請幫我翻譯一下....謝謝 - 運動

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2005-06-06T00:00

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請幫我翻譯一下< 請不要用翻譯軟體喔>
人家說在戒煙期間, 要配合規律的運動,才能快速地幫助戒煙者成功戒煙.此外,運動也能使戒煙者的心情愉快而增加他的食慾. 所以秉持著這ㄍ訊息, 我們家人選擇每個星期六和星期日陪伴爸爸去運動,如慢跑,打羽球,爬山等等,藉由運動的方式降低爸爸想抽煙的慾望, 並且鍛鍊爸爸的身體. 我們在陪伴爸爸運動的同時,我們也增加家人彼此間的情感, 這樣的互動加上規律的運動, 相信爸爸會更有自信的徹底把煙戒掉....

All Comments

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2005-06-08T07:33
人家說在戒煙期間, 要配合規律的運動,才能快速地幫助戒煙者成功戒煙.此外,運動也能使戒煙者的心情愉快而增加他的食慾. 所以秉持著這ㄍ訊息, 我們家人選擇每個星期六和星期日陪伴爸爸去運動,如慢跑,打羽球,爬山等等,藉由運動的方式降低爸爸想抽煙的慾望, 並且鍛鍊爸爸的身體. 我們在陪伴爸爸運動的同時,我們也增加家人彼此間的情感, 這樣的互動加上規律的運動, 相信爸爸會更有自信的徹底把煙戒掉....We were told that it is important to exercise regularly while quit smoking. Furthermore, exercise can also keep good mood and enhance the appetite. With it in mind, we decided to go sporting with my father on Saturday and Sunday, such as jogging, badminton and hiking, to make use of the exercise to reduce the urge to smoke and strengthen his body. Meanwhile, it helps to increase the interaction and affection within my family. With the interaction in the family and regular exercise, we believe that my father is confident to quick smoking completely.
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2005-06-07T07:18
Others said in period, must coordinate the rule the movement,
can fast help success In addition, the movement also
can make the mood to increase his appetite happily Therefore
grasps this ㄍ news, our family member chooses each Saturday and
Sunday accompanies the daddy to go to the movement, like slowly runs,
plays the badminton, climbs a mountain and so on, the affiliation
reduces the desire by the movement way which the daddy wants to smoke,
and hammers daddy's body We while accompany the daddy movement,
we also increase family member each other the emotion, such
interaction adds on the rule the movement, believed the daddy can have
self-confidently thoroughly swears off the smoke....
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2005-06-10T06:41
We were told that it is important to exercise regularly while quit smoking. Furthermore, exercise can also keep good mood and enhance the appetite. With it in mind, we decided to go sporting with my father on Saturday and Sunday, such as jogging, badminton and hiking, to make use of the exercise to reduce the urge to smoke and strengthen his body. Meanwhile, it helps to increase the interaction and affection within my family. With the interaction in the family and regular exercise, we believe that my father is confident to quick smoking completely.


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2005-06-05T00:00
如何 1.練手臂ㄉ肌肉

長不高,該怎辦 請大家幫幫忙 ~

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2005-06-05T00:00
我都國一了 現在身高147~150 小6升國1 140cm
不過現在沒什麼長 可以請各位大大幫幫忙ㄇ? 謝謝!
我都有在運動 籃球 足球 排�� ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2005-06-05T00:00


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2005-06-05T00:00