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George avatar
By George
at 2008-01-12T00:00

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自己也常跟朋友一起去看新電影、像最近才上映的”黃金羅盤” “國家寶藏””投名狀”
只要到我其它的發問FOR KING留個言就可以了!

All Comments

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2008-01-15T11:22
1. When I studied in senior high school, there was a lot of clubs, including badminton club, table tennis club, check club, boy scouts' club.
2. I don’t like and wouldn’t like to eat spicy food. My stomach isn’t fine. If I ate too spicy food, I would have a stomachache.
3. I like both of them (local food and foreign food). For foreign food, I especially like to eat green salad, bread, chocolate, and corn soup, but I don’t like anything fried. For local food, I like oyster omelet, plain noodles, rice dumpling. All of them are delicious.
4. My life style for health is that going to bed and getting up early, having balance diet and proper exercise. I walk around hill with my family every holiday, besides, I sit it meditation everyday. That makes my mind peaceful.
5. I would like to change my job in the future. After Chinese Lunar New Year, I am going to quit, because the perks in our company is not good and I cannot learn more things from my job. At present, I am studying in cram school. I am going to take the test of TQC to get the certificate. I hope I will become a draftsman or a mechanical engineer.
6. I got an (business) idea, helping people to take care of their pets, like dogs and cats. When the pets’ masters go out for travel or business, there will be nobody to look after their pets and clean pets’ droppings. If I take over those works, then they can go out without any worries.
7. I am very interesting in music and trend. I like new music and songs. I listen to the songs of SHE girl group very often. There are KTV and digital TV in my house. My family and I sing every week. I also often watch movies with my friends. We just watched the new released “The Golden Compass”, “National Treasure 2”, and “The Warlords”, especially the “The Warlords” is worth to watch.
2008-01-14 15:18:30 補充:
100點可以問很多問題, 別浪費留著下次用吧.
我已經儘量用最簡單的文法了, 希望能幫上你的忙^^
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2008-01-12T08:04
1.There are a lot of associations in my senior high school.There is badminton club, table tennis club, checkmate club, boy scouts' club.
My senior high school once attended the badminton club for three years after hour.My athletics lesson is also a badminton now.Often beat together with classmate.Beat to sweat each time, this is really a good exercise.

2.I don't like to eat hot food, daring not to eat hot or the food of stimulative, and I suffer from indigestion, eating a too hot meeting to have a stomach.
3.I both all like.In the food of foreign country, I like to eat salad, bread, Qiao guest particularly, the power still has corn the thick soup but don't likes to eat fried food.
The native food then likes to eat a goose fried, plain noodles, glutinous rice dumpling.
These are all very delicious.
4.My setting up Kang life style is all to keep early hour the food that has to have Heng to still want appropriate exercise.I each day offs climb a mountain with family, besides I will calm down everyday.That let I of the mind is more quite.
5.I will change a work in the future.At lunar calendar Chinese New Year later on, I will from have already resigned from a work.Because the welfare of my company not good, and I have already can't learned to more things.So I learn in the cram school currently.I will pass in examination a tqc license, I hope I can become a graphics engineer a mechanical engineer in the future perhaps
6.I think an idea.Help the other people the pet within care house, be like dog heel cat and pay at the host
Travel or be on business of after hour, house reason no one can look after a pet and sweep them of big
Urinate.So the work of this miscellaneous matter, can let these people be able to have peace of mind then of egress!
2008-01-12 12:08:57 補充:
7.I am all interested in music and the currents, I like new music and the song.I often listen to the song of the SHE girl's group!
There is ktv in my house there ising also digital TV, I and family's each weeks be singing a song.
2008-01-12 12:09:20 補充:
Oneself also often watch new movie and be like "國家寶藏"黃金羅盤" 投名狀" that be shown just recently together with friend
I once saw!Ising "投名狀" particularly is particularlymore worthy of to see!


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By Odelette
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Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2008-01-11T00:00
我沒有專長,我後來才發現� ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2008-01-11T00:00


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2008-01-11T00:00
球飛到他�� ...