON, England — Three Grand Slam tournaments down, one to go, and the
only men who have won major singles titles are Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal.

What year is this?

“2005?” Federer ventured, suppressing a giggle, in a Tennis Channel
interview on Sunday night.

A better guess would have been 2006 or 2007. But this continues to be a
time-warp season, at least in the men’s game, one where you could have
skipped a decade of tennis to build a business, tuned back in and felt
thoroughly up to speed except for wondering what those four young children
were doing in the front row of Federer’s box at Wimbledon on Sunday.

Yes, there have been some life changes (Federer and his wife, Mirka, now have
two sets of twins). But the on-court news still rings very familiar.
是的,人生是有不少的變化 (費爸跟他太太Mirka生了兩對雙胞胎),但是場上的新聞似

There was Nadal last month crushing the field on red clay to win his record
10th French Open. There was Federer this month gliding across the grass and
outclassing the opposition to win his record eighth Wimbledon title.

Neither dropped a set along the way, and now the 31-year-old Nadal and the
just-about-36-year-old Federer are in position for a days-of-yore duel for
the No. 1 ranking. It still belongs to Andy Murray but probably will not for
long given the state of Murray’s hip and the mother lode of points he has to
defend before the end of the season.

So bring on the United States Open, the year’s final Grand Slam tournament
and the only major tournament in which Nadal and Federer have never faced
each other. It begins Aug. 28, and Federer is already the bookmakers’

Who can blame them? He was the pretournament favorite at Wimbledon, too.

He can obviously handle the burden, but it is no doubt less magical to win
when many expect it than when nobody expects it, which was how he won the
Australian Open in January.

“It felt like a fairy tale,” he said of Australia on Monday morning at the
All England Club, looking a little groggy after partying with a large group
of friends and finally going to bed at 5 a.m.

“My head is ringing; I don’t know what I did last night,” he said, his
baritone voice a note or two lower than usual. “I just drank too many types
of drinks, I guess.”

Federer presumably will be as smart as usual about recovery even if he admits
that he is eager for more matches after spending much of the last year
rehabilitating his postoperative knee, doing fitness work or practicing.

He has picked his spots and tournaments beautifully, however, which is how he
is ranked No. 3 despite playing just seven tour events in the last 12 months.

Federer also has no points to defend the rest of the year. He is No. 2 in the
2017 points race, behind Nadal, who has 7,095 points to Federer’s 6,545.
Nobody else is close, certainly not Murray or Novak Djokovic, the two men who
— way back in January — were expected to dominate the season.

Neither has reached the final of a major tournament this year, and it is
unclear when they will play again with Murray’s hip a big concern and
Djokovic’s right elbow pain serious enough to force him to retire in the
quarterfinals of Wimbledon.

Djokovic said the elbow had been an intermittent problem for about 18 months
and he was expected to seek medical advice in the United States. His wife,
Jelena, is due to give birth to their second child in early September, and
some in Djokovic’s camp would not be surprised to see him skip the rest of
the season.

Some savvy outsiders agree, even if the consensus is that the equation that
works for Federer (long break = Grand Slam title) will work for precious few.

“Roger’s fortunate because of the way he plays and his hand-eye
coordination,” said Pat Cash, a former Wimbledon champion now coaching Coco
Vandeweghe. “He can get away with that, but I don’t think a lot of players
could do that. But it makes sense for someone like Novak. He should take six
months off.”
「費爸很幸運,因為他打球的方式跟他的手眼協調很好,」溫布頓前冠軍Pat Cash說到,

That only makes sense if the elbow problem is serious or requires surgery.
Djokovic did look motivated and focused again at Wimbledon. But for now,
Federer is ahead of Djokovic in the rankings for the first time since
November 2012.

He has yet to face Djokovic or Murray in 2017, and it is possible he will not
have to face either of them at any stage this season. It does seem for
Federer as if all the stars have aligned (or are too hurting to line up),
even if that is not a theme he embraces.

“Not really,” he said on Sunday night. “I thought Andy and Novak were
going to continue. Novak, one year ago, was holding all four Slams, and Andy
went on this unbelievable run. And that’s why my mind-set coming back was
this is going to be rough. Novak was on top of the world. Rafa was going to
come back strong. I thought I might have runs and go deep maybe, but then
maybe I’m at the mercy at the end of Rafa or Andy or somebody.”

For now, the only two men to beat him in 2017 are Evgeny Donskoy and Tommy
Haas. Donskoy was a qualifier ranked No. 116 when he upset Federer by winning
a third-set tiebreaker in the second round in the United Arab Emirates on
March 1. Haas was a wild card ranked No. 302 when he beat Federer, 2-6, 7-6
(8), 6-4, in Federer’s opening round in Stuttgart, Germany, last month.

But Federer is undefeated against the top 100 and a phenomenal 25-0 in Grand
Slam and Masters 1000 play. So where is the next generation?

Alexander Zverev, 20 years old and ranked No. 11, is its clear leader. Nick
Kyrgios, 22, remains a fire that can blow out too quickly. But Federer
wonders about it, too, speculating that the current ranking points structure
makes it harder for new talent to rise but also pointing out that the new
wave lacks variety.

“I wish we’d see more players and coaches taking chances at net, because
good things do happen at net, but you have to spend time up there to feel
confident up there,” he said.

Even Federer served-and-volleyed on only 16 percent of his service points at
Wimbledon, but that was still well above the tournament average of 7 percent.

“In any case, the race for No. 1 will go through us,” he said of himself
and Nadal. “Unless someone like Novak wins 25 or 30 matches at the end of
the year, which is of course possible. He and Murray have done it before.”

Federer also said he would not become caught up in chasing the year-end No. 1
ranking if it comes at taking chances with his body. “I think maybe getting
there for just one week anytime would make me just as happy,” he said. “That
’s my feeling. To be No. 1 again would be something totally unexpected for

He has not been there since 2012, which brings us back to the same question.

What year is this?


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2017-07-20T05:14
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2017-07-21T17:31
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2017-07-23T05:49
all stars aligned是idiom不是指其他球星喔
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2017-07-24T18:07
搭配(or are too hurting to line up) 來看應該雙關
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-07-26T06:25
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2017-07-27T18:42
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2017-07-29T07:00
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2017-07-30T19:18
賭盤居心不良 溫網結束就在舒服(誤
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2017-08-01T07:36
stars aligned是指夜空行星連成一線,比喻非常難得/巧合
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2017-08-02T19:53
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2017-08-04T08:11
溫網從頭舒服到尾 一樣未失一盤奪冠 法網也是阿
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2017-08-05T20:29
兩個打了十幾年的男人 究竟能從他們手上奪下一盤的人在哪裡XDDDDDDDD
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2017-08-07T08:47
豆粉私心希望納拿美網 大家各分一半好嗎ㄒ ㄒ
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2017-08-08T21:04
不過冏茉都維修的話XD 真心覺得費納美網戰會發生
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2017-08-10T09:22
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2017-08-11T21:40


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2017-07-18T16:33
名宿讚費德勒比十年前更出色:穩定發揮源於自信 北京新浪網 07-18 12:29 日期:7月18日消息,在名宿維蘭德看來,費德勒於2014年選擇使用大拍面球拍是其生涯的新起點。維蘭德認為如今的費德勒比十年前更出色。 「我問自己,為什麼他不早點使用大拍面球拍,這能讓他更快速地反手出手。」維蘭德分析道,「在此 ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2017-07-18T16:05
如果從大滿貫的數量來看,費神納豆囧口沒什麼爭議,但是莫瑞和胖卡明明都是三個大滿貫,為何獨缺胖卡? 如果把亞軍的數量也算進去,胖卡的確輸莫瑞,但我認為既然稱為big,就要以高標準的冠軍數為準,前面三位的冠軍數量都是雙位數,確實夠資格稱為big 3!而莫瑞和胖卡頂多稱作small 2,不然就一起叫作big 5還 ...

溫網/感謝各界幫助 許育修攜冠凱旋

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2017-07-18T16:04
UDN 溫網/ 感謝各界幫助 許育修攜冠凱旋 帶著溫布頓青少年組男雙金盃,我國18歲網球小將許育修今天凱旋歸國,他透露比賽期間 右手肘受傷,能打下冠軍感謝許多人的幫助,「感謝王詹樣公益信託、體育署、網協理事 長、新莊高中、潤泰集團、還有詹詠然跟詹皓晴姊姊的幫忙,她們在球場給我的消炎止痛 藥,也要謝謝遠在英 ...

網球/解禁後首場大滿貫 莎娃備戰美網

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2017-07-18T15:58
UDN 網球/ 解禁後首場大滿貫 莎娃備戰美網 遭禁賽的莎拉波娃(Maria Sharapova)今年4月就解禁,但沒能拿到溫網外卡,也來不及 提升排名打進會外賽,下個月底開打的美網將會是莎娃解禁後的首場大滿貫賽事。 在15個月禁賽期滿後重回球場的莎拉波娃16日首度回到美國比賽場地,參與在美國加州舉 行 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2017-07-18T11:24
今年很高興看到費納兩人重返顛峰 先是在澳網決賽顛峰對決 又分別在自己的後花園法網和溫網一盤未失奪冠 但可惜的是近一年來的大滿貫 big4之間的顛峰對決變得好少 小弟真的很喜歡2011澳-2012溫這段時期的大滿貫 雖然說big4間的顛峰都有錯開 但這段時期可說是四人顛峰重疊最接近的時刻 至少都有三個 ...